Playing With Light

24 August 2009

So here I am, testing out my brothers professional photography lighting and my new leather skirt. I've wanted one for quite sometime now, and decided to finally add one into my wardrobe. I'm not quite sure where to place the light yet or how to use it properly but it was fun playing with nonetheless. :)

wearing: f21 leather skirt, shoes; walmart tights


1. Mademoiselle Ruta said...

i love this outfit. it's gorgeous.

i'm kind of stunned. the lighting looks really awesome.

2. Anonymous said...

Kudos for choosing to wear leather! not many people seem to like to wear it anymore, which is kinda sad.. I don't see why though.

your outfit is totally great, and so is the lighting !

3. Anonymous said...

i've been so so SO tempted to get a leather skirt...a part of me asks myself to be practical...but i don't think i'm going to listen :-)

experimenting with lighting must have been loads of fun, and you got great results!

4. Anna G said...

The joys of having such awesome equipment. I love to get myself a better camera.

5. Lexie said...

i never take photos indoors because i can't ever get the light right.
these are great shots!

6. Anonymous said...

thank you for your comment on my blog! Your photos are great and I like your heavenly skirt so much.

7. Natalie Suarez said...

Love this outfit, you look gorgeous!

thanks for the lovely comments on my blog!


8. Miss Mae said...

I love that top with the skirt. It's a great play on feminine/tough!

<3 Miss Mae

9. Anonymous said...

Nice photos!

10. Valencia Lia said...

The lightning for these photos are great !! You did awesome on your frist try :))

And I love your leather skirt,didn'y know forever21 had them!!

11. Lauretha Sudjono said...

major love for the shoes.. and you're the one who always look pretty everytime i saw your blog.. i love you!

12. Lauretha Sudjono said...

major love for the shoes.. and you're the one who always look pretty everytime i saw your blog.. i love you!

13. Amelia said...

It's so cool that you have access to pro lighting to play around with. I love the picture of the shoes!

14. Rach said...

I've been wanting a leather skirt too! Yours looks great! You remind me of Zooey Deschanel, perhaps because I just saw 500 days of summer

15. The Sydney Girl said...

gorgeous leather skirt!!! and your shoes!!! :D x

16. Baśka said...

so sexi and feminine! the shirt is amazing!

17. Anonymous said...

oooh great photos love.
very stylish! :)
the skirt is awesome
and so is your site ;-)

thanks for dropping by my lil blog btw


18. kulululu said...


19. Unknown said...

Oh I'm envious of your brother.. to have a professional light and all!

Skirt look great on you, as anything does!

20. cody said...

great skirt.<3
xx cody

21. Georgia said...

Those shoes. That cushion. And finally that skirt. Its wonderful.
And autumny
It would be mine

22. Fannah said...

love this!

23. said...

Gorge outfit!!! i love Ur strappy shoes so much...


24. Talisa said...

I love the shoes and skirt, soo cool!


sweet. the cushions really compliment your outfit aha and i love the second photo of you!


26. Missrose said...

I love your skirt ;) Thanks hat is so confortable and it keep my hair ;)

27. Rohini said...

Love the skirt. :)


28. Unknown said...

wonderfull skirt!! I like ur blog!! I will insert a link about ur blog right now!!

29. NeverWithoutMyRayban said...

Your look it's great :)

30. daisy kate said...

I love this outfit and you are so pretty! I have wardrobe an face envy right now. thank you so much for commenting my blog recently! I really appreciate it:) I am now following your blog :)

31. HoneyBunny said...

The photos turned out great! And love your outfit as always:) The skirt and the shoes are amazing! <3

32. Love + Cake said...

Love that skirt and those shoes SO much!

33. Parapluie said...

Your shoes are wonderful!

34. E said...

I think the photos turned out great. Is it just one light? I keep thinking about getting something for winter when I can't take pics outside. I love that leather skirt.

35. Victoria Jin said...

beautiful hair and!
and that leather skirt is adorable. so versatile and perfect! i need one like that.

36. Jennifer said...

Amazing outfit! You look fantastic! Love the skirt and the shoes! xoxo

37. missDTM said...

great pics! i really love those shoes...

38. Is This Real Life? said...

Awww really awesome skirt love it!
Great outfit too!

39. Marian said...

love that outfit honey,the skirt and the shoes are gorgeous!you look super cute.

40. S.Elisabeth said...

Yay looks fun. And I love the skirt. I kind of want a leather mini too, but I'm hesitant. Plus it seems half of them are of the hooker variety!

41. jessica said...

great outfit !
the leather skirt + those shoes; ahh droool .

42. Diane said...

great outfit! the skirt and shoes are so fab!!!

43. Couture Carrie said...

You look fabulous, darling! Looooooove the skirt and shoes especially!


44. Eliza said...

beautiful photos! your outfit is great. i love how the leather skirt goes with those boots. and thank you so much for your comment <3

45. Unknown said...

great outfit. looks great on you. :)


46. Hope Adela Pasztor said...

i love the shoes!

47. Hope Adela Pasztor said...

i love the shoes!

48. evelyn said...

u are really really beautiful with an amazing style! i mean it :] wow those shoes, with that stiletto i wouldn't even be able to walk in those.. xD they however look fabulous on u.

lots of love from, evelyn

49. The red haired girl said...

I used ti wear a leather skirt when I was young and I was fond of it. Your outfit is beautiful :)

50. Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

ooh you look very gorgeous!
i'm loving your skirt! it's just.. awesome! :D


51. Danielle said...

Cute cute cuteee!

52. Tatiana Nguyen said...

the lighting is amazing and so is the skirt ;D i love my leather one! haha actually its probably faux leather.. haha!

53. Move said...

i've been waiting a leather skirt tooo, and love ur shoes, where do you get it ? :)


54. Betty said...

these turned out lovely. professional lighting makes such a difference...
I love those shoes!

55. yiqin; said...

I adore your hair, your skirt, your tights!! + the photography's awesome :D

56. Sher said...

the shoes are way way gorgeous! and I love how the pics turned out:)

btw, I tagged you for an award!

57. claradevi said...

Okay, call me lame - how could I never known your blog before?
(well,I'm quite new in the blogging-sphere, so that should be the reason!) Your blog is amazing and I adore your personal style... I'll definitely will keep coming. :)

58. Raez said...

ah! your leatehr skirt is gorgeous my dear! and yay, for proffesssional lighting kits! i wish i had one, the effects are great!

xx raez

59. Ilanka Verhoeven said...

Love the skirt & shoes!
X, fashion-nerdic.

60. I V Y said...

great skirt and shoes!

61. Maria said...

Love the shirt and the shoes. *

62. Vern said...

leather skirts are the shit! i heart pairing it with a denim button up! try it!

63. The Sydney Girl said...

swap links? :) x

64. Noelle + Kendall said...

Nice skirt!
and killer shoes

-N + K

65. TFP said...

Wow!!! i love your boots!!!! awesome

66. Noormol said...

you look absolutely gorgeous in all of these pictures!

67. Raver Ria said...

Wow, that really is a beautiful blouse.

68. monkeytoes said...

i like the whole outfits!!! the shoes rock!!

69. boubou said...

Bonjour !
Long time i haven't been to your blog :)
i hope you are fine, and your style is awesome as usual,
i add you on my links now :)
a bientot :)

70. Guruizzm said...

I'm in love with your shoes!

71. Olga Babenko said...

very stylish))

72. marco josue said...


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