All that glitters is gold

15 April 2009

I found this oversize top thrifting the other day for only 3 bucks! It looks like it's right out of the 80's so obviously I had to buy it, and much like a small child, I am immediatly attracted to things that shine.

Please excuse me for my abscense, tests have most definitely gotten in the way! I have been studying my brains out as of late. Econ test tonight... wish me luck.

And just so you know, I'm on twitter!

Wearing: vintage top, f21 skirt & ankle boots

60 comments : said...

What a lovely dress! Coool! Ur look so really good! YAY!


Lexie said...

oooh i like it!

Diane said...

It looks lovely paired with the denim jacket. And it takes on its own wonderful shape without it! Great great great.

Annie said...

ohh, that shirt is gorgeous! black, oversized, glittery... i mean, it's perfect.

Baśka said...

simple but very very beautiful!

Maria said...

Oh so cute! Love it. *

Diana said...

I love it and I love the price even more!

Noshabelle said...

I love it because it's very simple but at the same to gorgeous!

Couture Carrie said...

You look fabulous! What a great find!


April said...

I love the subtle details on the top!

Rachael Kearley said...

Love that dress!!! I always find it so hard to find good thrift finds, good on ya.

Angela said...

i like the neckline.

HoneyBunny said...

You look fab hon! That top is really great:)

Good luck:*

Noshabelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noshabelle said...

PS: I added you on twitter ;) Add me too:

Thanks girl for your lovely comment! I appreciate it!

JULES said...

Wow three dollars! Lucky luck girl! Its gorgeous, and it looks great on you. Btw thanks for the comment, and I wish you well on that econ test :)

elsa said...

This is so cool! And $3, crazy! I'm obsessed with shiny/sequins too.. Good luck on your Econ ^^ xx

molly said...

loove these! you look gorgeous and so sophisticated!

Meg said...

That shirt is so cool! I don't understand how people can find such great things while thrifting; maybe I fail because I'm in a small town.

ChikitaRosemarie said...

fabulous top!! very classic and figure flattering.. you look so adorable dear :)

visit me @:

Notion said...

yea that is a hot outfit

morena said...

Fantastic outfit :

The red haired girl said...

This top is pretty cool, I love this little touch of glitter on it :)

Anonymous said...

Great top! Good luck with your tests :)

Claudia said...

what a good find i love it!

thriftylilpixie said...

I love your top and such a bargain!

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! i love this outfit, it's comfy and stylish and what could be better! I've been working on an amazing cmfy/stylish secret project that i'm finally ready to post about. i'm so proud of myself!

Emz said...

That top is fantastic! I love loose tops!

Secretista said...

LOVE your outfit.

Poshhh said...

love that shirt, it'll look great with denim cutoffs in the summer too

Anonymous said...

Looks absolutley lovely! And for only 3 dollars, what a bargin. I also love all things that glitter!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

love the oversized top as dress look, i've been looking for something similar for ages! :)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That top is so great! I consider myself a magpie--if it sparkles I am attracted.

Winnie said...

Oh I love that top, It looks great on you too!

cherie said...

great find! it's lovely.

good luck on your test ;)

Shelby said...

being attracted to shiny things is completely natural!

Miranda said...

i SO envy you! the top is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

love your thrift find! I'm such a shine addict too :)

trisch xo

Tatiana Nguyen said...

aww you're gorgeous! i went thrifting yesterday and i found a cute jumper! i wish it was oversized so i can wear it alexander wang style though! haha

lly jyn said...

$3.00!!!?? Wicked find. I must go thrifting soon!

Amelia said...

I love the top. The sparkly neckline is the best. If all 80s stuff looked like this, I would be more inclined towards that decade.

Good luck on your test!

Noormol said...

ugh! I hate econ! I've pretty much given up on it...
I love the outfit- very simple chic :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I really love your header! :) Your hair is so beautiful! :)
And the top also!

Unknown said...

Good luck for your tests! I love how the little details make the all-black outfit. And the price is a plus!

Parapluie said...

Love the detail at the front and good luck for yout tests!

Frock Around the Clock said...

Amazing top! What a good buy! Your hair is very pretty. Good luck with your test! :) x

Shaminista said...

Nice! The top is perfect for 3 bucks!!!

Anonymous said...

i love it1 good luck hit your test honey

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

I love finding great deals like that, this shirt is awesome! Studying is the worst, I feel your pain. Good luck! xo

miriam said...

great sparkly v-neck!

Gia said...

you look so lovely!

HoneyBunny said...

Love your header! :)

indigotangerine said...

people are like "no, that's kind of hideous" and i'm just like " b-b-but it's shiny"

nikky said...

great find/amazing deal.

you look great in black!

Mary-Laure said...

Wow, I just love that top, glittery but not too much, a perfect sexy dress. GREAT find!

。 。 。 said...

I love this outfit and the pop of gold from your bracelets!

FashionXJunkie said...

WOW! What a perfect find! You could get the exact thing for over 50 bucks from Zara or Urban Outfitters. You're a lucky girl! =)

S.Elisabeth said...

adorable as always! and good luck on your test; i know how you feel!

The Stylish Wanderer said...

I LOVE this

Frances Davison said...

that looks wicked, i lovee it x


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