East Village Roamin'

02 September 2014

Roaming around East Village.... 

One of my favorite things to do on a beautiful summer's evening. The light at this hour is just beyond beautiful and I love that I can just step out of my apartment to a view like this. All my favorite coffee shops and restaurants are on my street... living in this neighborhood has really been a dream.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!



wearing: dress- Urban Outfitters; hat c/o Gypsy Warrior; Wolverine boots


Vani said...

What a beautiful dress! It suits you so much. And I really love those photos, the light is gorgeous.

xx Vanessa


Victoria Rosas said...

That's such a lovely dress, the last photo is just perfect!

Katie Frank said...

you always have the best boots ever! <3
you look stunning. this dress is so girly but still your style ;)
yeah, i call this `gold hour` <3


Carmen Varner said...

I'm digging the boho vibe. It somehow goes well with the streets of East Village, like a happy juxtaposition. :] // itsCarmen.com ☼ ☯

Holl JC said...

Oh I just adore this Bonnie, so so pretty x


Unknown said...

you look amazing! love that dress and hat.


Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

Those boots are amazing! <3

Kacie Cone said...

Beautiful! Loving this look, those red boots are fantastic!

Vivian said...

Such a beautiful dress on you~



Unknown said...

Lovely outfit, very seasonal!

Lou said...

Beautiful dress and I absolutely LOVE the bag!!



Jule Rona said...

The dress is gorgeous! I love the backpack, too.

Rona from threepinkcats

Ann Pham said...

So gorgeous! I love how you pair the dress with red boots!


ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

love the dress!

ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
ChocolateFashionCoffee INSTAGRAM!!!

Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful in that outfit and the pictures are very well taken. I really like your style. It's so feminine, classy, and a bit vintage, which i love.
x Rita

cara menyembuhkan penyakit lupus said...

Senang sekali membaca informasi ini, sangat bermanfaat. Mohon dapat terus ditambah informasinya .. Thanks...

pengobatan herbal kanker ovarium said...

Terimakasih banyak atas informasi yang telah diberikan,
semoga makin sukses dan maju ..

Unknown said...

Love those boots! :)


Laura Mitbrodt said...

I love this dress!

obat tradisional kista rahim said...

Akhirnya disini saya bisa menemukan artikel yang sangat bermanfaat.
Terima kasih. ...

pengobatan herbal kanker otak said...

Informasi ini sangat penting sekali, terima kasih telah memberitakan hal ini. Selamat siang menuju sore :)

Unknown said...

This dress is so gorgeous! Great!


Johanna said...

Gorgeous dress! I always love your style so much ♥

cara menyembuhkan penyakit usus busuk said...

terimakasih atas infonya,moga bermanfaat.

Obat tradisional kanker leher rahim said...

You look so very beautiful ;)

Obat alami penyakit gondok beracun said...

nice picture :D

Michelle Lee said...

always love your dress!


Panty Buns said...

Your Urban Outfitters dress is beautiful. I love the pretty floral print, detail at the neckline, the 3/4 sleeves and overall design. Your eyemakeup and lipstick look perfect.


Marieke Stegemann / wort-welt said...

Really cute dress !

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Anonymous said...

love those boots!



Desirae said...

Such a pretty outfit! The floral chiffon and lace up boots go so well together.


cara menyembuhkan penyakit batu empedu said...

sungguh sangat inovatif sekali blog ini.. artikelnya penuh dengan manfaat

pengobatan herbal kanker darah said...

salam kenal aja dan makasih banyak atas semua info nya ,,,,,

Jayheey said...

i REALLY LOVE your blog :))

Rubies and Emeralds said...

Those red boots are the best!!!



cara menyembuhkan penyakit lambung perih said...

Terima kasih informasi dan lapak komentarnya. Semoga sukes.
update lagi berita terbaru dan menarik lainnya ?

cara menyembuhkan penyakit tumor ovarium said...

Terimakasih informasinya. senang bisa berkunjung ke website anda, jika ada waktu berkunjunglah ke web kami insya Allah bermanfaat.

Unknown said...

Beautiful outfit and photos!

www.cherryblossomstreet.com -Swedish Model and blogger in Tokyo

infinity said...

You look great <3!!

cara menyembuhkan penyakit ginjal bengkak said...

terimakasih gan udah berbagi informasi, semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua ..

zha herbal said...

Selamat sore semua, sungguh mantapa artikel yang ane baca gan ...

Obat kanker mulut rahim secara herbal said...

You look very beautiful ;)

Unknown said...

This post makes me so HAPPY! I adore this dark green color on you-- and especially with the lovely pink flower print! xoxo Darling darling darling


pengobatan herbal kanker hati said...

Terimakasih untuk infonya
informasi yang bagus dan bermanfaat ..

pengobatan herbal benjolan di payudara said...

Tetap menyajikan informasi yang menarik untuk di simak admin :)

obat tradisional kram usus said...

selamat siang menjelang sore . . .izin menyimak informasinya

Laura said...

Amazing outfit dear!, the dress it's so beautiful!

cara menyembuhkan penyakit thalasemia said...

Semua informasi terbaik dan bermanfaat dikemas menarik disini ;)

Obat tradisional jantung said...

terima kasih informasinya, ditunggu berita terbarunya lagi oleh para komentator :)

Marzipan said...

Gorgeous dress!

Karen Flynn said...

Bonnie you look amazing in those colours!

Unknown said...

always cute ! :)


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