Simple Festival Look

16 September 2014

Back when the weather was a bit warmer, I went with my buds to the Made in America festival in Philly...

This simple outfit was my festival day 2 look. It was so hot and muggy in Philly, I couldn't be bothered with anything else except a simple crop top and skirt! Anyway, the festival was so fun and I think the final one of this season for me. I don't think I have been to as many festivals as I have this year ever!

 Anyway, hope you all are having a great week so far.



 wearing: top + skirt c/o American Apparel; boots c/o Modern Vice


1. alice said...

Such a cute little outfit, and I know what you mean with only wanting to wearing little crop tops when it's boiling! Really love your top

The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

2. Natali said...

Beautiful blouse and such a unique bag!

3. Nikki Williams said...

love that shirt!


4. Rubies and Emeralds said...

You seriously have the cutest style ever!


5. Vivian said...

Always so lovely in floral~



6. Holl JC said...

Such a beauty Bonnie, this outfit is just so cute x

7. Jessie Alaimo said...

You look amazing as always !

xoxo, Jessie from

8. Unknown said...

So cute ^^

9. Roos' notes | Roos said...

That top is so adorable, love it! X

10. Unknown said...

Love the vintage vibe of the outfit! <3

11. Panty Buns said...

The daisy print on your American Apparel crop top is beautiful and the American Apparel skirt you styled it with completes a lovely Summer OOTD. I'm glad the Made in America Festival you wore it to in Philadelphia was so much fun.

12. Unknown said...

The floral top is lovely! very sweet. Please check out Pilkington's Purls Of Style!

13. Valentina Duracinsky said...

Love the handbag!

Valentina Duracinsky Blog

14. Brittny Doll said...

You are an absolute inspiration to me, Bonnie! I love vintage a lot and when I found you on ig, I just fell in love with your outfits right away. I like this one a lot. Like all your other outfits it looks so unique and it feels like I travelled back in time.

15. Cara menyembuhkan penyakit said...

Terimakasih Uhntuk Informasi yang telah anda bagikan
Infonya sangat bermanfaat,,..

16. Reza herbal alami said...

Membaca berita hari ini , sangat menarik dan bagus sekali.

17. Anonymous said...

This look is adorable,
I'm in love with that daisy shirt!


18. M&M FASHION BITES said...

Nice skirt :)

19. Zuza said...

You look so lovely, as usual :) I love your top and the skirt ! Such a fun, festival look! Have an amazing friday.
Love Life Every Day
everydaybeauty instagram

20. Cara menyembuhkan penyakit said...

salam kenal, ijin untuk menyimak artikel yang super mantap ini

21. Carpet cleaning Company Bromley said...

Such a cute outfit!! You're lovely!

Carpet cleaning Company Bromley

22. pengobatan herbal anemia said...

informasi yang sangat bermanfaat senang bisa berkunjung kami tunggu artikel terbaik lainnya dan sukses selalu

23. pengobatan herbal anemia said...

Selamat sore :) Artikel yang menarik yang anda sampaikan ...

24. Cara menyembuhkan penyakit said...

informasi yang anda berikan sangat bermanfaat.terimakasih ..

25. Reza herbal alami said...

Bagus infonya, pokok pembahasannya sangat menarik
tetap berikan kami info yang menarik dan semoga untuk kedepannya semakin bermanfaat ..

26. Unknown said...

This is such a cute outfit. Shirt and skirt are what I would live in if I lived somewhere warmer :)


27. Unknown said...

Darling daisy top!!!!
So cute as always

28. Cara menyembuhkan penyakit said...

Terimakasih untuk informasi yang telah anda bagikan,
informasinya sangat menarik.

29. Reza herbal alami said...

mohon ijin untuk ikut corat-coret di kolom komentar ini,ane bangga bisa menemukan website yang super super keren ini.info2-nya sangat menarik penuh manfaat..thanks,

30. Cara menyembuhkan penyakit said...

kunjungan rutin gan , saya selalu mengikuti artikel di web ini.

31. Michelle Lee said...

great post :)


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