Mod Baby

12 July 2014

Feelin' like a little mod baby...

I totally am obsessed with a mini mod-inspired dress. Throw some daisies on it and I am absolutely obsessed! I rocked this dress the other day, another piece from Missguided. I am loving their summer-y pieces right now.

Anyways, it is Saturday and I have had such a stressful week! I am so ready to unwind. Hope you all have a wonderful day!



wearing: dress c/o Missguided; shoes- swedish hasbeens; hat c/o Worth & Worth


1. Unknown said...

What a lovely print! Vintage and darling

2. Unknown said...

Love your dress and red lips! Perfect!

3. Natali said...

Beautiful and girly, as always!

4. Kathryn said...

So summery, love it!

5. ModeAmen said...

Love the hat with this dress!

Fellow Blogger,
Priscilla Ivette

6. ok123456789 said...

love missguided! pretty print and collar xx

7. c said...

such a darling dress.
xo, cheyenne

8. Unknown said...

Love the dress, so pretty! Your lip colour is beautiful too!

Cat from Outsidebeautyinsidehealth

9. Vivian said...

Gorgeous in daisy print!



10. Unknown said...

Love the dress so cute :)

11. Nikki Williams said...

gorgeous dress! love the print + the fit on you!


12. A Gracious Life said...

Hi Bonnie, lovin' not just your flashes of style but your warm, bright and positive outlook of life. Just the daily dose I need. Happy Sunday!

13. Anonymous said...

I love this outfit, its so vintage and summery. I really actually despise the 'daisy trend' but for some reason, this works. My favorite part is how well your lipstick and purse all tie in with your outfit. You look great, super cute!

-briannaly xo.

14. Kacie Cone said...

SO cute! That dress is perfect on you!

15. Run With Fashion said...

So cute!Love the peter pan part with the mini dress :)
Love the shoes too :)

16. Holl JC said...

So pretty Bonnie, I just love this x

17. missthing said...

Such a cute dress. I've been loving the daisy/sunflower print that's been trending. You make it adorable :)

Theatricality by Mariah

18. Jordan Mitchell said...

That dress is so cute!

19. Juliette Laura said...

I adore this!

20. Katie Frank said...

yay this floral dress is so lovely and it suits you as well <3 cuttie !

21. Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

Wished I had all your dressed too, they are amazing! The hat looks great on you :]

22. gift of gab said...

this is such cute look!

23. cara menyembuhkan penyakit jantung lemah said...

terima kasih banyak karena telah berbagi informasi yang sangat menarik .

24. obat kanker kandung kemih tradisional said...

terimakasih atas informasinya, semoga informasinya bermanfaat buat kitaaa semuaaaaaa....

25. Comtesse Sofia said...

Your look is adorable!!
If you like scarves and you want more ideas about how to tie them, visit my blog, you'll find lots of suggestions! 
See you soon, 
Comtesse Sofia

26. Unknown said...

Love the floral dress, looks so comfy!!

27. Georgie P said...

I love your style! Can't believe I've only just discovered your blog wish I'd found it ages ago!

28. May said...

OMG it's so cute. :))

29. Monika Jones said...

Love the floral print! The dress looks great on you!

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30. Mandy - Other Shoes in the Sea said...

Gorgeous print and I love your sandals! xo

31. fenn said...

gosh, gorgeous!! that print is beautifullll!

32. Sierra Rose said...

so pretty! loving the print!


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