City Kitty

28 November 2012

 It is no secret that I am quite obsessed with kitty cats, so when I saw this Dear Creatures sweater from Emerging Thoughts, I knew it had to be mine! One of my favorite brands from my favorite boutiques. I bundled up with this chunky knit scarf and my favorite  red bag for a day of adventures. 

Hope you all are having a lovely week so far! 

wearing: sweater c/o Emerging Thoughts; skirt- Urban Outfitters; bag c/o Rebecca Minkoff; scarf- Forever 21; oxfords c/o Dolce Vita ; thight high tights c/o Pretty Polly


1. Natali said...

Looking super cute! Love your sweater!

2. Foxes in Spring said...

Love the colours! Very classic.

3. Camilla said...

That jumper is the sweetest thing ever!

xo Camilla

Into The Fold

p.s I started a youtube channel, check it out HERE

4. Anete Lasmane said...

Wow, great outfit. I like your shoes. :)

5. Anonymous said...

beautiful skirt :)

6. Holl JC said...

Love it! So cute, and perfect for the time of year! xxx

7. Unknown said...

looking sweet as always. that kitty sweater is definitely perfect for you,cat lady!!

8. The Fancy Teacup said...

Such an adorable look! The feline sweater looks so cute paired with the skirt.

9. ashley said...

I adore this look! xx

10. Alissa said...

I love this. I think though that I say that about every single one of your outfits, which is completely true.

11. sweet harvest moon said...

Cutest jumper!

12. Unknown said...

I'm a great fan of your blog, I think it's one of the best ever! You're style is amazing and so close to my taste!:)
It would be such a great onor to me if you could check out my blog and tell what you really think about it, cause i'd like to receive suggestion from you!
LOve love love this blog!

New outfit post "Naive" on:

13. Łucja said...

I'm in love with your sweater ♥

14. Maggie said...

Very cute outfit!

15. Unknown said...

such a cute outfit, love your sweater!
xx Audrey

16. Sallytangle said...

The pops of red and your red lips are so sweet, lovely little get up xxxxx

17. Gaby Doris said...

Cute! love the skirt!

18. Jeans Please! said...

I just love Ur incredible style!

19. M. (Faded M Style) said...

You always find the cutest sweaters! I love this one! xo
Best, M.

20. Simona said...


21. Marie said...

Cute & pretty as usual!

22. The little world of fashion said...

Love your bag!

23. Carlee, Little Sloth said...

What a very pretty outfit! I think I need to add more hints of red into my wardrobe.
Almost Endearing

24. Sophie said...

I usually avoid flats with tights but this is so cute!

25. Unknown said...

Adorable outfit! I really like the red bag :)

Lubna |

26. Emma Lavelle said...

This is such a cute outfit! Cat tops rule! xx

27. Inês Brito said...

Oh so cute! ♥

28. Henna X. said...

Cute look! :)

29. Anonymous said...

ah kitty...never have an idea to not to falling in love with it!!
also, lovely red shoes Bon-Bon niiieee <3<3


30. Unknown said...

I love the Sweater and also you colour combination, it reminds me of a sailor girl :)x

31. eliza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
32. eliza said...

As someone who is also crazy about cats, I love this sweater, it's so cute! This outfit is making sad that it's super hot and summery in Australia right now, you look so cosy.


33. Kaylyn said...

You are the only fashion blogger who has an excessive amount of floral and cat printed clothes. But that's never a problem. If anything, I need more! Love the skirt. Super cute outfit. I always adore how you have certain color schemes to your outfits. It's definitely inspiring.

Style Infatuation

34. Ciara Delaney said...

I love the jumping photos. Such a cute look.

35. floating thru fields said...

love the cute loafers! you inspired me to do a picture post :)

36. Anonymous said...

pretty skirt :) love it :)
Irene Wibowo

37. Nop said...

I am a kitty obsessed too. That sweater is soo cute. I crave on that :p

38. Anonymous said...

Very cute look! I love it!

'The Wind of Inspiration' blog

39. Greta said...

This has got to be one of my all time favorite outfits of yours. So cute and unique!

Greta xoxo

40. said...

You look so adorable! :D love it.

41. Anonymous said...

Me dejas sin palabras porque me encanta el look!:))

42. Darina said...

Nice blog... I like your style!

43. Unknown said...

super cute with the sweater! <3

44. moviereviewsbytiny said...

You have a unique and nice sense of style! The apple pie recipe is delicious! electronic voting systems

45. Kacie Cone said...

I'm in love with that skirt!

46. me. said...

wow ,you look so sweet :-)

47. herecomesthesun said...

Such an adorable outfit Bonnie :) I might just need to add that sweater to my wardrobe too! Go the crazy cat ladies haha xx

48. Blytheponytailparades said...

You are absolutely adorable! :) Loving your blog!

49. Kstylick said...

She's very lovely. <3

50. Piia Õ. said...

So-so cute, everything matches perfectly!
Bowtie Diary

51. AOKO NY said...

Nautical feline chic. We dig it!


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53. Kitten Sweater said...

looking sweet as always. that kitty sweater is definitely perfect for you,cat ...


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