So 90's

15 April 2009

So I hear the 90's are having a comeback... things I love about the 90's:

1.) grungy plaid

2.) intense floral prints

3.) leather and red lipstick

4.) Nsync

Photo cred: weheartit


1. Lexie said...

one more thing from my childhood:

stirrup leggings. lol.

2. Diane said...

I love me some '90s comeback. I was too young to care about fashion when I was living in the 1990s so I'm actually quite glad that it's kinda back. I think the liberty print stuff that's been coming out is simple enough for spring, although I try not to overdo it since it seems like it's everywhere now!

3. estrella said...

It was too bad that 'N Sync got disbanded, I liked them more than Justin alone!

4. Noshabelle said...

Love red lips!


I'm really big fan of 9os, especially with modern it!!

6. Rachael Kearley said...

Haha had to throw the nsync in there. I love plaid and the leather, expecially together, does that make me unfashionable?

7. tis serendipity said...

AHhh absolutely LOVING all these elements of the 90s!! I really like the matching red and black plaid items on the guy and girl in the first photo and leather and red lipstick are such a great provocative match.

Heehee backstreet boys rather than NSYNC for me!

8. test said...

well if the 80's had their second chance i don't see why 90's can't..90's weren't as bad & as long as justin doesn't get that hair back..hahahaha

the grungy plaid and leather +red lipstick <3333

9. Georgia said...

I love all those things!
especially the grungy plaid.
however i just realised that in my wardrobe theres a lack of..

how did this happen?

10. ChikitaRosemarie said...

i love the 90s era too!
where the fashion were 'free' and the music and the people are just awesome!

visit me @:

11. Anna G said...

I miss Nsync. They were gods in my eyes. I'm in love with red lips, right now.

12. Eyeliah said...

I was with you until N Sync. :)

13. Meg said...

What about Backstreet Boys?!

14. Jenna said...

Mmmm yummy yummy yummy.BUt mostly NSync.

15. Annie said...

i miss the nineties. so much. nsync and grungy plaid are basically my life staples!

16. Shelby said...

the backstreet boys were way!

17. miriam said...

the first pic is great, i love the vibe!

18. FashionXJunkie said...

I was a kid in the 90's, but my mom dressed me quite stylishly (she is in the fashion industry). So I've always kept a little 90's in me...and it's so funny to see everyone wearing the style I've had since I was 2 years old! hahaha

19. Anonymous said...

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