
23 October 2010

My turband finally came in the mail! I am quite
sure I have never been so in love with a headpiece.
I paired it with this basic outfit, because sometimes
really all you need is a few good accessories. And of course,
my Topshop bag and shoes did not let me down either.
Well tonight I am going to model in a local fashion show,
where we will be modeling "wearable art". Which is one
of my true beliefs. Fashion=art.

Also, some have you have been asking if my hair is darker,
and why yes it is! A few weeks ago it was dyed for
said fashion show. I absolutely love it! If you
all did not know, I am half persian, so I am going
back to my natural shade.

Hehe well I hope everyone is having great weekend!

Follow Flashes of Style

wearing: Nastygal turband; f21 top; BDG pants; Topshop bag & shoes


Sarah said...

love the turband and bracelets! So cute

The little world of fashion said...

Really fan of your turband!!!
Nice week end!!! said...

Lovely turband!

Sjaar said...

i love the turban! Its so cool. If i had hair i would wear one.

Kenziefaith said...

I love this outfit! That turban is awwwesome.

KF x

Mila said...

That turban looks so good on you! <3

Lexie said...

you wear that turban so well! i love it!

Mikelle Jade said...

You and your boyfriend are so adorable, seriously, what a fun shoot! and I am loving the turban with your gorgeous hair!

Anonymous said...

The turban looks so great on you! And your boyfriend is too cute. Enjoy your weekend, dear!

Anonymous said...

define art. because fashion isnt in it's definition. and do your research. even marc jacobs said fashion isn't art.

"Fashion to me is not art because it is only valid if it is lived in and worn. I make clothes and bags and shoes for people to use, not to put up on a wall and look at. I think clothes in a museum are complete death. I have seen exhibitions of the clothes of Jackie Kennedy and I am not interested in her wardrobe. I am interested in the life and the women who wore those clothes."

Isabel said...

I honestly love everything you're wearing, lol. Especially your sweater. It's definitely a little bit different style from what you usually wear, but I like it. And you pull off the turband so well! It's something I haven't dared to try yet, haha.

Helen said...

It really suits you! I'd love to see some outtakes from your shoots hehe

Renee Nabam said...

i love your bag..and the turban ofcourse...a very ease-chic look...the photo of you and your b.f holding hands is really cute..:)
oh..and @anonymous...what you said above...just proves that everyone has different opinions...and noone said wearing beautiful clothes is art...but the process of designing the clothes are...and marc jacobs may not be interested in jackie kennedy's clothes but most of the world are......and you should probably base your own original ideas rather than indirecting through famous designer's need to research more...cuz i guess thats all you do...
in a happy note...bonnie..i thoroughly support you in your 'wearable art" modelling because if paintings are art that one can see...than fashion is an art that one can wear..rite....take care:)

Dylana Suarez said...

You look so gorgeous! That turban suits your perfectly. I think this outfit is perfect. So casual yet so chic, and yes, the little details really take it to the next level. And I had a feeling you had some Persian in you. I can see it in your features, but it is very subtle. So beautiful :)

Unknown said...

PERFECTION. The turban looks amazing, and goes with this outfit so well! Your so cute too, with your bf. I love these photos. Ook, and thanks so much for the comment! We're finally at 500 (and counting) followers, a new post and a giveaway next post :) Panda xo

Suzanne said...

I absolutely love the turban!! And I am on the same page as far as fashion being art. I'm stoked to see that I'm not the only one!

can you see me yet?

Violet E. said...


Unknown said...

The turband looks amazing on you!!! I think I should buy one too :-)

Anonymous said...

You look so lovely with the turband! Nice pictures and outfit!

Inez said...

Love your top and tulband!

Lady Flower said...

I need help in selecting an appropriate set of clothes for the party. Can you help me?

Stefani said...

Simple but chic!


Irina said...

you look fantastic! love your turban, looks perfect on you!

Rio said...

Oooh you look like such a hipster with your turban, I love it! Tell your boyfriend that he did an excellent job helping out with the photos too! ;) You guys are too cute! :)

Unknown said...

oooh I love your bag! That print is lovely :)

TFP said...

Cool turband! xoxo

Kaytee said...

Very lovely comfy outfit. :) I'm not really a fan of turbans myself, I think it depends on the person, but its looks good on you. Oh and that bag! The floral print is great.

Anaivilo said...

You are right, accessorize a simple outfits and it gets lots of attention! You just need to know which pieces to put in order to have a great assemble. You did a very good job!

Natalie said...

I'm definitely a fan of your new turband thingymabobsy! I love it. :) And your hair really is gorgeous. I hope you have fun with the fashion show - it sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

that is beautiful...... i think i may have to buy myself one xoxo

Anonymous said...

