Postcards from The Ace

06 October 2014

Greetings, from the Ace Hotel in downtown LA ....

I could not be more happy with my stay at the Ace Hotel. I have not been to downtown LA in years... most likely five. Such a long time, and I must say I have become quite smitten with the area during my stay. Aside from the lovely Ace, there are so many cute restaurants, boutiques, coffee shops and more in the area now. Literally night and day from when I used to visit DTLA back in the day. After exploring the neighborhood I of course had to explore the hotel. The aesthetic is simple, yet so unique. There is so much inspiration for future apartment revamps to take back with me in NYC. All in all, anytime I visit LA this is absolutely where I will be staying.

Thanks for a wonderful visit, Ace Downtown Los Angeles !




1. Ann said...

Your pics are stunning.

2. Vivian said...

Lovely photos, you've captured this hotel perfectly~

#MCM Styling My Boyfriend


3. Live-Style20 said...

nice pics; 0((


new post

4. Cheyenne said...

Love that place. The view is spectacular.

xx Cheyenne

5. Unknown said...

I want to go to LA so badly.
Amazing photos.

Jennifer Jayne xx

6. Unknown said...

I play a game when I read your posts. I try and guess what camera/lens/photo app you use for each picture. They are so cute & inspiring!

7. Rashgmaal said...

I love how your images all have a vintage look to them. Nice!

8. anisa said...

looks lovely!

9. Carmen Varner said...

I adore browsing & exploring Los Angeles -- there's so many turns. :] // ☼ ☯

10. alice said...

Photos are absolutely beautiful

The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

11. Kacie Cone said...

Looks so lovely! Loving these pictures!

12. Lovey en Rose said...

Lovely vintage photos-- makes LA look so glamorous!
Hope your having a dazzling time

13. CAT WRANGLER said...

such an incredible pictures!


14. pengobatan herbal kista bartholin said...

Di tunggu postingan selanjutnya,karena di sini kami sangat tertarik dengan postingan anda .

15. cara alami menyembuhkan kram usus said...

Informasinya sangat berguna sekali menjadikan ilmu pengetahuan saya semakin bertambah, Terimakasih banyak atas informasinya

16. cara alami menyembuhkan leukimia said...

selamat sore !!! izin menyimak artikel agan yah, semoga bermanfaat :)

17. The Style Storm said...

Great photos!

The Style Storm
<3, Christina

18. Panty Buns said...

The photos you took in and from your room at the Ace Hotel in downtown Los Angeles are great! I love all of them - the one of yourself with the camera, the view of the skyscrapers and street from above, the unmade bed with laptop, and the big double-hung windows. It looks and sounds like a great place to stay.

19. pengobatan herbal kanker pankreas said...

ijin menyimak langsung infonya..
Terimaksih banyak telah berbagi info and websitenya..sukses selalu untuk info and websitenya.. ...

20. pengobatan herbal kanker pankreas said...

ijin menyimak langsung infonya..
Terimaksih banyak telah berbagi info and websitenya..sukses selalu untuk info and websitenya.. ...

21. pengobatan herbal benjolan di vagina said...

ikut berkunjung sekaligus mohon izin untuk menyimak artikelnya yang menarik ini ......

22. enacui said...

let me just say how envious i am of you, in a good way , though. you gave justice to post card-esque pictures and it kinda made me want to go to this hotel, but unfortunately i live miles away, AMAZING PICTURES!

hope you find time to visit my blog as well, hopefully you like them as much as i like yours <3

love always,

23. Nikki Williams said...

what a gorgeous view!


24. thelondonbaguette said...

Beautiful pics Bonnie, and love the way you write by the way :)

25. Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures!

26. pengobatan herbal tumor otak said...

setelah saya baca sekilas ternyata banyak informasi yang bisa saya ketahui...
semoga web ini semakin eksis untuk kedepannya ......

27. Michelle Lee said...

looks great!

28. pengobatan herbal tumor otak said...

Semangat pagi menuju siang ..
trimakasih atas beritanya sangat berbobot untuk ane pribadi. Saya tunggu info berikutnya.Thanks

29. cara alami menyembuhkan glaukoma said...

artikelnya luar biasa min...
ditunggu updatan terbarunya jangan bosan share pengetahuannya ya ;) ...

30. cara alami menurunkan trigliserida tinggi said...

Terimaksih banyak atas informasinya..sukses selalu untuk info beserta websitenya.

31. pengobatan herbal infeksi payudara said...

kami sangat senang berkunjung ke website anda pak, beritanya sangat menarik . . . . . .

32. May said...

stunning :)

33. cara alami menyembuhkan gondok said...

info-infonya sangat menarik dan bermanfaat sekali gan, sukses terus deh .....

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