Rainy Days

12 May 2013

Well it looks like those April showers totally hit NYC in May. Every day has been rainy on and off, making photos quite difficult to take, however yesterday in between storms I was able to take these quick photos! I have been obsessing with this silk top from Harlyn fall 2013 collection. 60's mod all the way... I am in love! 

Anyway, Happy Sunday and Happy Mothers day! I am missing my mamma quite a lot right now. I am long over-due for a trip to Texas, love you Mom!

wearing: blouse c/o Harlyn; skirt c/o Choies; floral crown- DIY; loafers c/o Loly In The Sky


1. Adina Nanes said...

What a cute outfit, especially the flats!!!


2. tordytea said...

Just when I thought your outfits couldn't get any cuter... this is so lovely!

3. Live-Style20 said...

nice pics; |DD|

new post


4. Juliette Laura said...

It really has been rather rainy recently! But your style looks so good despite the weater! Love loving your shoes, and umbrella!
Juliette Laura

5. Kimberley said...

Looks like it's raining everywhere, here in Europe as well! But oh well, what to do about it :) Your outfit looks lovely, that floral crown is really pretty!

6. Michelle Lee said...

lovely loafer


7. Holl JC said...

This is such a perfect outfit! Your skirt looks so lovely with your blouse and floral head band! xxx


8. Anonymous said...

I love the whole outfit! The headband is gorgeous and goes so well with the skirt! xx


9. Unknown said...

What a lovely outfit. The skirt is just darling!


10. Lusu said...

you look so amazing...!!

11. Pats said...

Oh, I find it amazing how you find strength to put up such a bright outfit on a rainy day!

Have a lovely day,

12. Sausan Hanifah said...

Always love your style dear! Viait my blog please :)


13. saara. said...

these pictures are just perfection. WOW<3

14. Panty Buns said...

What a beautiful outfit! Your wonderfully feminine yellow skirt from Choies matches your the colour of your floral crown beautifully. Are those yellow roses (the State flower of Texas)? Your pretty blouse from HarlynLabel and your white trimmed blue umbrella coordinate very nicely with your skirt and floral crown. Your red lipstick looks pretty too. It's a gorgeous Spring outfit. Those were some pretty heavy downpours. That will help everything grow and bloom. Enjoy your Sunday and Mother's Day.


15. Simona said...

Beautiful as always and your flats are so cute! :)

16. Unknown said...

absolutely lovely


17. Unknown said...

Love your style! xx

I am a FASHION STUDENT AND BLOGGER from London. I would like to invite you to my BLOG to take a look at my ideas!

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18. Miss Ecl said...

I can't get enough of your pictures, or your blog <3 <3 <3 You're so cute!

19. Laura Jones said...

love the outfit, even the umbrella looks really pretty on you! x

20. Anna said...

Such a cute pair of shoes!

21. Žaneta said...

Beautiful umbrella and total outfit!
Here in the Czech Republic also rained, we hope that the sun will soon again be seen.


22. shine star said...

Really good outfit ;)
I like it!


23. velvettovagabond said...

Love your shoes! I've been wearing ones similar to those in pink a ton!!


24. (Retro) Sonja said...

Amazing outfit! Love the skirt and the little cute detail on the shoes!

XX Red Sonja

25. eliza said...

Your shoes are adorable! I love your shirt as well, such a beautiful print.


26. Jennifer said...

Ooh this is super cute Bonnie!

xo Jennifer


27. Elliementary, My Dear said...

Love the yellow.

28. Lust Covet Desire said...

Those slippers are so cute!


29. weheartbeautyblog said...

Those are the cutest flats I've ever seen! Absolutely adorable! Hope you enjoyed the weather today - it was much nicer :)

xox Lara www.weheartbeautyblog.com

30. Unknown said...

i love that blouse! it really suits you, too.

31. Sasha said...

Your top and shoes are adorable

32. Evi said...

Great top!! Lovely outfit!

Evi xoxo

The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

33. Charlotte said...

Such a lovely outfit! The skirt is so pretty!

34. Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

Such a stunning outfit!
The umbrella and skirt are adorable.


35. ~ Eva said...

You're so increcibly lovely and the shoes are adorable! Stay beautiful! xx

36. Oroma Roxella Rukevwe said...

Really pretty look <3

Blog by ORR: La-Grunge

37. Niki said...

lovely outfit!
~niki <3

38. bon. said...

those loafers are the cutest things ever.

bon x

39. ahoymichelle said...

I absolutely love your loaders and your umbrella! Goodness I love your umbrella!


40. shella said...

always love ur style!

41. Marlena Hedine The Fit Mom said...
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42. Marlena Hedine The Fit Mom said...

You look GREAT! So cute and stylish! I've never been to NYC.. can't wait to one day go!!!

I would love to help anyone who is ready to rock an outfit like this feel confident and stylish.

You look wonderful! Keep it up with the inspiring and amazing posts.


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