Summer Sunflowers

23 August 2009

As promised, I decided to go to the Texas country side to take a few photos. There is just something so peaceful about it. Anyways, I finally decided to bring out my boyfriend blazer. I've had enough of the heat and now I'm just deciding to dress however I'd like!

PS- Does anyone know how to fix all of my photos from previous entries to show up again? The bandwidth has been exceeded and I am just so sad!

EDIT- I fixed my photos...phew. And also, I added these last two photos taken from my Canon 35mm camera.

Wearing: f21 dress; thrifted blazer & bag.


Claire Geist said...

wonderful & charming! I love your use of black

Brown and Cappuccino said...

amazing pictures... and i like your outfit :)

kiss from Portugal******


Lexie said...

i like your socks and sandals combo!

i used to live near a sunflower field. it was so beautiful!

Victoria Jin said...

i absolutely hate that bandwidth thing! that's why i've converted toflickr. sorry i can't help you out :(

those sunflowers are really lovely. and i really love how that boyfriend blazer looks with that dress and bag.

Anonymous said...

lovely outfit :)

i just had a look on photobucket as i use it too & don't want my images disappearing! apparently if your pictures are viewed frequently it uses up the then resets every month on the date you first registered so the pictues should become visible again. sounds a bit strange but that was what i understood from the FAQ answers.

hope that helps :)

Flashes of Style said...

Ooooh okay. Aww thanks eliza! I feel much better.

missDTM said...

such a cute outfit! i wish i could see the socks and sandals better because they look so cute!

Laura Gerencser said...

Beautiful photos!!

The red haired girl said...

Sunflowers are my favourite flowers. I love your outfit :)

Fleur said...

thank you for your comment!!
and nice pictures. I love them <3
x Fleur

Winnie said...

What pretty photos. Loving the socks and shoes look!

Schaedolito said...

Thanks! I just love them! But my feets doesnt feel good today though=) haha!

Mai said...

this is an example of a brilliant outfit!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your comment sweetie!

I have been following your blog for awhile now you should follow mine too!

And when are you going to London? Can't wait to see your pics from there...

Flashes of Style said...

I'm going to London in September! Hopefully I'll be updating much more then. :)

indigotangerine said...

that dress is incredible beyond words. the navy and the ruffles are simply perfect. cute blazer too.

Diane said...

Lovely dress and setting! You look gorgeous as always.

Unknown said...

Great pics! Love the sandal/sock combo x

Jane Alisa said...

Lovely outfit, love the socks & shoe combo .x.

Nubiasnonsense said...

What nice picture, I love your outfit. Great blazer. (Suz) said...

nice dress :)!

Baśka said...

ohh, i adore the dress!

Anonymous said...

You must be so excited!

Eliza said...

that looks like a gorgeous dress, even though i can't see it very well in these pictures. and i adore sunflowers! :) they are so tall and beautiful ♥

Moa - En magisk purt... said...

How lovely photos! And off course I love your hair since we almost have the same haircut!

Kristen said...

gorgeous photos and lovely dress

Valencia Lia said...

You could try flickr,would not have problems with the widthband thingy then :)

The boyfriend blazer is just perfect!! Love the photos,all the huge fields and flowers.

Liked the socks and shoes together <3

evelyn said...

oh wow oh wow! last two photos i fell in love with! they are beautiful!! *___*


Mademoiselle Ruta said...

i love these photos, especially the last two, there's something so magical about them.

anyways, you look gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

the ruffles are so pretty and ladylike, perfect with the androgynous blazer. i love the second to last picture. so pretty and calm.

kelley said...

Just one question: why did we not go do this together!

Sher said...

Beautiful, beautiful pictures! You look lovely!

I wish I stay somewhere near a sunflower field:)

Analisa said...

I love all of these pictures! Beautiful :)

Taryn said...

so pretty! wide open spaces and sunflowers :)
I really like your dress and crossbody bag as well.

muchlove said...

gorgeous photos!

