Black Lace

26 August 2009

Hello all! I hope everyone's weekend was as great as mine. It's almost impossible for me
to balance the weekend's fun with blogging as well but
hopefully I'll master that someday hehe.

Once again this top was thrifted at the same thrift store in my town where
I find all my favorite pieces. I knew I had to pair it with something simple, so
I chose these jeans, which are my favorite skinnies that are

Well...hope everyone is having a lovely monday!

Wearing: Thrifted top; f21 jeans; h&m shoes; Jenny Yuen 'Gia' bag


1. Parapluie said...

Great outfit, I really like the jeans!

2. Clara Campelo said...

thanks! i love your jeans!

3. Damsels said...

i can definitely see why its your favorite

4. Mom Fashion World said...

i absolutely adore your outfit!
what a great find esp the black top!

5. cody said...

love that pants.
xx cody

6. Anonymous said...

Great outfit! I love the lace top :)

7. Unknown said...

you look pretty and it's hot!


8. Victoria Jin said...

you look so elegant and chic. like a young and modern coco chanel :) if i had a pair of jeans that fit me like those do you, i'd be over the moon...but i don't -.-

9. (Suz) said...

the jeans fits you perfectly!

10. Flashes of Style said...

Aww Thank you all for the sweet comments :) Always makin' me smile.

11. Mekinking said...

oh my, love the top. lace my love ;) have to find one for myself

12. Raez said...

amazing! the black lace looks oh-so-good with the denim zip jeans and those sweet wedges:)

xx raez

13. Hope Adela Pasztor said...

amazing outfit! i love the bright blue jeans and the lacy top! =)

14. Anonymous said...

the top is so beautiful. the detail on the bottom of the jeans is really cool. the wedges are so amazing!!!! love love love!!!!

15. Winnie said...

I wish I had a really good thrift store where I can find treasures like yours! Pretty as always!

16. Laura Gerencser said...

Love your outfit!!!

17. Couture Carrie said...

Absolutely lovely combo, darling ~ the jeans are a perfect foil for the lovely lace!


18. Couture Carrie said...

Absolutely lovely combo, darling ~ the jeans are a perfect foil for the lovely lace!


19. Anonymous said...

that jeanns soo hott

LUVV that outfit

PEACE,,,,the african dreammm

20. nikky said...

the top + jeans is a perfect silhouette on you!

21. Daughters of Dawn said...

Head to toe perfection! So jealous, the jeans, the top, the shoes, I would wear that everyday if I owned them. Maybe I'll just have to steal your style lady;)

22. paola said...

i love laces! so girly and elegant. the outfit is adorable!

23. Danielle said...

Cute! The lace doesn't look overdone.

24. LJ said...

lovely outfit, I love the sheer top!
xx-LJ from SOS!

25. Laia said...

I wasn't expecting a comment from you at all!! I have seen you around Chictopia and I have even got some of your outfits marked as favorites haha

aww you look so adorable in the first pic, the top is gorgeous!

26. Taryn said...

Every time I come on your blog I think "She is SO pretty!" :)
That lace top is fabulous.

27. ..... said...

i like so much the lace top :) kisses from spain

28. Meg said...

those jeans are so cute and they fit you perfectly

29. Valencia Lia said...

The lace with those flower details is so beautiful !! Ohhh man,I want to go to the thrift store you go too :)

And those jeans really look good on you!

One word:PERFECT !
Loving thisd outfit alot :)

Ohhhh yes,the Jenny Yuen bag has been on my wishlist for so long :(

30. Laura Mullins said...

AHH, so cool! you look cute. i want that shirt!!

p.s. your eyes are beautiful

31. Lexie said...

those zipper jeans are awesome. i love the whole look!

32. Barbro Andersen said...

I LOVE your lace!! Great blog, and style!

Thank you, I love them too, very much!

33. Sher said...

You look lovely in the black lace top:) and you seem to find all the good stuff at the thrift store, how lucky!!

Oh and the skinnies fit perfectly on you, I envy you!

34. In-tree-gue said...

i love this outfit. The shirt is pirfect

35. Mademoiselle Ruta said...

wow. i absolutely adore that top. i'm loving all the lace i'm seeing on blogs lately. i can't wait to showcase my own lacy works.

36. Kat said...

The lace sleeves are beautiful :)

New Zealand style at

37. Anonymous said...

very cute and classy! and i like how you pair it with the jeans so it's not as dressy! oooh you are adorable! i can just see you being even more stylish in london! haha sorry im so excited for your posts when you get there! lol.

38. Samantha said...

amazing look lady. the photos are magnificent. <33

39. Dani said...

i love this top and also the jacket in the post below. what great vintage finds! i'm envious!

completely loving your blog.