I loved loved the look, so casual but super stylish! ... You and your bf seem like a nice couple congrats ;)... Can't wait to wear a turband! GL on the show tonight =)

callie said...

hehe these pictures are so cute! And you look awesome! xx

char said...

Very cute turband and purse! Lovely photos. =)

Kristin said...

that's so sweet. what a cute boyfriend. ^_^

<3 Kristin

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

Ooh I really like this! I've been wanting to try turbans out for sometime--I think you might have inspired me to give it a whirl within the next day or two :)


Anna Katrina said...

happy weekend you pull off the turban so well!

stop by sometime<3

Kate Rose said...

I love turbans, I hope to get one soon.

A Little Brighter said...

oh I have always wanted a turband! Love the pictures, your outfit looks beautiful! haha! Your boyfriend seems like he would get along with mine quite well! Always trying to get in on the pictures!

Ayesha x

Kellie said...

I hope you had fun at the fashion show!
And your turband and bag are so nice! A girl in one of my classes last semester had a bag just like that, and I wanted it so badly!

eelectroCutee said...

love this simple outfit.. this can be inspiration for me.. :D

well.. have fun on your fashion show..!!!

Anna G said...

I agree, fashion is definitely a form of art. I tell people that's fashion is one of my favorite ways to express myself.

Sassi said...

what a gorgeous outfit. it's so simple but really cool. love your headband so much - I wish I could wear it, too!

Marloes | The Style Sandwich said...

I love the turband on you! you look amazing!!

Anne's Cake Party said...

oh you are so pretty and the photos are just too cute!!!
your boyfriend looks real fun!!!

X said...

Gorgeous bag!

Marta said...

adorable, simple, and chic!

Bee said...

Cute :) and nice outfit! (again :D )

bloo90fashion said...

amazing set ! i have got the same handband :))


Unknown said...

Love the hadbag and the connector ring!


Jose Camacho said...

my friend just ordered her turban last week and shes so excited haha
I love this on you!
and that topshop bag looks amazing with a minimal outfit :)

Thanks for commenting
Jose C.

Anonymous said...
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iris said...

You are adorable. :)

Closet Fashionista said...

Love this!! I really want that top too (and everything else :p)
You guys make such a cute couple!! :D

HoneyBunny said...

Stunning! Love the accessorizing here<3 The turband is amazing and suits you so well:)

Gorgeous Clara said...

looooove that turband

Johanna Urban said...

The camera loves you!

johanna, sweden

MJ said...

You look really good in this! I could never work a turban.

t said...

Lovely outfit! Cute bag.

Seeker said...

That turban is fantastic and the bag too. You look amazing.


amanda archambault said...

I love your head scarf!!! It looks great along with the outfit!
follow me and I'll follow you!

Check out my new post. Topic is designed tights.

Sue said...

love your turband!!!!

and love your hair!!

Romance Is Boring said...

love your turband! And your hair looks beautiful here :)


M said...

Totally love your turband :D the rings too!

o said...

Ooo love how you styled the outfit around the turban, Bonnie! I couldn't agree more, sometimes all you need is just a few accessories:) Your hair looks great either shade:) Hope you had a great weekend!

natale eve said...

So simple and cute- love it. PS I have that same ring :)

Brianna Renee said...

you pull this look off so well! i love the cultural feel of it : )

allthatshewants said...

great!!! love the headband and the bag!

Bernarda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bernarda said...

So preeetty! :) Love your turban and how cool and relaxed your outfit is, great job.

Franziska said...

great outfit! love the bag and the shoes especially :)
thanks for the comment on my blog!

Natalia said...

great outfit!

Anonymous said...

ALL YOU DO IS COPY TRENDS. trend-whore alert. and this trend is pretty much over, you're a little late.

Lucrezia Vozza said...

You pictures look a bit like mine on my blog!!
Which camera did you use??


coco kailee said...

Well the dark looks fabulous; it compliments you! I love your turband too. It's a little 20s/30s, with a hint of gypsy even. I love it :}

I hope you had a great fashion show! I can't wait to see some photos! :D

xoxo coco

Viviane Heleno said...

Ur turband is so amazing! *-* I loved your shop. :D Loved ur look, Bonnie :*

Sandra Leiva said...

Nice shoes!! :D

Amelia is... said...

Very cute!

HannaElise said...

I realllly love your bag.

Teeny Owl

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Awesome turban!! And your hair looks really beautiful with it! xoxxoxooo

Anonymous said...

Love everything about this outfit, but what else is new? Haha. I want your closet! Or atleast a sneak peek ;D


Little Hannah! said...

Turban is perfect!!!! love this oufit! :)))

Valou said...

nice headband It's really a good idea I will try one time

yanmaneee said...

cheap jordans
pg 1
pg 4
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paul george

Anonymous said...

d5m21a7k36 l2r33v0g72 u1j16b5d24 b0y46n3c82 i9f59g8r19 j1j75i7s65


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