Lots of Lovely Layers

28 February 2009

Wearing: f21 parka; UO scarf; aldo boots; vintage purse.

Wow yesterday was in the fifties and today we got the lovely surprise of snow! I am a huge fan of the snow and all of it's beautiful glory. If it were up to me all I would do today is sit by a window and read a book. But of course with my busy schedule this never happens! A weird fact about me: when it is snowing I insist on wearing red. I just love the color of it against the bright white.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, I am so glad I had some time to squeeze in this outfit picture in the snow. And, below are some of my favorite snow pictures.

vogue Italy

Of course, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.

Photo cred: We heart it


Amelia said...

The snow is lovely. I definitely agree about red--the coat and scarf are wonderful.

Seeker said...

Oh you look delicious in your red coat.


The Girl said...

Red and white really do look so lovely together.

<3 the girl.

Ayesha Cording said...

aw! love this photo!
your right red does look brilliant against the snow!

K8 said...

What a lovely outfit!
I love the snow as well.
Where did you get that coat?

elsa said...

Ohh so lucky to have some snow, I really miss it here! I love your boots and your jacket! Enjoy the rest of your week-end!

Anouk said...

the big snowtime was last week here but i hope you 'enjoy' the snow. you look so cute, especially your face and hair.

FASHintuitION said...

Love the boots, and the it's adorable the scarfe with that jacket, well done!
BJS *keep it stylish*

Raquel said...

you are gorgeous! and the red look great with the snow! :)

Anonymous said...

I think I'm in love with your blog and your style! I want your boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Winnie said...

Wow more snow? I really like the scarf against that red! Pretty!

chloe said...

beautiful outfit! I quite like your blog.

And yes, red looks nice with the backdrop of white snow. It reminds me of snow white. =)

Mode Junkie said...

in love with those boots. where from? :) cute as always. you rock those bows in your head.

Anonymous said...

No doubt that red is a great choice for a snowy day. *

Irene said...

Thanks for your sweet comment. This outfit is very nice x

HoneyBunny said...

I love the outfit! Perfect!

Magdalena Krupa said...


Cool that one of your favorite books is bell jar!

Anonymous said...

Love the colorful scarf--there's nothing better to cheer up a cold day then lots of color!

filthy lust said...

ah wish i could layer up. love the boots.

Anonymous said...

your scarf looks so warm!!! i love your boots, dear :D


Gracie said...

lovely outfit - the boots, the scarf, the necklace, it's all perfect!!

Anna Krawczyk said...

wow... I love this blog and your style ! why I didn't see this blog before ?

..... said...

bows in hair are so cute :)!

S.Elisabeth said...

oh you look so cute! i love how quirky it -- the colorful scarf & bow headband add that extra element.
It's supposed to snow here tonight, so cross fingers that it does!

amy said...

I love red with the snow as well! You look doll-like and beautiful as always !! and thank you for your comment xooo


Dionne said...

I love snow! Woo hoo! And I love the idea of wearing red in it - how fun!

Diana said...

Thank you for the compliment! Long time subscriber, first time commenter! Love YOUR blog!!

Joyti said...

What a lovely coat you have! Your outfits are always so chic.
I adore the snow photographs you chose, very poetic.

Miranda* said...

thanks for the comment! i feel much better :) hope your weekend was excellent!

giggleness said...

love your jacket!

Iole said...

Hi, really thanks for stopping by.
Hope to se you soon.
ps I love ypur boots...

Unknown said...

The bow in your hair is like the icing on top! And what amazing snow pictures. The bookcase one makes me laugh!

Parapluie said...

The color is amazing! Great outfit!

Noshabelle said...

I think I love your blog! You are so inspirational - love this outfit for example. Would you like to trade links?


Theresa said...

your boots are to die for!

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

oh i love the red clashed with the snow white too :) good call! boots are fab also.

thanks for your lovely comment!

xxx love LM

Penny said...

i agree the red looks amazing against the snow.

eternal sunshine is my all time favourite movie EVER, i love you for putting this photo in the post! xx

Baybay Mama said...

I love Eternal Sunshine. Such a great movie. Great boots!

Helen said...

i love the scarf, it looks homemade!

Larissa said...

I'm officialy loving that scarf, the colour of the coat is great too


Krista said...

The second picture from the bottom is so beautiful! But makes me so cold looking at it!

VanessasRunway said...

You have a fab blog yourself! Your boots are awesome! ;)

Syed said...

LOVE the outfit!! The red is wonderful, and I adore the scarf :) Oh and that photograph from Vogue Italia is amazing.

Beauty Standard Blog said...

All that snow makes me excited for winter! Although i won't be seeing any of it.. (it doesn't snow here).
I love this outfit, especially the tights and boots. The red is fabulous..nice color touch.


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