As promised, here are photos from the foggy day I told you
all in the last post. They are shot on 35mm film, which I
have not done in quite a while. I love all the little imperfections
and uncertainty that film photography entails. I went up on
the mountain to take these photos, and you couldn't even see
the entire town because the fog was so thick. Since then, the
whole town has transformed into a winter wonderland,
and school has already been canceled for two days. Of course
you can expect some more snow photos in the next post.
Luckily, I am snowed in with a little group of the best people
in town! Aka, my lovely friends.

Oh and just so you know, the last photo of me holding
hands is with the boy I was with last year. He doesn't make
many appearances on the blog anymore, but those who are
wondering, we are still quite happy.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day! And if you got hit
by the snow storm, stay warm.

Follow me on TWITTER!

Follow Flashes of Style

wearing: thrifted top & skirt; BDG cardigan; topshop brogues; kimchi blue bag


Stacey said...

Wow these photos are amazing! Love the colours, especially your cardigan :)

Stacey xx

Mila said...

Wow,these really are amazing,I LOVE the first one!

Laura @ The World Looks Red said...

Looovely photo's, I wish I could shoot more film but it's a shame it costs so much. Your skirt is amazing, so is the rest of your outfit.

Rachel said...

Beautiful color on the cardigan! :D

Rosie Savage said...

That skirt print is delicious, especially with the cardi! Love, love, love.
And that last picture is so sweet,

Rosie x

pancakestacker said...

Adorable! Love the cranberry colored cardi!

Stop by soon!

Anonymous said...

I love how eery these photos are. Lovely outfit, and the last photo is the cutest! x

callie said...

These are gorgeous!

Marella said...

Amazing pics dear!

Sushi said...

Beautiful pictures :) I love the last one :)
Raquel @

Veronika Novotny said...

The mood in these photographs is so lovely. I adore seeing the subtle grain as well, it has been so long since I have photographed with film.

Really like the floral print on your skirt and it's beautifully paired with that cozy looking cardigan. xx veronika

Style and coffee said...

ooh I love foggy days!!!
your skirt is amazing :)

Flossie, Monster Munch Blog said...

check out my latest blog post i included you i gave you won of my prize award things! and love your blog
Flossie xx

Unknown said...

Your bfriend is really lucky! :D
Love your sweater!


Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love your bag!! You look beautiful as always! The last photo is so sweet! xxoxoxoo

Sara said...

the skirt is nice.

Lindsay Hosanna said...

That bag is my faaaaavorite! And the last picture is too sweet for words! :]

Mich said...

wow - such beautiful pictures!!

Sue said...

Love all the photographs!!

but the last is so sweet!!!

Anna said...

ooooh,love your style!

Maryna M said...

The floral pattern on this skirt is amazing, and I really like the way the skirt and the cardigan compliment each other))
Fog always makes pictures more beautiful and mysterious. I love this effect)

Briana Le & Merissa Ren said...

i'm in love with your sweater.

Chloe Marie said...

Those photos turned out amazing, truly beautiful. I think I've fallen in love with your cardigan too, may need to head down to UO. Enjoy the snow! x

fashion_player said...

the first picture is amazing!

Unknown said...

wow, really nice ohotos with all the fog.


Schnuersenkelrolltreppentod said...

very cute photos! (Suz) said...

love your skirt, so cute!

Natalie said...

GORGEOUS x 3429084329432908403242
All of these photos are amazing
And so are you :)

Have fun being snowed in! :D

BECKY MAY said...

Your pictures are always beautiful! I love the red cardi too lovely :)

The Flower Girl


. said...

Stunning photos! Love your outfit especially the beautiful cardigan, it's such an gorgeous colour. Your blog is amazing:)

Courtney Erin said...

Gorgeous photos - I love the fog!

xoxo ~ Courtney

Unknown said...

OK :D Come here soon ;)


Liz said...

Sooooooo cute you are!

Sarah Haege said...

That skirt is beautiful. I've been trying to find a nice floral skirt like that for a while but I'm not doing so well.

Zoët said...

Wow it is very foggy! I love your outfit, especially the skirt :) xx

CĂ¡tia said...

Your style is adorable! And I love the last picture :) said...

What a girly look, pretty!

Celine said...

So pretty. I still shoot with film quite a lot too, nothing matches the quality :)

Closet Fashionista said...

Love the outfit! That sweater is awesome! I love all your sweaters, haha...
The foggy photos look so cool!

LETICIA E. said...

I love the skirt!


Ă„nglamark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melai said...

Bonnie! You look absolutely gorgeous :)

Melai of Style and Soul

Ă„nglamark said...

really nice photos! I Love the cardigan<3

Raquel said...

I love these pictures so much! i've already reblogged you on tumblr but I am posting another one of these there :)

May said...

Lovely pics. I love the last one :)

K said...

The cardigan is awesome! But then you are the knitwear queen.

I love how you can see the fog between the camera and the subject in some of the photos.

K xx

Zoe said...

Great skirt :) x

Anonymous said...

I loooooove this and that outfit! Gorgeous and inspiring.

Lexie said...

i am glad you and the boy are still together. i remember the old film posts you shared last year and you two are gorgeous together!

yOka said...

Love the outfit and pictures are amazing!

jEm said...

Love the skirt! I have a cloth grocery bag with the same pattern!


Joanna said...

