Hello All! I would like to first apologize for my absense in the blogging world. Much to my dismay, I have been the busiest bee with work and school and have not been active in the blogging community. I promise though, that I will soon have consitant outfit posting very soon. I miss it to much and I currently feel as though my creativity is cumulating, compiling and ready to over flow. There's only so long a blogger/fashionista at heart can go without expressing herself!
After much confusion and uncertainty, my fate has finally brought me to the decision that I will most definitely be living in London this fall! I will be leaving in September and I am ecstatic beyond belief! I will be staying in Camden Town, and I'd love to hear any recommendations/thoughts about this area. Let me know my favorite British bloggers. And since I can't contain my excitement, I insist on pouring my London style inspiration on all of you.

Photo cred: flickr , face hunter
Congrats!!!! I hope you have fun. London is such a great city.
That is so exciting! :)
go see bands at the flowerpot in camden..
and the camden roundhouse
It would be mine
Wow I know you are going to tear up London! That is going to be so much fun, I can't wait to see how it influences your awesome style!
If I could, I choose London to live too... it´s a perfect city. You are a lucky girl :)
kiss from Portugal*********
You're sooo lucky ! I went 3 days in london last week, it was exciting !
you are?!?! u going to be living in London? omg you are lucky x_X! take me with you! haha wow i bet you are really really excited xD so Happy for you :))!
can't wait for your outfit posts again
<3, evelyn
I love the first boots...
what a dream to live in london you lucky thing! and i love that oufit on the right there! xx
I'm so jealous right now!! Camden Town is one of my favorite places in London, there are so many kind of clothing stores in there!! You're so, so, so lucky! Will you be studying or working? I can't wait to see your future posts!
Lots of love,
Camden is a great area filled with markets, some vintage stores but mostly 'alternative' style shops that are slightly more on the emo side. It's got the vibe of a holiday town.
I love it but it does get incredibly busy with kids (the kind that want to buy leg warmers and studded belts) My friend used to live there but now lives a stop further on the tube, at Chalk Farm. It's a fun vibe and the place never sleeps! You should definitely go out to KOKO's which does some great club nights on the evening...but drinks are expensive!
How long are you going to be in London for? The whole year?
Congrats! That's really exiting!
that's uber cool!
i did noticve you werent posting .
anyway that is fantastic !!
cantwait for your new posts //even before i was a blogger i would check out your site once aday
ooooh london! how exciting! :)
I cant believe you're going to london!!! so amazing! :)
bonnie! That's so exciting, I'm sure you'll love it there. I've only been once, for a week, but every day was wonderful. It's a really eclectic and artistic city.
Lucky! I'm so envious. Hopefully, you'll let us experience it vicariously through your blog :)
I love the top left picture. The blazer and dress are gorgeous.
O my goodness what wonderful news! I bet you're excited.
you're going to love it :) camden lock market is seriously amazing. and there's so much good music going on around there too!
Can't wait to see all those gorgeous pictures to come!
would love to see you updating on chictopia :)
have fun :)
Yay for London! Camden Town is amazing - weird but wonderful. Hope you're having a wonderful 4th of July dear :)
ohmygosh, I envy you so muuuuch! :D
Hope you will enojy it adn what will you do there?study, work or just exploring?
that's so cool! london is the best, im going there this summer =D
Omg, yay! London is wonderful, you will love it :) xx
I remember Camden, amazing place a have a goog souvenir !!!!
ah wow! are you going to be studying in london? that's an amazing opportunity for you.
thats so great! im excited to "hear" about your life in london! such a gorgeous city! i will visit london in august!
so so jealous. it sounds like you will have tons of fun! I really really want to go to england
i love the blue blazer! check out my blog at allthingsvogue.blogspot.com
super cool!!!! i wish I could live in London....
London blog here. If you do anything visit the 'Smash and Grab' night at Proud galleries in Camden every thrursday. You.will.love.it.
check our blog if you have a chance (:
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