New Makeup Obsession: Temptu

14 October 2014

I want to introduce you all to a new favorite skin product of mine... TEMPTU at home airbrushing ! 

I have been very excited to share TEMPTU with you all for quite sometime! I have had it applied to me on various photoshoots, so when I was asked to review the kit at my own home, I was beyond thrilled. The first thing that shocked me is how easy it is to use. Now here, I only used the foundation in Warm Ivory, however TEMPTU even has blush as well as highlighter airbrush options as well (which I will definitely be purchasing soon!) .

So about the application process... the kit comes with an adapter, plus the actual airbrushing tool which is quite compact so you could even bring it while traveling. Anyway, the spray gun shown above is the main tool to achieve the look. It's easy to use on your own... you simple just press down on the trigger, softer if you don't want too heavy of foundation and a bit harder if you want to cover up blemishes a bit heavier. In the before and after you can see how much my blemishes are covered ( especially in the cover photo that is close up) . I am prone to acne, so TEMPTU is a great product for me. What are your thoughts?

Hope you enjoyed this little review!



make up c/o TEMPTU


1. A stitch to wear said...

Bonnie this is so cool! I got my make up done with one of these recently and it stayed on perfectly all day and night - and it looked so natural too! All I could think was, man I wish I had one of these at home.

You look lovely as always!


2. alice said...

Ooo, I can imagine applying makeup would be much more interesting this way! Would love to give it a go!

The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

3. Melda Auditia said...

You look gorgeous!

4. Laura Mitbrodt said...

This looks so neat!

5. Rashgmaal said...


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Artikelnya sangat menarik sekali sehingga wawasan kami semakin bertambah.
Makasih ya :)

9. Michelle Lee said...

so cool!

10. focifo said...

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11. Heard about Senior Living Seattle Hearthstone said...

Temptu was a big purchase for me but it was worth it! It's definitely an investment but one or two weddings and you'll make your money back and begin to turn a profit. I love it and I think it's easy to use. If you do wedding or event make up and are looking for high quality buy this! It's worth it.

12. Fluent in Fashion said...

I love the look of Temptu I will certainly be giving it a try. Thanks for sharing.

13. Oscar Fernandez said...

You look very very pretty

14. Unknown said...

good information yr great
thank you

15. Anonymous said...

Thanks! good information yr great
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16. Wanda K Romero said...

So great product you have mention. Please recommend me the best best private label skin care manufacturers who provides a good quality services.

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Great tips! Thanks for sharing useful information...

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22. Kilts said...

Wow, your review of the TEMPTU kit is so informative and helpful! It's clear that you've had some experience with it, and your excitement really comes through in your words. I love how you described the application process and how easy it is to use, even for someone doing it at home. The before and after photos really showcase the product's effectiveness in covering blemishes, and it's great to know that it works well for those prone to acne. I appreciate the recommendation, and I'm definitely interested in trying out the blush and highlighter airbrush options too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and this fantastic review! 😊💄✨


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