Peek into: my accesories

04 September 2009

As I was playing around with my 35mm Canon Rebel, I decided what a great idea to
capture all of my favorite accesories! I have such fun with this camera, I must put
more pictures up on my blog from it.

I started with shoes, most thrifted and from forever 21. When it comes to shoes,
I am a fanatic of anything and everything black. Shiny, suede, leather, you name
it- I have it. Almost all of these bags are thrifted as well. My accessories are almost
always from forever 21, and other boutiques similar to it. And lastly, my sunglasses are
all cheap and from random places. Losing small (and sometimes large) items
seems tobe my inevitable specialty, so investing in a pair of nice sunglasses is close to
the last thing I will ever do.

Well there you have it- a peek into my accesories! I think next I will tackle
the large large keeper of clothing I call my closet.


1. Lexie said...

i have a bag eerily similar to your black and brown woven one! i love it!

2. missDTM said...

your pics are so great! and your accessories are AMAZING!

3. Damsels said...

oh wow these look very professional

4. evelyn said...

wow...nice things! i agree, i prefer black shoes because they go with any outfit ! & your camera does take amazing photos! 1st picture my favorite! =^^=

5. Annie said...

the first picture is so stunning, it looks so editorial! the green trunks are really beautiful.

6. indigotangerine said...

i really like that first picture and the sunglasses one. I make sure that all of mine cost under 10dollars as I always lose them. The one expensive pair I ever bought now lay on the bottom of the Pacific.

7. Amelia said...

I adore the first picture. The tights and the boxes are just lovely.

8. Victoria Jin said...

love the pieces! especially the bags - that picture looks so amazing :)

9. (Suz) said...

love the tights!

10. Danielle said...

You gave a marvelous collection!

11. Raez said...

great stuff, i adore your sunnies collection!

xx raez

12. Unknown said...

i am the same way about sunnies. for me, it's not worth spending a lot of money on sunglasses i KNOW i will break/lose.

great tights!

13. Barbro Andersen said...

I love your lace tights!

14. Anonymous said...

cute sunglasses. i love all the shoes and i loooove your lace tights. i've recently become obsessed with lace tights since i saw the most recent project runway episode. rachel bilson styled them so well!! does forever 21 make good quality shoes? i've never bought any shoes from them because they aren't expensive and i was afraid they're fall apart.

15. Seriale-modeuse said...

Nice post ! I can't wait for the 'closet post' :)

16. Unknown said...

first picture is really nice and love those tights :)

17. Anonymous said...

You've got some great stuff! I really like the first picture, the tights are so pretty!

18. martinakappa said...

I love your photos!! They look warm and romantic...

19. emily said...

ooh, love those tights in the first photo!

20. aldonza zúñiga said...

i love the new photos all great.
your shoes are so pretty ¡¡¡

21. Daughters of Dawn said...

ahhh those tights are awesome!! I need some of those.

22. Rebecca said...

I love your sunglasses collection! Very cute. :)

23. LF said...

loving those purses, esp that zig zag! ! ! purdy tights too :)

jess s//

24. Zhcsyra hp said...

ohh love all the stuff.,
would u consdering be my freundschaft .,.:))
i reallyappreciate it.

bissous xoxoxxo

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