Back To Old Habits

12 August 2010

Well I am not sure if you all, my lovely
readers have noticed, but it has been quite
some time since I have posted a look with
florals! Now do not get my wrong, I am still,
and always have been floral crazy. I just was curious
as to how long I could blog without wearing even a
single floral. Answer is: less than a month! Oh and also,
I found this vintage coach purse where I work, and
I had to snag it. I do not even like modern Coach very
much, but I must say I am a big fan of their vintage stuff.
This bag will be perfect to wear in the fall with cardigans and

Thanks for all of the music suggestions everyone!
I love hearing your feedback. I'll have some
new music just in time before school starts.
Less than two weeks for me.

Hope everyone is having a lovely week!

wearing: second hand tank, over f21 skirt; urban heels; vintage coach bag


1. Wynne Prasetyo said...

i love your hair and your shoes :)

2. maggeygrace said...

Your hair is so so so pretty! Im jealous! And I love the coach bag. Jealous too :)

3. Closet Fashionista said...

Love the outfit! And I agree about Coach, love this but don't really like their newer stuff :)

4. Kate Rose said...

The bag is amazing


5. Isabel said...

That tank is beautiful! Maybe it's just the colors, but there's something so very oriental about it. And I totally agree with you about Coach--their modern stuff is completely branded. I don't like their designs or silhouettes at all. Your vintage purse is so much prettier. It's a great find. :)

6. said...

Such a cute top, darling!

7. Winnie said...

I love your little bag, it's lovely!

8. aldonza zúñiga said...

the favorite dress and your hair is very cute
i loved
one kiss

9. Sophie said...

I like the layered look. Very Anthropologie :) And your hair looks great!

10. Camilla said...

you look best in florals haha :)

11. Chloe Marie said...

I'm glad to see the florals return as I too am addicted. It's so hard to stay away from them isn't it?! I love your layering here and the bag is irresistable.

12. Anna Darling said...

So lovely! You really belong best in florals, in my opinion. And lately it's seemed as though you've been wearing less make-up, which I applaud. You look sooo much more beautiful the lesser your make-up gets.

13. Amanda said...

You are better than me, I'm not sure I could go a week without wearing a floral print. Maybe I should invest in some other prints/solids haha!

I love the bag! I bet it'll go so well with so many things this fall. Oh, and I forgot to tell you I added you to my blog roll. I love your blog so much lady!

14. Shelby said...

that is a really great purse. i have wanted a vintage coach purse for quite some time, but i haven't had your luck!

15. Mikelle Jade said...

I love the bag and shoes. Can't wait to see what you pair the bag with in the fall. Lovely.

16. Rio said...

Adorable dress; love the color! ;)

17. rachel said...

yay floral is back and i looove it (:

18. Unknown said...

you look great!

19. eleanor said...

When floral and I part, it's never for too long!
You look gorgeous, as always - that is a lovely colour on you!


20. daisy kate said...

I love the bag, and live in florals too :)

Fashion Stereotype

21. Mae Lu said...

I've never been big on florals, but I love how you layered it with another skirt to give it volume.

I need to learn florals, though, they are a great way to do contrast prints.

Mae Lu, thereafterish.

22. Cara said...

Love your bag <3 I'm really into vintage lately..

x x x

23. Anonymous said...

I really love those heels and the vintage bag! Adorable!

Sincerely, Sarah Margeurite

24. Natalie said...

Yay for more influx of florals and such! I love the little leather bag too, it's so cute :D

25. jessica said...

that vintage coach bag is my fav!

26. indigotangerine said...

that dress is darling. You've inspired me to start using my moms old little shoulder bag. It doesn't quite fit my SLR though!

27. Jen Hammer said...

florals will also always be the thing i go back to and will never stop wearing. you look beautiful as always. work it

28. Mikhaila said...

I really love this outfit, but then again, I love everything you wear haha. I agree that vintage coach is waaaay better than coach today.

29. Leire said...

Go florals! :) You look so pretty!

30. Fashion Matters said...

I adore your blog so I'm following you from now on (:


31. HoneyBunny said...

You look so lovely! That dress is just too cute:)

32. 我想我是一個質數 said...

im sure ive told you before you look great in red :)

33. sagalina said...

i gave you a blog award for having one of my favourite blogs:)

34. Anonymous said...

I like the bag!


35. Isabel said...

Just thought I'd let you know that I saw your picture on Style Sample Magazine! I don't know if you know about it so here's the link:


36. Amanda said...

Hey, I was just letting you know that I'm tagging you in my "Looks I Love" Sunday post! Hope it's okay :]

37. Becca [Free Honey] said...

The proportions in this look are awesome. The long tank short skirt combo looks great. And, I applaud your effort to cut out your favorite print. I know I couldn't go without florals for more than like a week! I'm a total print junkie!

38. Violet E. said...

so cool!

39. sina nele said...

I love your BLOG! Following <3

40. Femme Virtue said...

u look really pretty!

41. Inez said...

Nice blog and nice outfit!
+ i'm your newest follower

42. Becca. said...

love love love your dress you look so pretty :)
adore your blog, would you like to link swap?!
love this post!

come check out my blog sometime :)

43. Style and coffee said...

hahahahaha I can't live without florals neaither!
I loove your hair

44. Bohemian said...

Lovely outfit, great skirt!

45. Phuong said...

you look really pretty!

46. Raquel said...

florals are totally you! and I too can't get enough of them!

47. Mademoiselle Ruta said...

That floral top is amazing. I love the colour of it so much.

Mmm yeah, modern Coach is getting annoying. Their new collection poppy is much too flashy for my taste.

48. elspeth angharad said...

I love the floral top, you have amazing style :) xx

49. Erica said...

oh my god i have that same exact bag in my closet! Old coach purse, probably from the early 90's? haha

very cute


50. Danielle said...

I like how you wore a skirt under it, gave it some volume.


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