40. The Sydney Girl said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the lace... and looks great with those jeans! <3

41. The Sydney Girl said...

have we swapped links yet? im adding you now! x

42. debra@dustjacket said...

I totally love this set of photo's, outfit suits you so well. Really loved looking over your past posts, great site girl!

43. Aya Smith said...

You look simply stunning! Your hair is more gorgeous than ever :)

44. Amelia said...

That lace is so great! I'm definitely envious of your thrift store.

45. Betty said...

hot outfit! I love the lace top

46. Guruizzm said...


47. Helen said...

this looks so sophisticated, i love it!

48. Styles Of students of Republic Polytechnic said...

you are awesomeness babes!!


49. Arushi Khosla said...

I love love love the top!

50. Nemerae said...

I love black lace and that top is just perfect =) also the skinny jeans... as I can see on you blog, you've got a great style!!

51. Nemerae said...

I love black lace and that top is just perfect =) also the skinny jeans... as I can see on you blog, you've got a great style!!

52. Nemerae said...

I love black lace and that top is just perfect =) also the skinny jeans... as I can see on you blog, you've got a great style!!

53. Brown and Cappuccino said...

the top it´s AMAZING...

kiss from Portugal***


54. sula bay said...

loved ure comment btw :)
but omggg i need ure lace top in my life...
its pretty lovely
and ure really pretty btw :)

55. Eva said...

Love your jeans!

56. yiqin; said...

The lace is so perfect on you. I want your shoes!!

57. Anonymous said...

ooooh love this!

love it all darling!


58. missDTM said...

love this outfit! i've been thinking about purchasing a black lace top/dress and i think you just convinced me....


59. Is This Real Life? said...

Im in love with your jeans they are the perfect wash and fit!

60. Nora the Explorer said...

love this outfit! the lace looks perfect against the blue :)

61. NADINE said...


im in love with your blog!


62. Mechanical Beauty said...

i love love love your blog!!
link exchangeeee?

63. Ingrid. said...

great outfit! love the top!:)

64. Syed said...

Ooh that top looks amazing, and I am loving your jeans :) Hope you're having a wonderful day dear.

65. LACY said...

you always look soooo beautiful and those jeans look so well on you :)

66. indigotangerine said...

i love the slick shape of the shoes paired with the skiinny jeans.

67. Meaghan Kelly said...

what a fantastic outfit. i love lace! i wish i could pull off jeans the way you do dear! xo

68. Matilda said...

Nice shoes! visit my blog and leave a comment if you have any extra time :)

69. Megan said...

I love the top and the zips on the jeans are great detailing

70. Monika said...

I like this outfit, jenas with this lace top - they look great together!

71. Unknown said...

This is by far one of my favourite outfits of yours... You look so sophisticated yet still edgy. I can't believe the jeans are f21... they look way to amazing on!

72. Marie-Louise said...

so pretty and simple!

73. STARR said...

Great find! The shoes look really good too :)

74. Vern said...

lovin' lace!

75. E said...

That top is so gorgeous and I'm in love with your zipper jeans.

76. Miss D the Teacher said...

OOh, so pretty xoxo. I love black lace, there is just someting so suggestive about it, even when it's not supposed to be. I love that clothes can take on such a personality all by themself.

77. Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Gorgeous--I love the lace detail.

78. Unknown said...

I can't believe you managed to thrift that top! It looks so contemporary - like its just walked off the current season runway.

79. Seriale-modeuse said...

Wow, that's insane how much I loooove lace <3
That outfit is nothing but perfect, and those jeans with the zip detail are fabulous.

80. Unknown said...

loove the lace top1!!

81. Olga Babenko said...

like your look))
very lovely)

82. aldonza zúñiga said...

i love the lace¡¡¡
and your look is great i love the pants and total look is so pretty.
you look so cute¡¡

83. aldonza zúñiga said...

i love the lace¡¡¡
and your look is great i love the pants and total look is so pretty.
you look so cute¡¡


love EVERYTHING, down to your red lipstick

charlene (:

85. Love + Cake said...

LOVE that lace shirt!! <3

xox, mavi

86. KY said...

I love the lace shirt! You find the most beautiful things at that thrift store, like the cut out blazer en the floral skirt!

87. Crystal Ball said...

You are incredibly lucky to have such an amazing thrift store in your area. Your entire outfit is brilliant. You look stunning in it!

88. martinakappa said...

I love the way you mix lace and denim!! You look gorgeous!!

89. Shaminista said...

Gosh, this outfit is so great!

90. Tiffany Prystay said...

I love the black lace top, you should totally wear it with the black leather skirt you have. Super Cute!

91. estrella said...

Just perfect!

92. Anonymous said...

I love it! Very creative!That's actually really cool.


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