East Village Chillin'

17 February 2012

Chillin in the East Village with Natalie is one of my favorite things to do in the city!
The neighborhood is so much fun, and our favorite restaurant, Plump Dumplings is there.
Seriously so delicious! Anyways, this weekend I am taking a mini-vacation from NYC and
going to Philly! Can't wait to see all my friends and visit my favorite places that I used to
love when I lived there. Totally ready to just have a relaxing weekend after such a busy

Hope you all have a lovely weekend as well!

wearing: blouse c/o Lucca Couture; skirt c/o ChicWish; bag c/o LuLu's; jacket- F21


1. paislea said...

cute cute outfit!

drop by allister bee soon!

2. Natali said...

First photo is cuteness overloaded :)
Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with your friends.


3. Aliya said...

That is such a lovely skirt! Amazing coat as well!

x Aliya

4. dom.the.mom said...

Awesome! Such a lush outfit. I love the dark color combo. The deep red wine skirt has to be my favorite piece. Also, I can't believe they're selling that wonderful faux fur jacket at Forever 21! It looks so fabulous. I definitely need to make a stop there.

5. The Fancy Teacup said...

You and Natalie are so cute and winter chic! Have fun in Philly!


6. Anonymous said...

I love your skirt and coat!

rachelpan xo

7. amberly said...

That jacket is from Forever21?! Love the hood!! :)

Safe and happy trails, my dear!! <3

P.S. I agree, the East Village IS amazing!!

8. Lia said...

gorgeous outfit! especially that skirt!

Glass of Fashion

9. Color Me Blue said...

You're so adorable! Love that first photo. And the red velvet skirt is AMAZING. Looks like you're having a great time in NY!


10. Anonymous said...

amazing pictures :))


11. Anete Lasmane said...

You look gorgeous! I love the first picture :)


12. Jenna Hughes said...

you have the sweetest smile! love your hat and coat


13. Aubrey and Melissa said...

You look awesome.The velvet skirt is so pretty on you! Melissa and I much just have to try out that restaurant. Have a good weekend, sounds like a fun one!

14. Judith said...

Great pictuers! You're both look amazing, I really love your skirt :) xo

15. Sarah said...

I love the first photo! You both have great blogs and you're so pretty xxx

16. Pinkaa said...

you look beautiful :) love this outfit <3



17. Shannon Beer said...

Perfect outfit! I adore the coat and the velvet skirt is beyond gorgeous xx

18. Unknown said...

lovely photos. the first is so cute, as is the last. looks like you both had such a lovely time. i love your outfit, doll. great colors :) have fun in philly!

<3 rae


19. Unknown said...


20. Rory said...

the velvet and fur look SO AMAZING TOGETHER. that skirt is just heavenly. I'd do just about anything for it!!! <3

21. chantilly said...

you both look amazing :) the east village is awesome! xx

22. Unknown said...

You look beautiful! I love that hat so much!

xoxo, Jjanga

23. chachamisu said...

You two are adorable, have fun, eat some delicious food, with style!

24. Monse Fuentes said...

lovely skirt!

El blog de Monse
El blog de Monse
El blog de Monse

25. Różowa Szminka said...

beautiful skirt

26. Sage said...

your velvet skirt is ahmazing. ohmygod. i need one right. now.

27. Unknown said...

that first picture makes me SO happy! I'm so happy you moved to the big apple... the next time I'm there visiting my fam I'll have to send a message so we can connect :)


28. Marie said...

So cute!!


29. Nafissa said...

I love ur outfit so as natalie !!


30. fashiondreamers said...

we really love your whole blog :)
follow you now ;)
please check out our blog ;)

xoxo Fashiondreamers

31. Closet Fashionista said...

Loving your outfit!! I wish I was friends with you guys, you always have so much fun ;)

32. Dark Blue Stripes said...

Such a great outfit to wear to chill out in the East Village. Loving the velvet.


Dark Blue Stripes

33. Kim said...

As usual, I LOVE this outfit! and you in general!

found the route

34. Plami said...

You're so cute! love the mix of fabrics in this outfit!



