Prim & Proper

29 January 2011

Hello and happy weekend everyone! This post is going to
be short and sweet for one simple reason: I have the worst
cold in the entire world, making my thoughts very foggy and
brain very tired. Basically, my head feels like a balloon. And
with that being said, I have been pretty out of it the past couple
days. I took these photos two days ago when I was in a much
more sane state of mind. This outfit is quite simple, but I
paired it with these patterned tights to add a bit of
uniqueness. I also couldn't resist pinning this bow to my
sweater for a quirky/cute feel. Oh and the last photo is very
silly, but I just had to show off my coral ring.

Okay that's all I can bare to say for now. Hope everyone
is having a lovely weekend and hope you will find me
in better spirits next post!

Follow me on TWITTER!

Follow Flashes of Style

wearing: thrifted sweater & belt; skirt courtesy of club couture; urban renewal bow; kimchi blue bag


1. Ivanka said...

Oh, so amazing!

2. Courtney said...

However simple, I love this outfit :)
I actually posted it in a Lookbook inspiration post on my blog. <3

x Courtney

3. Anonymous said...

Happy weekend to you too :)
Hope you feel better soon hun.
Love the bow tie, I'm trying them out myself too.

4. Polina said...

i like it!So interesting combination!

xox, Polly)

5. Tanvi said...

Get Well Soon!!! You look adorable as always ... In spite of the cold your skin is glowing :)

6. Maddy said...

Beauty :)

7. . said...

The bag is unbelievable. I like the coral ring, too.

8. Anonymous said...

Fabulous outfit. Love your skirt! x

9. Hafsa said...

Love! your outfits never disappoint me :)

10. C. Anne said...

That bow looks quirkily perfect! Touch of french flair and a bit of babydoll combined. Hope you feel much better soon!

11. Closet Fashionista said...

Loooovely as always! I want that sweater! :) The ring is also very pretty!
I hope you feel better soon!!! Being sick is doody! :(

12. Camilla said...

that skirt is so pretty

13. Collette Osuna said...

What a super cute bow!!! Im a polka dot right up my alley!! Hope you feel better soon:)

Stop by and say Hello♥
Enter my e.l.f Cosmetics Giftcard Giveaway♥

14. Rachel said...

It's such a sweet outfit! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, though. :(

15. EevvaStyle said...

adorable outfit as always!

16. Viviane Heleno said...

Lovely outfit. I loved the last photo! :*

17. Cailin´s Place said...

totally!like it!kisses

18. S-Anie said...

I hope you feel better soon! The pink skirt and sweater are really cute.

19. Kayla said...

You look amazing, and I am in love with everything about this!
So glad I found your blog!
Hope you can come and follow mine :)

p.s. I am following you!

20. Tayler said...

I'm in love with the tights/skirt.. so chic girl, you are fabulous!

Check out my blog for some great giveaways!

21. Rebecca Grant said...

Ah , your outfits are simply beautiful adore what you wear. thankyou for the comment you left on my blog too :)

22. Ellie said...

Lovely outfit, and blog.. Now following! X

23. collagevintage said...

This outfit is perfect, love your bow tie, so cute.

24. veronika, tick tock vintage. said...

pretty lady! i love that bow tie.

25. Sara said...

the skirt is so nice. I love it

26. Anonymous said...

Love! Get better hun!

27. Sam.I.Am said...

i'm just soooo jealous of how amazing clothes you have :O and how you combine them just terrific ^.^

28. HoneyBunny said...

So so beautiful! :) I love the bow <3

29. Unknown said...

You always look so pretty and adorable! =) Hope you feel better soon!!

30. Anonymous said...

you always look cute and stunning :)

31. Sophia A. said...

truely lovely! I'm jealous of your entire outfit :))

32. Sidewalk Ready said...

I love this outfit! One of my favorites!

33. Courtney Erin said...

I'm horribly ill right now too so I feel your pain - but you look great (I'm a snotty, sweatpants-wearing mess) and I love the bow detail!

xoxo ~ Courtney

34. Unknown said...

Adorei como você compõem o retrô de uma forma tão clássica

35. Modna Komoda said...

Lovely <3

36. Natalie said...

Awww, I hope that you feel better soon. ): Getting sick is the absolute worst aspect of winter without a doubt. But you still do look super cute. :) Your skirt and the bow are so sweet, and I love the design of your tights!

37. Helena said...

Your styling is actually amazing. x

38. Unknown said...

this outfit is right up my street! love the tights too. hope you feel better soon lovely x

elle & the fashion folk

39. Anonymous said...

Cute bowtie, great accessorie, completes the look perfectly. So sorry for you being sick, hope you get better soon! xo

40. Anonymous said...

You look amazing, LOVE the tights :)

Grace x
secretly styled.

41. Lexie said...

i love that bow! and the soft pink of the skirt .. so pretty!

42. Emma said...

love the necktie and those tights are amazing. hope you feel better soon Scrapbook de la Emma

43. Dylana Suarez said...

That little bow is adorable. You are adorable. That ring is adorable! I love it all!


44. Roma is Love said...

Oh my gosh. I think I love you already Bonnie! Keep it Up! Continue being an inspiration to all of us :D

45. Unknown said...

When you come to Italy?
I would love to photograph you :)

Beautiful as usual!


46. Nnenna said...

I love the bow- it is such a cute addition to the outfit! :)

47. Bren Herrera said...

love the ring and the bow tie... very classy!
want to follow each other? would love to :) happy weekend.

B So Chic!

