Feeling out of the ordinary

07 March 2009

There's something about my mood as of late which has been inspiring me to wear lighter colors. Of course I still must wear some darks, like my tights, but overall I have been so bright! We'll see how long this lasts. For now I'm just enjoying the colors.

Now excuse me, I must go watch Amelie! Have a lovely Saturday :)

Wearing: thrifted sandals, clutch; f21 dress, necklaces; Ophelie hat;


1. FASHintuitION said...

How cute!! ;)
Amelie it's such a perfect movie, i must see it again...
BJS *keep it stylish*

2. Gracie said...

what a lovely dress! the lace detailing and colour are wonderful!
I love the shoes and layers of necklaces also :)

3. Łucja said...

Ahh, amazing dress! I can't live without leggins in this type ;)

4. Amelia said...

These pictures are so cute, especially that big old smile in the 2nd to last. :) I adore the dress and the necklaces. Great outfit!

5. Emz said...

Very cute outfit! I can't wait for the spring!! The necklaces are awesome tooo!

6. Diana said...

Again, I can't get enough of how you contrast your outfits! I love it!

7. Shanna said...

thats such a cute dress.. i'm jealous that you're going into the warmer months!!!

8. Joyti said...

How pretty and spring-like your outfit is! Enjoy the movie :)

9. Unknown said...

I love Amelia! You and your outfits are entirely too adorable. I love the hat and the layered necklaces especially.

10. HoneyBunny said...

You look perfect! I love that dress and the chains...and the leggings..and the shoes:D ah everything:D :*

11. Noshabelle said...

I heart the necklaces! And your outfit is really great! I need the spring to come, but all I see outside is more snow...

12. dress rehearsal said...

I can't believe how warmly you're getting to dress! So totally jealous.



13. Seeker said...

Looking great with that lovely dress and those layers of necklaces.
Adorable, dear


14. Anonymous said...

Lovely dress. *

15. Anonymous said...

your oufit is amazing....i love it:)

16. Demi said...

you look gorgeous! I love it all <3


17. So said...

Your dress and hat are so cute :)

18. The red haired girl said...

the association of the legging and the dress is lovely :)

19. jessa-lee said...

love the contrast!! but then, I always do.
The layered necklaces are genius. Looks amazing!

20. permanently black and blue said...

thank you for commenting on my blog. it means the world to me. and i must have your sandals :)

21. jess said...

Your dress is so pretty.

22. Frances Davison said...

i think i love you for wearing this. x

23. Daniela said...

cute hat ! =)

24. chloe said...

Cute dress!
And Amelie is an AMAZING movie!

25. Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

you are just so adorable!

ps, absolutely adores your blog, would love to exchange links if you're interested? :)


26. saray said...

love the outfit.. the colors are fab!

27. N said...

thank ya! :)

28. H @ Narnia's Closet said...

i love that green! so adorable!

29. Rachel Lynne said...

LINK ME!? You have no idea how much that would mean to me! Link away, by all means!
This outfit by the way makes me even more excited to wear open toe shoes! And the dress, would look incredible just about anything, I would pile on the jewlery and my NEW SHOES! Which you need to check out! I am featuring them in a day or too, I have a feeling you'll love it!
with love,
rachel lynne

30. SOPHIA said...

Your outfits never fail to please darling. Beautiful dress in all respects. I am trying to get my blog going, any tips? Aside from the fact that I need to blog more haha.

Anyways. Gorgeous as always
- Sophia

31. Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That dress is a very pretty shade.

32. style munch said...

your sandals are supahhh and your leggings are pretty cool! i want a pair really badly. xx

33. Unknown said...

That dress is really sweet. And the accessories makes the outfit look even sweeter.

34. Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

love this outfit! one of my favs for sure. you look great and i think the hat makes it!

love LM xx

35. Lydia said...

I love that those super cute sandals are thrifted! The mint green=springy perfection. I wish it was that pretty here! Overall, one of my favourite of your outfits <3

36. Gia said...


37. Parapluie said...

Great outfit, ligth colors suit you very well!

38. Syed said...

Love the shoes and the necklaces look fantastic! Oh and the colour of that dress is lovely :)

39. elsa said...

I love that you watch Amélie! And this outfit is so cute, love the colours and your necklaces!

40. A "cheery" disposition said...

Great dress!!!

41. Ruxandra said...

the dress is anmazing!!!and you look so cute:)


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