35. Jenn said...

I am in love with your style and your skirt!! Very nice new york style.

x x Jenn


36. montes Y mills said...

your hat if awesome!!! especially with the fur and the vintage-y velvet skirt!!! really cute look.


montes Y mills

37. Unknown said...

So cute! I follow both of your blogs but didn't realize you two were friends!



38. Alice said...

I seriously want all your clothes!! I particularly love both your blouses :) xx

39. Fashionily said...

I love your skirt!

40. Sara said...

have fun in philly and i am in love with your velvet skirt looks so fancy against you dark fur jacket.


41. Nikki said...

Your ring is so unique! I absolutely love it.


42. The Dragonfruit said...

Whoa, two of my favorite bloggers hanging out! Haha, I didn't know you and Natalie hung out. You both look so beautiful and stylish :)
Gorgeous jacket and I love how you styled it <3


43. foodie said...

Fur and velvet work out really well, I love mixing different textures!

44. the provinciale said...

as usual I just love your outfit and the fact that you seem to be having a really good time taking pictures...
Have a great weekend!!!

45. Unknown said...

Looks and sounds like you're totally feeling at home in NYC, I'm happy for you :)
You look so pretty, i love the combo of fur jacket and velvet skirt, beautiful!

46. Unknown said...

seriously,you're so darling!

47. Andrea Antoniou said...

i love ur coat :) xxx

48. Judith said...

Beautiful outfit!
x Judith

49. molly said...

Your outfits so cute!! I love your jacket :)


50. FashionFlirt said...

LOVE these photos and WOW your outfit is simply stunning, I like! :)


kisses, Jasmin

51. Yonosoyunaitgirl said...

Great look! I love your skirt! XOXO

52. Claire Hart said...

girly you look like you're having the most amazing time in ny! you ladies look incredible! the jacket is to die for <3 xxx

53. Night at Vogue said...

Cool look! I like the fur!

54. katharina said...

youre just to cute and your outfit! aaaah freaking!

55. Balancing Lisa said...

you are adorable!!! Love this entire look! xo


56. The Semi Sweet said...

Cute look!! NYC looks so nice right now. The east village is a cool place to hang out.

57. Jaeger said...

Awesome jacket



58. Ballad of Seasons said...

omg I know her blog! you're both lovely!
Ballad of Seasons

59. Arina Nahya N Nafia said...

i adore the first one!!!! that sooooooo cute!!!!!!!! nice blog btw, i followed you:)


60. K A T H L E E N said...

that is one fab coat and super cute shoes!!

61. Ms.Fashionista said...

LOVE your skirt!



62. Mila said...

I love it how you always look happy in your photos!
Great skirt!

63. lola said...

I love everything about this photo and outfit x

64. Hana said...

Aww have fun back in your hometown. I love your loafers and your skirt too! <3


65. Unknown said...

cute outfit as always. i am liking the first shot where you just jumped, makes my heart melt! wow nat is that tall?! no wonder why, shes a model eheh?

xo katrina

66. Dee Paulino said...

so cute


67. Toni said...

hiya, thanks for the lovely comment!! great blog!

68. Zoë Winters said...

You look wonderful as always! :) I looove velvet! :) Zoë x

69. Yajaira said...

you look great like always


70. Kenzie and Maddy said...

You look great! We love your blog! Thanks so much for the sweet comment!

71. Delmy said...

super cute.

72. Unknown said...

so cute! love the fun poses


73. The Flightless Gal said...

I'm not much of a faux fur jacket kind-of-gal but I am definitely loving the look on you!!


74. Anonymous said...

Your skirt is so gorgeous! I love your style so much and it means the world to me that you came and visited my tiny blog. It's like meeting a celebrity! LOL. You look gorgeous as always! <3


75. Estella said...

beautiful outfit!! you look amazing!!
thanks also for your lovely comment in my blog! do you want to follow each other??

76. Evi said...

Lovely photos!!!

Evi xoxo


77. Love Joice said...


78. bloo90fashion said...

Love the shots.
You look great !! ;-)


79. ftashion said...

I'm so in love with your jacket and hat! You look amazing!
Fang Ting

80. The Purse Snatcher said...

Gorgeous shots!


81. Farah said...

nice outfit!
http://fafafoomfarah.blogspot.com/ xo

82. Annabel said...

eeeeep! I think you are the cutest ever :)


83. sweet harvest moon said...