You have the best style! I never fail to be impressed by what you wear. Gorgeous, gorgeous photography also. xxxx

Meg! said...

The atmosphere in these is incredible. I want to write a story about it.

Joll Burr said...

the most gorgeous photos of you!!! love it!

Rebecca Grant said...

Beautiful , love your cardigan (:

Meggstatus said...

You captured the fog so perfectly, and a chunky sweater is the perfect think to wear for this weather.

dejoiss said...

Nice pics, Hope you have a happy moments with him! :)

Catherine said...

These photos are so nice! I've become rather fond of 35mm film this past year, but it's a rather expensive hobby (for me, anyway). I love the grainy look of prints... always feels a little more real, yet a little more distant.


Mademoiselle Ruta said...

These are incredibly beautiful photos! I especially enjoy the photo of the flower and the holding hands one. So beautiful.

Ps. I want your bag!

Anonymous said...

Aww love the holding hand picuture! So romantic, love is in the air :P ... Foggy weather did wonders to these pics!

Collette Osuna said...

LOVE the floral skirt and hand holding pic:)

Stop by and say Hello:)
Check out my 30x30 Remix….Let’s do this!♥

nadine ahmad said...

nice outfit and pics, love the foggy background.

superstar said...

I love you sweater in these photos! I was wondering what brand it is? I've been looking for one like that everywhere! (:

char said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
char said...

amazing photos, ive always wanted to take photos in the fog, but i dont have time because i have school in the morning...
but anyways, you should photograph your collection of cardigans if you havent already! i'd love to see it :)

Emma said...

amazing photos,theyre really beautiful and i love the effects
Scrapbook de la Emma

Leya said...

ohhh i love your skirt....
so sweet!! =)

LAVEL said...


Anna S said...

Amazing photos and your outfit! <3

Unknown said...

I've always adored your flickr photostream, Bonnie. And combining your photostream look with your fab outfits and 35mm film is a knockout combo.

Beti ♥ fashiontazja said...

great outfit! i love your skirt! it's so lovely :)

Meg said...

I'm in love with your style! Follower! ;)
And I also put your blog in the Favourite list on my blg!

Anonymous said...

Love the colours, the skirt is beautiful!

Louder Than Silence said...

These photographs are womderful, I love shooting with film and the imperfections you get. Your outfit is darling, too! Sally x

Anonymous said...

I adore these pictures, the fog is so lovely.
I featured you on my blog, check it out if you like :)

Grace x
secretly styled.

Lee Oliveira said...

What a great scenario for photos..
Gorgeous outfit.. and your floral skirt got my attention
Lee x

Anaivilo said...

Oh I so love these photos! And the skirt's print is gorgeous! I am in love with floral prints. I like the fogg as well, especially in photos, they turn out to be so mysterious :D

sian said...

film photography is so beautiful. gorgeous colours in this outfit, that cardigans lovely xx


the skirt is to die for (: xx Ann

Nicoletta said...

wow, these photos are some of the best I've ever seen <3
the setting is beautiful and the outfit too!
That skirt really inspired me, I want to try to realize a similar one by myself! :D

Yajaira said...

wow foggy
love the floral skirt..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ellie Lee said...

It really upsets me when Anonymous readers would hide behind their computers and leave such nasty comments on peoples' blogs! I mean, if you hate them; why bother coming back?!

Anyway; sorry I got sidetracked there; but the pictures taken in the fog is absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful!! Your cardigan is skirt is perfect! Really love your photography! It's gorgeous! xx

D e g a i n e said...

You look amazing!

d e g a i n e

Unknown said...

You have amazing style :) love it

agnes said...

très j'aime beaucoup cette tenue, ton gilet et ta jupe j'adore.
Tes photos sont sublimes

carolyn said...

LOVE this outfit!! great colors and textures, especially the bag. The fog really is beautiful- I always find bad weather to be the best :)

Sarah said...

Your sweater looks so cozy! Great photos, adorable outfit.

Viviane Heleno said...

Lovely foggy day, lovely outfit, lovely pics! :)

Melissa said...

What lovely pictures! I love that thrifted skirt!


Christine @ Fanciful Vision said...

Fantastic pics, the fog makes it so faiytalicious :)


Anonymous said...

Super pretty pictures, and I adore your outfit as always!

Anonymous said...

these are so cute! x

Out Of Runway said...

SOOOO adorable !!!
i love your look :)
check my blog ;)
you can follow me if you want :)

amy said...

Darling, I adore the skirt. It's so pretty and floral(my dreammmmmmmm)

I was going to ask what film you used
I want to go out and take pictures with film! Such dream-esq colors

love amy ^.^

yiqin; said...

Love your cardi :) And the last photo is love.

Sick by Trend said...

so so cool!! really, love it! :) beautiful pictures!!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

great pictures! the fog looks amazing, and the print on your skirt is gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

great pictures! the fog looks amazing, and the print on your skirt is gorgeous.


Hannah said...

these photos came out amazing! i love how they aren't perfect. Perfect is so over rated! And i love your outfit!

Unknown said...

i'm in love with those pictures, film is always so magic!

Spencer. said...

Oh your photos are absolutely stunning! This is deffinately my new favourite outfit of yours, the colour of that cardigan is beautiful and you look so mystical in the mist, tehe.


vio said...


Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

well these are quite lovely!!! Fog is beautiful (other than when you drive through it). Great photos. Congratulations by the way on being modcloth's blogger of the month.


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