Natural Beauty.

31 May 2009

Just recently, I discovered this amazing website, the company of people, which features a compliation of art, among which include photography, illustrations, paintings, and sculpture. I've been browsing the site's pages quite often as of lately and came accross these breathtaking photos. I find these photos by Ellen rogers absolutely dreamlike, and their simplicity inspiring.


Anonymous said...

so nostalgic!!

fashion nostalgia from los angeles

Laura Mullins said...

oh my gooosh, these are beautiful!

indigotangerine said...

thanks for sharing these, they are truly wonderful. they remind me of ghosts.

Winnie said...

These are gorgeous, I love the mood captured in these photos.

Blair said...

Stunning photos!

jess said...

Theese are wonderful pictures. I have to check that website out.

Shen-Shen said...

I think I found/heard of that site a little while ago, and I love it!

kelley said...

Yay that site is one of my favorites too! Which reminds me, you should let me know what your work sched is like and when you want to start working on your video.

Damsels said...

yeah they 've got a great feel to them
We Were Damsels

Gabbi said...

Lovely photos, thank you for the link... xo

Amelia said...

I love the smoky feel of these. The 2nd one is just breath-taking.

Suzanne said...

Stunning pictures!! said...



aldonza zúñiga said...

i like the color of the photos and the girls are very cute i loved¡¡
thank tou so much for visiting my blog and thanks for your comments¡¡

Frances Davison said...

these are incredible, i'm so going to look at the website. x


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