Fall Favorites with Kmart

23 October 2014

One of my go-to fall looks is a comfy/cozy sweater paired with a moto jacket. 

I put together this flirty look together from Kmart fashion ,and was really pleased with the results! I haven’t shopped at K-mart for a while, but this year’s fall pieces are just plain adorable. Like this graphic sweater with the pup on it… so cute right?! If I can’t have a dog in my tiny apartment, I will certainly wear one on my sweater.

Hope you all enjoyed this fall look, and be sure to check out more styles at Kmart fashion !

Skirt, sweater + jacket c/o Kmart


1. Holl JC said...

This is so cute Bonnie, I love your jacket x


2. Unknown said...

Very pretty !!!

3. Natali said...

Perfect sweater and shoes! You look so beautiful in this outfit!


4. Juliette Laura said...

Would have never have thought of KMart for clothes! But this look is so CUTE!


5. Kacie Cone said...

Gorgeous! That jacket is awesome, what a stunning color!

6. Cheyenne said...

This is such an adorable shirt. Love the color of your jacket.

xx Cheyenne

7. Panty Buns said...

Your Kmart puppy graphic jumper is cute. It looks very nice styled with your Kmart fashion skirt and jacket.


8. Vivian said...

Love the moto! Such a gorgeous blue!



9. Simona said...

Adore your jacket darling ♥

10. Rashgmaal said...

Recently i've been talking to my friends about royal blue jackets and now i'm seeing this, this must be a sign lol. Really digging your jacket.


11. Unknown said...

I like your cute dog sweater. All of the gray with the bright blue jacket is so perfect. Well done!
:) Alice

12. Sarah said...

That jacket is the perfect color! Lapis? Whatever it is, it's lovely. ;) xo

13. Laura Mitbrodt said...

I love your sweater

14. pengobatan herbal amande said...

Kunjungan soreee, terimakasih ya sudah bebragai informasi bermanfaat pada sore hari ini !!!
salam sukses dan salam sehat ..

15. pengobatan herbal asma said...

semoga info yang tersaji bermanfaat untuk semuanya,,,amin
sangat di tunggu info lainnya

16. Michelle Lee said...

love that jacket!


17. pengobatan herbal radang selaput otak said...

nice info gan, thanks gan telah berbagi informasi yang menarik ini..

18. pengobatan herbal radang empedu said...

Website ini menjadi sumber informasi yang bagus, terima kasih.

19. Brittny Doll said...

Awww! Cute shirt! I so envy you americans and the things you do during fall. Even the trees look fashionable! Wanting to go there someday </3

20. Nikki Williams said...

that blue jacket is gorgeous!

xx nikki

21. Obat tradisional jantung said...

Numpang baca artikelnya pak admin. Dan selamat siang untuk pengunjung semuanya. Salam kenal dari saya. :)

22. pengobatan herbal radang panggul said...

makasih buat admin yang telah memberi kesempatan kepada kami untuk berkenalan dengan para pengunjung yang lain..semoga sukses selalu..

23. FASHION SNAG said...

Love the cobalt blue jacket on you.


24. obat asam urat rematik said...

Sangat bisa membuat para pembaca semakin termotivasi setelah membaca artikel ini.... thanks..

25. Obat tradisional jantung said...

mantap boss ...


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