Preparing For Spring

27 February 2013

I find myself getting a little bit impatient while waiting for spring these days. As far as I'm concerned, it is right around the corner, so why not start wearing brights again? Here I am soaking up the morning light in this long flowy maxi. I can't get enough of it. 

Hope you all are having a lovely day!

wearing: dress c/o Crossroads Trading Co; floral crown- DIY


1. Aleksandra Skorupan said...

That dress is beyond beautiful ♥

2. Panty Buns said...

I love the dress you're wearing in these photos. It loos so pretty and comfortable that I just had to take a peek at Crossroads Trading Company and noticed they have a store at 24 W 26th Street. It looks wonderful and inviting. which you linked above.
Your kitty cat is cute.
I'm eager for Spring, but hope time slows up when it gets here. Spring is my favourite time of year. I love all the Spring fashions and colours.

3. Holl JC said...

You look wonderful! Beyond stunning! xxx

4. Natali said...

Beautiful and romantic outfit!

5. Christine Northan said...

Come on Spring!! As I look out the window "wet snow" is falling Love from Canada!

6. Live-Style20 said...




7. Julie Cottrell said...

girl i hear you - i'm sooo impatient. but you look absolutely incredible!! love this.

8. Iqra Khan said...

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9. holldzia said...

That dress is beautiful <3

10. The Blue Curtain said...

so pretty! <3

11. Amanda Louise said...

This dress is perfect to transition into spring. It looks cozy enough to protect against cold weather, but still so fun and flowy. I love it! I want it!

12. Amanda Hale said...

what an incredibly lovely dress! I am itching for spring as well.

13. Shelby said...

oh my word! that maxi is beautiful! the color is just gorgeous! and of course elanor is the cutest thing ever!

14. cuteredbow said...

Amazing pics ! You look like a beautiful modern vestal !

15. Jeans Please! said... lovely!

16. Jennifer said...

So pretty! I have a dress just like that!

xo Jennifer

17. Anete Lasmane said...

I love the last photo. Soo cute. :)

18. tordytea said...

You are always so lovely ! x

19. Jenny Peaowl said...

Lovely! The necklace is really interesting :) xx

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20. Niki said...

so gorgeous! the color of the dress is lovely!
~niki <3

21. Barbora said...

wonderful as always♥
love your cats!!

xx Barbora♥

22. amalie said...

so pretty!! love that dress on you x

23. Kaylyn said...

I'm loving the flowy maxi dress! I totally feel you. I've already switched out my winter wardrobe and brought out all my colorful tops and bottoms in preparation for spring. I absolutely can't wait! I'm over this cold weather.

Style Infatuation

24. Juliette Laura said...

So beautiful! And I'm with you on that one, spring totally needs to warm up, but why not incorporate warm colors while we can!

Juliette Laura

25. Sóley said...

You look beautiful! :) I also added you to the list of my favourite blogs on my blog. I hope that's okay for you? :)

26. scattergirll said...

In love with your dress! xx

27. Kacie Cone said...

Wow that dress is stunning on you! I so want it!

28. Auste said...

perfect perfect perfect dress!
Love it :*

29. Jade Sheldon said...

Spring can't come soon enough...

30. Nop said...

I can't wait too to see your outfits for spring :P
Love that maxi

31. Allie Emme said...

Love the color! And I can't wait for Spring either!
xx Allie | A Song to Pass the Time

32. weheartbeautyblog said...

So gorgeous. I can't wait for spring either!! Also, our cats look like they'd be best cat friends, lol.

xox Lara

33. Oroma Roxella Rukevwe said...

That dress is amazing!

Personal Style Blog By ORR

34. eliza said...

This dress is so beautiful and flowy! I only wear maxi dresses very rarely, but I cannot fathom why when I see dresses like this one!


35. Morenike said...

You look like a Greek spring goddess :-) if that exists.

36. Sher said...

I think you are the ultimate flower child:)


37. Holly said...

I love your dress so much! Gorgeous photos xoxo

38. Jo said...

Morenike, it exists! You really look like a nymph! But why so serious? I think it's the first time you don't smile...hope everything is ok! Take care!

39. toko busana muslim murah said...

I looking liked your post as it is very interesting to read thank you

40. Pats said...

I'm impatient as well because sun came out today and my mood got so much better!

Have a nice day,

41. ellen. said...

so lovely!

42. Unknown said...

I couldn't agree more! Bring on more sunshine and warmer weather.

Lou x

43. Shawnee said...

okay WHOA gorgeous dress + floral crown. xoxo

44. Dark Blue Stripes said...

Gorgeous maxi. I love the colour. Looks great with the flower crown.

Christie x

Dark Blue Stripes

45. Charlotte Blogueuse said...

This dress is fabulous, you are so nice !
Kiss from Paris
Charlotte from Trip in my dressing

46. M said...

You, this dress, that flower crown and that cat in that light... perfection!

47. Samantha said...

I'm the opposite, I'm all for winter at this stage!


48. Valentina Duracinsky said...


Valentina Duracinsky

49. Unknown said...

thanks for inspiring me. mobil sedan corolla


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