Outfit // Classic Stripes

22 October 2012

I wore this outfit on one of those days where I really just wanted to keep my outfit simple. I chose one of my favorite classics, stripes, and paired with with some basic skinnies and a peacoat. When wearing such a simple outfit like this, I like to play it up with some bold accessories. So here I chose this adorable Oxblood backpack by Pour La Victoire and staple lace-up boots by Vintage Shoe Company to spotlight. Easy, breezy while still staying chic. 

Anyway, I have a little question to ask you all. What would you like to see more of on this blog? Is it outfit posts? DIY? Peeks into my adventures around NYC? Fashion advice? Playlists? Inspiration posts? I have been writing this blog for almost 4 years now (crazy, I know) and I would like to continue to expand it as the years go by.  So won't you take a moment and let me know? I would love to hear what you have to say.

Have a lovely Monday!

wearing: sweater - Forever 21; coat- SheInside; backpack c/o Pour La Victoire; lace-up boots c/o Vintage Shoe Company; necklace c/o Rebecca Minkoff


1. Tasha said...

You're so pretty! Loving your style girl! xx

2. Tasha said...

Oh and I would love to see more of your adventures and looks :)! You're so inspiring!!

3. Unknown said...

you look gorgeous and cozy!


4. Ember Drake said...

Lovely outfit - the striped jumper and boots are both so cosy looking for Fall!

I would love to see more of your adventures and also fashion advice! :-)



5. Natali said...

Love this outfit, esp. your backpack and coat!
I would like to see more of your NYC adventures and the same dose of outfit posts as up until now :)


6. Melody said...

Really cute look! I love that backpack. I would love to see more about your NY adventures, I live close to the city (Hoboken) So I'm always looking for new fun cool places to go.

7. angeliquenikki said...

I love your blog! My favorites are your outfit posts and Inspiration posts! I would love it if you did more fashion advice and adventures around NYC. Maybe a little more incite to what you do, like at work.

You are truly an inspiration!

8. Fransiska said...

I'd like to see more diy and music posts!
You look amazing bonnie! xx

9. FashionFlirt said...

Such a great outfit, love your coat! x



10. Closet Fashionista said...

LOVE this outfit! The backpack is perfect!
I would love to see some more city adventures to get your take on the city :)

11. Andrea said...

love your backpack!

a little bit diy would be awesome! ;)

12. Camilla said...

those boots look amazing

xo Camilla

Into The Fold

13. Sampada said...

Love this simple but stylish outfit :) I need to find a sweater like that...All mine end up too short.

Anyway, I love your blog so much already, but I suppose fashion advice/music/diy would be interesting to see on here!


14. Amy N. said...

Your hair is always so amazing! And lovely outfit!

15. Am2Pm Chic said...

Such a pretty casual look. Loving a back-bag.


16. Katie Frank said...

you know what i love about you? that your outfits always are so simple but so unique <3 it's amazing.

17. Live-Style20 said...

fine pics ;]


new new post !!

18. Jennifer said...

Your coat looks comfy!

xo Jennifer


19. Anonymous said...

I would love to see some more NYC adventures! I just got back from my first visit to the city, and would love to get some ideas for the next time I go back.

20. Gaby Doris said...

So lovely!


21. LARY @InspirationNook said...

Love this look Bonnie. I would love to see maybe more adventures. Places you like to visit in NY. Your outfits posts are always lovely though. I love them all :)

22. Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

Gorgeous sweater and bag! <3


23. uraqt said...

Whatever you write about, I'll be reading it. When I started reading fashion blogs regularly about three years ago, your site was one of the first that I followed, and I still haven't come across anyone who seems to be as gorgeous and charming as you are. :) x

That coat looks so lovely! I've been looking for a khaki peacoat for ages, but I'm not that keen on all these Asian shops like Sheinside because, so far, I always had bad luck when it came down to the dress size. Would you consider it to be a regular fit?

24. Stephanie said...

so lovely!


25. Unknown said...

Amazing outfit! I adore your sweater!

The Purse Snatcher 

26. Huyen said...

I want that backpack, it's stunning! honestly i love everything about your blog, especially the little insights on your NYC life!


27. Evi said...

In love with your casual outfit! So pretty....great sweater!

Evi xoxo

The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

Enter my giveaway to win a TED BAKER bag!

28. Cai said...

DIYs for sure!! <3


29. Diana said...

playlists please (music lover) and outfit posts!


30. Julie D. said...

Love this classic look! And that PLV backpack is amazing... I totally want one!

I'd love to see more DIYs & fashion advice.