Love the pictures and your outfit!

84. Antonella C’est Moi said...

love it <3!! great post..if you want follow me on google friends and i will be happy to follow you back <3!!!enjoy the week-end
A_C'est moi

85. Inês Brito said...

always so pretty! ♥

86. Imke said...

That first photo is stunning! You look beautiful in every single one of them.

Great style you've got!

Xo, Imke

87. Imke said...

That first photo is stunning! You look beautiful in every single one of them.

Great style you've got!

Xo, Imke

88. Anonymous said...

Thankss. I was in Saint Marks last night, till like 4am.. haha U2 karaoke and a bar right across the st. gotta love the the East Village. :) Love your skirt, super cute.


89. *Maja* said...

Maaannn I love the east village and I love your velvet skirt! xx

90. Miss Woody said...

you're sweet !

91. Jessica said...

I love the outfit! The top is so feminine and the skirt is just amazing! I hope you two had a great time.

92. Unknown said...

great photos and fur!

93. Kristel Louisa said...

You look so gorgeous! Love the whole outfit.

en la moda

94. The Fashion Lookout said...

You look gorgeous!! I love this outfit, great photos too.
Thankyou for your comment xx

95. FROGGY said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun :) I like your skirt by the way!

96. Ms Jelena said...

Gorgeous photos!! I love your outfit, especially the skirt!!



97. Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and already LOVE it so much! Your style and fashion is so wonderful! And the pictures are lovely, you look so pretty!
I'm your newest follower :)
xx Hannah

98. Unknown said...

love your coat, looks so comfy

99. El blog mery of the style said...

Hola muy buenos días.
me encanan las fotos y tú look y el de Natalie... las dos muy guapas.

100. Catherine Liem said...

like your outfit Bonnie =)
the velvet touch to your burgundy skirt is just super gorgeous <3 and when you say philly, do you mean philadelphia?

wish you a fancy weekend as well !

Style Hostess

101. Rafaela Deandra said...

Hey! thats gonna be so fun, spending weekend with your friends.
Anw, you both look very amazing. Im in love with your velvet skirt. Looks so glamorous.
Have a nice trip!!

Neon Attract

102. Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sweet comment!
You have such amazing style! Love it :)

103. Tamina said...

wonderful outfits :-) I'm so into your faux fur jacket and skirt

104. Anonymous said...

Ya! Soon I will be in NYC!


105. Silvia said...

Love that look, is amazing! I have a similar coat and I love those kinf of coats. You look beatiful and I also like the photos with Ntalie.

106. Anonymous said...

i love the first pic, really beautiful!

107. Unknown said...

I love, love, love this outfit! Your style is just amazing, I always get so much inspiration from seeing your posts!
Jenny xx

108. Marti said...

Sooo cute! Great and very original hat :)


109. Hira said...

Love this. You guys are adorable!


110. Yuliya Fashionblog said...

Amazing pics ♥ love your coat :)

111. *DonnaRomina said...

nice outfit!
I like your hat :)

112. Nádia said...

Cute hat, cute skirt, amazing coat! <3 looove!

GIVEAWAY – silver cuff or anything you like (voucher to Club Couture)
My Fashion Insider

113. Rachella - flourishingfit.com said...

STUNNING! great coat and the pic of the two of you is so cuuuuute x

114. Andrea said...

i love your skirt!

115. Megha Sarin said...

You are so cute <3
Love your blog

Can we follow one another?


116. Girls Dresses said...

Lovely dress...i love it.

117. Iza said...

o wow! love that fur!! ;) I will come back:)


118. Dear Delusional said...

Fun fur and velvet combo!

119. Unknown said...

Love your skirt!

120. Jamie Rose said...

This outfit is wonderfully cute and so perfect! I love your velvet skirt with the fur jacket. And that hat is awesome too!

121. Jennifer said...

I don't know if I am imagining it, but you look so much happier since you moved to the city :)

xo Jennifer


122. aquarium supplies said...

wonderful style ! I wonder if you have more photos like this one!

123. Sydney said...

im SO glad youre having so much fun in your new place xxx


124. yanmaneee said...

kevin durant shoes
jordan shoes
off white clothing
supreme hoodie
moncler jacket
kyrie 7


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