True Blue

23 February 2009

Wow, Yes it is true that I am wearing three pieces of blue. One of my favorite color combinations is the deepest of navy with the darkest of black. Anyways, I hope everyone who is an Academy Awards lover enjoyed the show. I am so ecstatic that Slum Dog Millionaire won best film of the year! Anyone who has not seen it yet, must make time to go see it.

Hope everyone has a wonderful start to your week!

Wearing: romper; fioni payless oxfords; f21 necklace, tights, flower hair accessories; jean jacket from Nordstrom's; vintage clutch.


1. Anonymous said...

navy is such a lovely colour, i like the multiple blue shades thing you have going on... it actually works very well!

and is that a playsuit i spy? cuute!

2. Maria said...

Like waht you're wearing. Though it may seems very simple, I think it's not. It's a great combination. Congrats. *

3. FASHintuitION said...

I love every single thing about this outfit :)
BJS *keep it stylish*

4. Jane said...

i love this outfit. it is so pretty.

Please check out


5. Anonymous said...

ohhh this is really cute! i love your oxfords. i've been looking for a pair like that...

6. heleen said...

Thank you so much! Is that a jumpsuit you're wearing? Whatever it is, you look great!

7. Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the comment. I really do appreciate it. :)

I love navy and black together. This romper is soo cute, I want it!


You look splendid! I love those shoes and adorable jumper, too! =]


9. Zoë said...

thank you! Very cool outfit, as always. You've got a nice style (:

10. Irene said...

Great outfit! I really like the romper/jumpsuit

11. Parapluie said...

I love the combination of the dark blue and black!

12. Beauty Standard Blog said...

The romper looks adorable on you. And those oxfords are great!

13. Demi said...

thank you very much, honey :)

ahhh, I need your playsuit!!


14. Seeker said...

I love blue, all shades, but navy blue is indeed beautiful and neutral ;)

Looking lovely with the detail of the head.


15. Anonymous said...

I love that you're wearing that blue flower in your hair--it makes the whole look perfectly whimsical! love it :-)

16. Penny said...

your hair is gorgeous, i love the outfit too! the shoes are too cute! xx

17. Anonymous said...

you look gorgeous!

18. Anonymous said...

oh and would you like to exchange links?

19. Nemerae said...

Lately I absolutely love navy blue + black!! :P your outfit is really great!
Btw, I have a pair of shoes in navy blue and black and they look amazing.

20. So said...

Wow your pics are more and more beautiful, and I like how you dress :)

21. lly jyn said...

I love your style, you're beautiful! Great blog!!

22. Anonymous said...

I love that romper, where is it from?

23. Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Very cute use of a romper in winter. Also, that necklace continues to mesmerize me.

24. Nia said...

thanks doll!
you look great

25. Theresa said...

just perfect!! every detail is amazing!

26. Winnie said...

The blue in your hair is such a nice touch!

27. don't eat my rice said...

This is too sweet. It's amazing how well hues work together. In theory and practice. Your legs look a mile long. Gold star.

28. Jenna said...

OH MY! I love your blog! And your style! So pretty! I love this outfit, and your cape in the pictures two posts down. And I love your hair, it reminds me of Zooey Deschanel or Natasha Kahn.

Thanks for the comment! 'Preciate it.

29. Samantha said...

so cute, i love the blue flower and the navy romper!!

30. The Stylish Wanderer said...

oh you look gorgeous. I love those shoes

31. Anonymous said...

The one movie I watched this year won best film. Yey! Lovely shoes BTW.

32. Joyti said...

I love combining dark-dark navy blue + black too! Your shoes and outfit are stunning!

33. Anonymous said...

Frrreaaking cool headpiece! :)
'SLUMDOG' is freakin' awesome, they really really really deserve the award, such kind hearts! :)


Do you mind if I can feature you in my blog? :)

34. Kathleen Tso said...

WE love YOU so much! and your blog!

35. Amelia said...

Navy is basically the best color. I love this outfit.

36. Mo said...

love the blue flower and love the shoes !

37. STEFANIE said...

great jumper! love the shoes too :)

38. filthy lust said...

i want that bag!

39. TRIGG said...

aww you look great. love the whole outfit! xo

40. SONYA SOMEONE said...

Oooh! I am in love with that big blue flower hairpiece! This is a lovely outfit.

41. Olya said...

The tassel necklace is so cute! Where did you get it?

42. Lydia said...

Where is the romper from? Everything here is wayyyy too sweet. I wish it was dry here!

43. Saint said...

wow that blue flower is an amazing colour! slumdog is amazing, especially the soundtrack x


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