Hudson East

31. Unknown said...

Bonnie, I love your blog :) You really have the best style. I lenjoy reading all your posts & I would love to see more of your lovely NYC adventures & also maybe some fashion advice + diys! I really enjoyed the floral crown DIY! & fashion advice from you would be awesome :D hope you have a beautiful week! Xo

32. Emily Peebles said...

I'd love to see more peeks into your daily life--I've really been enjoying your 'Lately' posts, as your photography is just stunning. Also I love the frequency of your outfit posts! x

33. Truett0620 said...

NYC adventures for sure! And I just love your photography in general. And of course outfit posts :)

34. Carmen said...

Your jumper is adorable and looks so soft too! I'd definitely like to see more outfits posts and your adventures around NYC!!

Carmen Ri.

35. Oriena V. said...

I really like more stuff on your nyc adventures and maybe a peek into personal life, but fashion advice would be lovely! and very helpful indeed :)


36. Akilah -Smoothiefreak- said...

I would really like to see more about your beauty routine and more about your friendship with Christina and the shenanigans you get into. I think you two have polar personalities, but compliment each other well! IT would be great to see!

xo - Akilah


37. Karyn said...

More music recommendations :)

38. Alisa Wadsworth said...

I'd love to see more music playlists - you have great taste in music!

39. Anonymous said...

love the outfit. :)
Irene Wibowo

40. amy roslan said...

more DIY and playlists please :-))

41. floating thru fields said...

Love the stripes and backpack!
The outfit posts are great and fashion advice is always fun. Also DIY and adventures :)


42. Anonymous said...

NYC adventures! Show us the cool places and things to do when we visit the city!

43. Unknown said...

Such a wonderful winter-perfect look! It looks super cozy and comfortable :)

Lubna | www.ellevox.blogspot.com

44. Rien Bautista said...

Hi Bonnie! You look gorgeous, as usual! It's very nice of you to ask what we would like to see more. You're very nice. :) My answer is VLOGS, OUTFIT POSTS, AND YOUR ADVENTURES. I miss watching your vlogs! I hope you do more. Your outfit and the photos you take inspire me. Hope you are well! xx


45. Anete Lasmane said...

I really adore your outfit. Perfect boots. ❤


46. Michelle Lee said...

love to see your DIY and NYC photos :)


47. Elaine said...

I think your blog is already wonderful, but if you added more snippets of NYC (maybe a favorite places feature?) I wouldn't complain. :) I'm moving there next year so I'm already trying to cultivate a list of local hotspots!

48. Eline said...

I'd love some more DIY's!

49. Unknown said...

whatever you wear you always look so damn lovely, Bonnie!! loving your thick eyebrows <3

50. Jen Hsieh said...

I love simple outfit days and this one is perfect! There's nothing like a big coat and a cozy sweater. :)

51. Unknown said...

Hey Sweets! I absolutely love every aspect of your blog! I especially loved the videos you made of you and Christina in the apt. I wish you could make videos of your nyc adventures captured into a music vid. That would be awesome!! Keep doing YOU! You're amazing!

52. Inês Brito said...

So pretty! ♡

53. Zhanna said...

I really like how you started posting city photos and just life photos, not only outfits, although your outfits are great, too, but I find that NYC adventures and more everyday life stuff is the best, and you make such nice pictures of simple things! So I guess just keep doing it :)

54. Olivia Runnfeldt said...

Where is your peacoat from?

55. Something Real Serious said...

nice outfit. nice style


56. Something Real Serious said...

nice outfit. nice style


57. Jess said...

I don't know if this would bother you, but I found a random picture of you on ebay here:

It looks like they just randomly copied and pasted your pictures and didn't ask permission. Just thought I'd let you know! Have a wonderful day =]

58. Voluspa Candles said...

You look stunning with those outfit! Great fashion taste!
I love how you matched the bag with the sweatshirt.

59. Anonymous said...

I love outfit posts. Especially since yours are now transitioning to fall and winter out fits. It's my fav time of the year and I don't really get to have much of a winter since I live in Florida.

-Andrea Lynne Rose


60. Anonymous said...

I like when you post abaout outfits n fashion advice.. pleasee add some fashion addvice too :) and btw, love ur style ;)

61. Sarah said...

your style is so lovely, gives off a romatic, rosecoloured vibe :) always looking forward to a new post. DIY, and fashion advice!!!

62. Prastika Herlianti said...

I always love how you dress up and your posts :)

63. The little world of fashion said...

Love your jumper!

64. Em said...

I love your blog as it is. I find inspiration in both your outfits and the random pics you post. There already are way too many DIY and fashion advice related blogs, and I think the true essence of yours is the vibe you transmit.

65. Collections said...

Love the backpack and this outfit! I'm not sure if there is much more you could do on the blog, it's great as is! I do like the posts you do with just a mish mash of pictures on your week and or day


66. classic stripe said...

A striped shirt is an absolute classic! I love your fresh takes on the outfits :)


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