48. Louise, Raspberries In Winter said...

I hope you'll be feeling better soon. :) The colour of you ring is gorgeous.

49. Get eyes on me said...

Cute bow:) Get well soon!!!!

50. Laura Mullins said...

you are a beauty!!! so sorry about your cold )))):

51. Meggstatus said...

Your bow tie makes the outfit, it is so adorable!

52. Claire Hart said...

perfect once again! your wardrobe is a dream my dear <3

53. Renee Nabam said...

aww..hope you get better soon...cold sucks..i've had it too long this december..hmm... your sweater..and those patterned tights!!!!
take care!!!

54. cryskay said...

love your purse & your rings. xo

55. Alyssa Rose. said...

It's kinda crazy how cute you are - obsessed with this outfit!

56. elspeth angharad said...

I love the bow, so cute! Get well soon xx

57. Pavlína Hřebačková said...

super tights!

kiss xxx

58. captain kimi said...

I love you added the bow. Really cool accessoire. The colour of your skirt is beautiful. Love it with the grey sweater.
Hope your ballon head has disappeared and you feel better now.

love, kimi

59. Petra said...

I like your skirt and ring <3

60. dejoiss said...

I love the ribbon haha, looks so cute! :)

61. Jessica Esther said...

gosh im wondering how many cute items are in your closet bonnie.
that sweater is pretty cute and love your skirt!

62. Michaela said...

Hope you feel better soon! I love everything abou this outfit!

63. Love Bonche said...

Love your bag! Great!

64. Style and coffee said...

I hope you get well soon.
I love your outfit, specially your rings and your tights

65. Jade Sawden said...

i love love love your skirt!

66. Unknown said...

totally love the jumper and the stone ring!


67. Angie said...

Love it love it love it..
Amazing outfit..Adore the tights..:)


Don't bother to pass by..:)

68. Anaivilo said...

Hope you get better soon! I really love the has such a great impact. And the skirt is great! :D

69. Phara said...

Hope you feel better soon! I've been sick too...drinking loads of tea makes it a bit better though!
Love yr ring and the bow on yr sweater, so very cute.

70. sagalina said...

i hope you feel better:)
check out my pretty girl rock post @

71. Anonymous said...

I really like your outfit!!

72. KINGA said...

You look so beautiful ! :)
Your blog is amazing !
I fell in love with your skirt. hah:)

73. kika garcia said...

wow!!i love your style!!!

74. Rebecca said...

Fabulous outfit I love your skirt

75. Leah said...

Oh your shoes ! I want them !

xx, Leah.

76. Blush and Flats said...

oh, gorgeous <3

77. Trendy Mandy said...

I like it and I'm the biggest fan of your style :*

78. helene said...

adorable outfit!

79. BECKY MAY said...

You look lovely :) The ring is a great pop of colour.

The Flower Girl


80. Jenny Morris said...

I love the pinned bow! the quirkiness comes through while you still look elegant :)


81. Unknown said...

hope you'll soon feel better :)



82. Paige Rhianne said...

The whole outfit is just so beautiful, i love the skirt especially. I adore your blog

83. christie said...

this outfit is just adorable! get well soon hun xx

84. claire said...

this outfit is simply adorable! I love your style!! I hope you feel better soon!

85. saigon said...

i love the way u mix the frock with the upper part. nice materials. not sure about the hosiery

86. TicklesMeFancy said...

Your outfit is just perfect! Love it, as always xoxo

87. Raquel said...

the bow is adorable!
hope you had a great weekend dear <3

88. Meg said...

I really love your bow!

89. Unknown said...

the tights and the bow tie really did a great job! now this outfit looks so stunning. i like this :)
anyways,get well soon!


90. TrophyBoutique said...

Feel better!

You really have amazing style. I'm sue your pajamas are just as stylish. Maybe you should pin a bow to them just in case!


91. Laura @ The World Looks Red said...

This is so cute! Love the bow and I really really need to get me a pink skirt of some sort.

92. Anna S said...

you look gorgeous!

93. Annebeth said...

Thanks for your comment hon'! it is beyond me how you find the time to reply to all the comments you get :) you look gorgeous as always, the little bow is my fave!

94. classiq said...

I love the sweater. I can never have too many grey sweaters in my wardrobe.

95. Anonymous said...

i love it I love it I love it.I'm following you ,hope you follow back xx

96. Pauline Dress said...

J'adore le petit côté preppy de ta tenue !!!

très beau blog !! continue comme ça ! kiss of france =)

97. yiqin; said...

Sucha cute look :) Adore your tights :D

98. Unknown said...

This is such an awesome colour combo! The lighter warmer colours from your waist downwards and the colder darker colours on the upper part, very cool! And these tights are amazing, the perfect eye-catcher! You look pretty as usual. Hope you feel better soon!

99. Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

oh no. it is horrible to have to suffer from any sickness. I have a cold too. I hope you feel very better soon!!! gorgeous color combinations in the outfit.

100. Nicola Flynn said...

I love your style so so so much!! Not to mention how stunning you are!


101. Lindsey Regan Thorne @ be pretty said...

eeeeek! I love the bow tie! :)

102. MusicLuffler said...

Hi Bonnie :) Just wanted to let you know your adorable bow-pin ended up inspiring my outfit today! I saw one of my old bows (from childhood, haha) lying by my mirror and instantly remembered this post, so I pinned it to my striped shirt and wore it with a blazer in a flash of inspiration. Can't wait to see more cute outfits from you in the future! <3 Cat

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