Goodbye 2011!

31 December 2011

For the final post of 2011 on this blog I thought it was fitting to pick a favorite outfit from each month of the year. It really has been one roller coaster ride of a year and over-all not a dull moment was had! Like any year there were of course ups and downs, but I wouldn't take back a single moment. I graduated from college, had my dream internship as a stylist at Urban Outfitters, lived on the east coast, made beautiful new friends in the city, grew even more attached to this blog, started up my vintage shop online, found great buys and lived in three different states! Throughout all my experiences I have learned so much and am ready to translate this into the new year to come. I think that 2012 is going to be a good one, and I am so ready for it's arrival!

I also wanted to thank you all so much for continuing to read this blog and all of your amazing support! 2011 was a big year for this blog and it couldn't have happened without you all. So a thanks to each and every one of you that has followed this blog this year. Can't wait for another year.

So Happy New Years Eve to you all.
I ♥ you.


Natali said...

Wow!! That's pretty awesome resume of 2011!! I wish you even better, happier and successful 2012! I love reading your blog and your style is amazing + you seem like a really warm and sweet girl!

Here's to the 2012!!

Sarah said...

Finding your blog has been one of the perks of my year. I am in love with your style! Have a lovely new year xxx

iris said...

Happy 2o12 Bonnie, I'm really happy for all good that happened to you in 2o11 and can't wait to see what better will come in 2o12.
love from madrid!

Karissa said...

It has in fact been quite a year! Here's to spending even more moments together in 2012. <3
Love you always, Karissa

Amelia said...

so cute :) i really love that first outfit. happy new year bonnie!

Closet Fashionista said...

You really did have an awesome year!! :D I hope 2012 is even more amazing for you! :)

Temporary:Secretary said...

congrats on all your achievements this year, happy new year! x

Adele said...

awwweee, lovely looks! most of your looks are saved in my ipod. hope you don't mind. hehee


Anonymous said...

Love your looks! Happy New Year!!

Lizzie said...

Aww, great recap and I am so glad you had such an exciting 2011! Here's to an even better 2012 :)


Kim said...

Just keep blogging! I love your posts! Happy New Year!

found the route

The Fancy Teacup said...

You are the most adorable girl on earth. Have a wonderful New Year's, sweetie!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! I adore your blog. Looking forward to 2012.

Val - A Cleaner Closet said...

What a year! Yours has been one of my favorite blog discoveries of 2011. Can't wait for more!

ftashion said...

You have a lovely blog and I'm sure 2012 is going to be even more wonderful for your amazing blog. Can't wait for more great posts!

Ash :o)

Unknown said...

I love that jumper with the cute little polkadot bow.
Your blog has been so inspirational to me, thank you.
Happy new year!

Unknown said...

happy new year! <3

Unknown said...

happy new year!

Unknown said...

so so so pretty!!

Cindy said...

What a great year you had, Bonnie! A lot of things happened for all of us and I'm glad I stuck around with your blog too. You're such a fashion-inspiration to me. Have a great new year!

Sabina said...

Hey doll. What a gorgeous post--picture-wise and in sentiment. Congrats on your graduation and your internship with UO. And I love your style--I'm also a big fan of ultra-feminine clothes with an edge.

And thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I'm now following you and would love to have you as a follower, too. (But only if you like what you see of course!)

Hope you have a happy New Year!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Such a fashionable year.

Dulce Moonchild said...

beautiful 2011, hope you have a great 2012

Anonymous said...

seems like you had a great year!
i hope the new year will be even better!

Fashion Philosophy

Dark Blue Stripes said...

Happy New Year. All the best for 2012!


Dark Blue Stripes

Frannie Pantz said...

Best to you in 2012 Bonnie!

out of order said...

aw love your looks and loved "finding" you this year! what are your plans for 2012?

happy new years!

Angelina said...

I'm so glad that 2011 was a great year for you; it was for me too! I love your blog (and I found it in 2011!) and I hope you continue to be just as amazing in the new year :)

Anonymous said...

Best of 2012 to you. Happy New Year.

Julie said...

Happy new year.

Anonymous said...

much love for you

lotta love,
The Daydream Collaboration

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

Happy New Year! I love all these outfits.

You have such an amazing blog, I can't wait to see your new posts in 2012.

Sydney said...

Awwww all your outfits were so pretty :)

Kirsten said...

That first outfit is the first one of yours that I ever saw! It is saved to my fashion inspiration folder on my computer. That makes me sound a bit creepy but I don't care! Have a great new year :)

Nøve said...

Happy new year!

Joanna S. said...

awesome photos ! :) i like your lovely style :)
happy 2012 !

The life after said...

Very cute outfits!!! Happy 2012!

The Life After

Style Footprints said...

Nice collage of your style. Happy new year.

Sina said...

your outfits are amazing and stunning :)
I love all of them!
I wish you all the best for 2012,
stay how your are.

aiken said...

i know you had a great year so i wish you'll have a blast this 2012!!! :D i'm looking forward for your wonderful posts this year! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Ciça said...

Thanks for visiting my blog...
Yours is great...very inspiring!
following you already!!!

Hope to see you soon on my blog!!


Anne's Cake Party said...

Happy New Year to you too sweetie pie!
I wish you luck and I hope you will keep doing what you love, with your loved ones by your side! It is now time to announce that you are officially MY FAVORITE BLOGGER OF ALL TIMES. I love you darling girl, you are such an ispiration and I think you should know it!

Cheers to an amazing year full of pictures of your sweet life and cute cute outfits!

Gavriela said...

Lovely collage, for 2011's lookbook!
Happy new year 2012,
with best wishes x

ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

Happy New Year!

Phara said...

Looooove all of them! Can't wait to see which outfits you create in 2012, happy new year!!

Viktoria said...

I love your style! :)

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!!

Hotesses Lyon said...

Tout semble absolument magnifique. Éditoriale absolument charmant. Sa perspicacité dans les méandres de la mode est absolument magnifique!


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