Wynne Prasetyo said...

aaaa i love your dress so much especially the color! thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment (:

Joyti said...

Your dress is incredible! You look fantastic.

Natalie Suarez said...

I love this outfit, so cute! and the photos are so gorgeous! love wherever you are!


Amelia said...

What a lovely field! I adore your bag and the ruffles on your dress. Also, the 35mm pictures are incredible :)

Yellow Cab said...

ooo girl, amazing photooooos. go back the nature. :)

lovely blog. love it.

Xo, YC.

Bianca said...

sooo speechless.

the crumpet girls

Ayesha said...

oh how beautiful!
I've never been in a sunflower feild before! looks amazing AND so freakin hot there!
Summer is just around the corner for me and your blog is inpiring me so much!


Rachel Follett said...

You have the cutest outfits! I really love that last nature shot! Its gorgeous.

Move said...

yah im obsessed with it tooo, but im still walk like a robot when use high heels :p

i love ur outfits its look so comfort and cuteee :)

xxx said...

U look so gorgous! :-)


Unknown said...

oh sunflowers, my all time favourite flower- makes me happy. beautiful images, love the last one!

Rosalind said...

This is a really great shoot. I love your blazer, and the sunflowers are perfect accessories
Oh, and thanks for the lovely comment! The 'she' in those photos is me... (:

Anonymous said...

love your shoots.

Parapluie said...

The dress is wonderful!

Betty said...

great pictures! I love sunflowers.

I love your blog. I'm following you

Malena said...

God, I hate the Texas heat. I used to live in Austin, I know just how bad it is. Careful not to get chiggers in that high grass!
I love your outfit too. It's beautiful.

Is This Real Life? said...

I love your outfit, so pretty!
Your blazer is just awesome looking!
Great blog and thanks for your comment too!

Corinna said...

i'm drawn to a peaceful, rural setting lately as well, maybe it's the wish for autumn to come

Marie-Louise said...

these images are very pretty- oh the beauty of being out in the middle of nowhere :)

Heini said...

Nice pics! :)

yiqin; said...

The last 2 photos are so gorgeous. The colors are amazing.

HoneyBunny said...

Oh my, the photos are so beautiful! And you look stunning! You're such an inspiration to me:)

Hanna Persson said...

my oh my! these photos are beautiful!

Noelle + Kendall said...

Absolutely love your outfit!

-N + K

STARR said...

wow great photos! I love how your look fits with the scenery.


Straight out of a picture book. You look LOVELY :)


Georgia said...

Love the shoulder bag. It really takes the outfit down to a nice casual level
It would be mine

Kira Aderne said...

What a beautiful place to take a shot!
I do love it so much!
Your blog is just heaven, I love every single piece of it!

Kisses and hugs cool girl!

little scarlette said...

So perfect :)

Anonymous said...

stunning as always! it looks like a scene from a dream...

i've tagged for the Kreativ Blogger award on my blog :) you deserve it.

looby xx

noirohio vintage said...

amazing photos! you look stunning...

Shared closet said...

wwwwwwwwwwoooowwwww.... the photos are.... are... WOOOWWW!!! INCREDIBLESS!!! :} you look so prety!! And the outfit is amezing!!
(sorry, my english is horrible:P)
Paula(& Valentina)

Danielle said...

That's such a pretty scenery. Cute outfit too!

▲ FARRAH ▲ said...

Great shots! And yeah some times it's nice to get away to the peaceful countryside :)


DENNI said...



Angela said...

what charming photos. having sunflowers inside the house make a room so cheerful.

Elaine said...

Gorgeous pictures! I absolutely love this.

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful setting, those sunflowers are wonderful! 35mm shots are great.

aldonza zúñiga said...

hello i love the pics and the dress¡¡¡
one kiss

Aïcha said...

these pictures are wonderful ! And i also really love the one on the left ! Waw that's the only thing to say ;)


Catherine said...

I am so jealous of your blazer! I haven't been able to find one quite yet =(


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