Ditzy Florals

22 March 2010

Believe it or not, but two days ago this dress came down to my
ankles. I went on a major, major thrifting trip and found
about ten things that I am going to hem, like this dress right
here. I guess my inner (somewhat of a) seamstress is
going to have to pour out of me to mend these garments!
I suppose look forward to a few posts dedicated to my new finds.
As hard as it was, I strayed away from sweaters and focused
on finding those old summer clothes.

wearing: thrifted bag & dress; UO tights; H&M wedges


abataba said...

Cool bag!!

Laia said...

This dress is beautiful and it looks wonderful on you (L)

Laia said...

This dress is beautiful and it looks wonderful on you (L)

M. said...

gorgeous dress, I can't wait to see more!

lovelove, M.

Mila said...

You look so chic!! ;)
Great outfit!

Andrea said...

I love the Dress and the Bag <3

Unknown said...

I love how are simple hem job can transform a dress completelyx

Baśka said...

i can hardly see your shoes but already like them!

Valerie said...

I agree with Tink; it looks modern and up-to-date now. The collar is very interesting, too. You look lovely!

Unknown said...

Love ur shoes! such a good girl look!


kate maggie said...

I love this so much! you're simply gorgeous! Cute tights!:)

Dylana Suarez said...

Beautiful dress!

Anonymous said...

beautiful dress! can't wait to see the rest!

Anonymous said...

Approvingly your article helped me truly much in my college assignment. Hats afar to you dispatch, wish look forward for the duration of more interrelated articles promptly as its sole of my favourite topic to read.

Megan said...

That dress is adorable, I love those balloon sleeves and the collar reminds me of a sailor!

evelyn said...

you look soo lovely :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see your updating more!!! xxx

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Lovee that dress! Perfect with the tights!

Sher said...

The dress is pretty and lovely at this length, you're a mighty fine seamstress!

Can't wait to see more of your finds:)

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

love all of the patterns together! xoxo

Vinda Sonata said...

love the dress, goes well together with the tights!!

Aleisha Z said...

That dress is divine! Great findings pretty lady! :)

xx Aleisha norockwithoutplastic

Anna G said...

Very pretty dress! You did a good job hemming it.

Rachel said...

That is such a cool dress

o said...

love ur dress! u did a great job hemming it. can't wait to see the other dresses u found! thanks again for dropping by my blog:)


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△▾christine▴▽ said...

AH! I think I've told you this before, but I seriously die a little every time I visit your blog, it's definitely one of my favs!

You did a great job with the hemming! I love how it's uneven.

le blog de leen said...

this dress is so cute, makes you look so wise! hehe


Seriale-modeuse said...

The collar totally magnifies that dress !

Sarade said...

I love the handbag! It's perfectly lovely with this dress.

Be Mode! le blog said...

i like your dress! so coool =D

Anonymous said...

what a great dress!
i have many things to fix up but i have been rather lasy lately.
lovely blog!

Iulia Romana said...

This dress is so..Alexa Chung !

Lexie said...

i love the collar on this dress! i am soo terrified of hemming/altering my own clothes but i looove going to the tailor!

Gio said...

I really like that dress.

Damsels said...

thats a pretty dress. .i lvoe the neckline .. i think its "springy" i know what you mean i have bout several sandals and wedges but it heard for me to shop for the season ahead ..

Anonymous said...

such a lovely outfit!
i love your tights!

Camilla said...

I love how school girly this is x


Olivia said...

I am head over heels for your dress!

Constance said...

This is so gorgeous, you look beautiful!

Coco said...

sweet blog :D



allthatshewants said...

im in love with your dress!

Anonymous said...

i get the feeling that you're trying way too hard, wanna-be style

anonymous said...

you look soo pretty on the image :)


Natalie said...

I quite like the dress indeed! Your inner seamstress skills are definitely paying off :)

Jess ♡ said...

Stunning! I really should consider doing the same as you, how clever :) I'm always in love with your photography... <3

Victoria said...

OoOooo love the dress ! suits you real nice !

Margaret said...

you look absolutely stunning!
so in love with your tights :)
great blog!
stop by some time xx

Kiyo said...

Thank you for the comment!
The dress is so pretty and ladylike, looks great on you :)

Lauretha Sudjono said...

lovely..lovely. i love this.

Cily said...

This dress is sooooo cute !! I'm just loving the collar!!!!

Unknown said...

soooooo lovely!!!

ps: do you know sth about the GIVEAWAY on my blog???
you can win a copy of the FACEHUNTER BOOK!!

TFP said...

Lovely look!! I love it! xoxo

Claire Nouveau said...

this ensemble is simply perfect in EVERY way!

Mamushka Marie

u-ka said...

Great finds! You look adorable! :]


Winnie said...

Ah I love that dress. I wore a skirt to uni today that I'd thrifted and altered so that like yours, it wasn't ankle length and I got so many nice compliments! I definitely think that thrifted buys are wonderful things.

S.Elisabeth said...

WOW! Nice job, that dress is so adorable now!! And love the pairing with polka dot tights.
And aw! Personally i'm a fan of escaping sweaters and other winter needs!

Unknown said...

This flippy dress is so fantastic and love the neckline. Your thrifting finds are so inspiring.

myfloorisred.com said...

This dress is really too lovely!

And I really love your hair!


Maeko @ thereafterish. said...

I love everything about this dress and tights combo. It's sweet and sophisticated at the same time.

It also reminds me that it's getting warm enough here to get textured tights and I have about three pairs and they're all black. No good. No good.

You're so adorable despite your sophistication. I want to transform you into a doll and take you home Stateside.

Maeko, thereafterish.

behindblueeyes said...

You look so beautiful :D
lovely dress and tights

Raquel said...

you look great in that dress and tights! love it.
I have some hemming to do myself with some stuff I brought over from my grandma :)

Danielle said...

I know what you mean, sometimes it's so hard to look for summer clothes, when you see loads of cool winter clothes..

Ljubica said...

ADORABLE dress!!!
i just love it!

HoneyBunny said...

Oh what a gorgeous dress! Love it so so much<3 The whole outfit is so beautiful!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

This is such a gorgeous outfit. Love the vintage feel to it and the bag with the dress is bold but so girlie :) Love it.

Hypeed.com ☀☀ said...

Gorgeous dress!

xx Alex

Anonymous said...

You look adorable. I never have luck at thrift stores, but maybe I'm looking for the wrong things. I need more casual dresses anyway. Maybe it's time to give it another shot.

Monica said...

You seem to very good at mending. I wish I knew how to hem, or was better at sewing.


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