Fancy Pants

30 November 2009

So being in the center of London, I have obviously been exploring
the night life and had my fair share of nights out so far. Here I am wearing
a typical outfit which I would wear out. I simply paired a
trapless dress with a see-through lace top.Like the location? I went
my friends rooftop the other day and just had to take advantage of
the great view.

As of today I have one more week of school. In the next week I have
a trip to Belgium, loads of school work, a photoshoot, partieeees, and finally
a trip to Italy! It will be a busy one, but I am going to try my best to update
with a Vlog!

Hope everyone is having a great week.

wearing: f21 dress; thrifted lace top; f21 heels


Corinna said...

this outfit looks great! perfect for a night out!
your life sounds so fun at the moment, i'm jealous!

beckylou said...

Haha I live in petite Belgium, where are you going? Have fun!
oh and I love the shape of the dress

Marian said...

love the lace dress,adoring the rooftop although i have such a fear of heights which seems to get worse with time for some reason.
love the sound of your busy upcoming week. fab!

Mila said...

omg you are so lucky for being in London... :(
I love this outfit,actually I love all your outfits :)

P. said...

The association of this lace top and the dress is really beautiful!! You look really nice with this outfit!!
It's great that you can go to Italie! I put some photos of my travel in Tuscany last october, in my blog... It's just the most beautiful country in the world! ^^
Hope to see your photos too!

Kisses from Paris!


Dylana Suarez said...

Love this! Beautiful! I am wearing a similar outfit today, lace under a black dress. But I am wearing it too class! ha.

You are so lovely.

Phyllis said...

great outfit bonnie!! and the rooftop location is completely lovely. like the change =)

Taylor Sterling said...

awesome location! I love the dress!

Anna G said...

Bonnie, you lucky girl. I wish I could go to Italy. Where ever you are at I bet you will look totally amazing.

Anonymous said...

love the outfit!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Love the lace. And ooh Belgium; that means lots of waffles right? :) All I can remember about that city is pretty buildings.

Nataly said...

You have such cute outfits! I want your closet!

indigotangerine said...

you look fab-u-lous. I like how you set it off with all those gorgeous accessories.

Zhcsyra hp said...

fab shoes and adorable ur top <3333
je adore every single ur outfits :))

bryna said...

LOVE your outfit!

Penny said...

Very cute top. You always look like a Forever 21 model! (:

Winnie said...

Oh you look fantastic! Schoolwork is really taking it's toll but at least it's almost the end of term!

Megan said...

I love the lace top! That view is pretty sweet from the roof!

michelle_ said...

totally in love with your lace dress !
enter my scarf giveaway handmade by myself here

Lexie said...

so so pretty!

do you have a run in your hose? it looks really neat ... like a stripe pattern!

Sylvie said...

I DO love the location! Looks like a great outfit for a night out.

Anonymous said...

really fun party look. the lace top is so pretty! lovely pictures.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, you look goth and funerary. gah its just awful. im shocked that this is a 'going out' look. the proportions you are giving yourself are so sloppy - the dress is way too short and the extra waist on it does nothing for you.

missDTM said...

love this dress!!! good luck with your last week!

Wrecked Stellar said...

Love the lace top!

Annachiara Savio said...

wow...i love your style :D you're wooonderfull

FashionHippieLoves said...

the lace dress is perfection!


le blog de leen said...

lucky you you're gonna visit so many nice places :)
and this is such a great outfit for night life, loove it


Anonymous said...

i have to get one top like that, i need it to my x-mas dress ^^

Unknown said...

wooow, wonderfull dress!!


I did a limeted edition xmas cards of my fashion illustrations, if you are interested visit my blog!!

:) thanx!!

Volunteer India said...

You look stunning on that outfit. I like your bracelets. It looks so cool.

car rental los angeles said...

You look so pretty, and your outfit is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

It's a great outfit! What city are you visiting in Belgium?

Patty said...

I love how you layered that lace top under the dress. And how exciting, you'll be going to Belgium and Italy! I love Brussels and Venice! Which cities will you go to?

Posh said...

Amazing look, so chiq! The ripped thights are simply perfect with the elegant dress! <3

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Seriale-modeuse said...

Amazing outfit !

Neon Enlightenment said...

Went to London last week and had so much fun. Well, I'm from Belgium, you definitely have to go to Antwerp, Gent or Brussels. Antwerp has the best vintage shops! Have fun on your trips.


captain kimi said...

Seems like you really like shredded tights ;D
Love the dress with the top. You look absolutely fab!

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

you look amazing. this is by far one of my favourite outfits of yours. i am currently obsessed with lace, so this is just awesome.

sounds like you are having an amazing time, have lots of fun!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely outfit Bonnie - that lace top looks perfect with that dress. Love it!

Polly x

allthatshewants said...

OMG! i love all of ur outfits!
i'll follow ur blog :)

Mom Fashion World said...

wow, your life sounds to be very colorful.
and trip to Belgium sounds exciting as well.

i like the lace top. i've been scouting for any lace top, wish me luck. i hope i can find one soon!

Mom Fashion World said...

wow, your life sounds to be very colorful.
and trip to Belgium sounds exciting as well.

i like the lace top. i've been scouting for any lace top, wish me luck. i hope i can find one soon!

Maria Chloe said...

i love your dress and the view is amazing.

Treacle said...

Oh I love that's a perfect look. :-)

dotie said...

that's so creative pairing the lace top with a strapless looks ultimately stunning :)
I'm thinking of trying it myself..

Piter said...

Your dress is wonderful, I love the lace! :)
And the jacket of you other post is fantastic. I have got many things of my grandpa too! ;)

B a la Moda said...

You look gorgeous. Love the black look and the lace top. It is so elegant. The location is fantastic. Very London.
B* a la Moda

Raez said...

ah! amazing style, as always! i love your take on lace, and how youd wear it out, so fantastic:):)

ps. have we swapped links yet, dear?

xx raez

Maeko @ thereafterish. said...

Jesus, Bonnie, you have no idea how I tried to find your blog after I stopped linking on Chictopia regularly...

I'm too busy for Chictopia AND running a site...

So glad I stumbled onto yours. You were my favourite Chictopian while I was on it... I'm adding you to my reader so I can come by regularly.

If you so choose, my site is thereafterish., and hopefully you remember me enough to stop by sometime!


vintagedress said...

gorgeous dress!

Molly Gertenbach said...

amazing outfit, have fun on your italy trip!

Maha M said...

Gorgeous outfit!! loving the lace top... hope you enjoy your trips :)

Meho xx

Valencia Lia said...

You look stunning !!

I love your lace top and the dress so much. Lace always goes so well with alomost anything:)

Also,you're going to do a vlog ?? I can't wait !

Anonymous said...

cool! I love your lacey top so much!!

Amelia said...

Wow, what an amazing sounding week! I adore the lace.

Christen said...

This is the perfect going out outfit! And I grew up in Belgium! Where are you going? You will love it - as long as the weather cooperates :)

$ouLphate said...

all the things you're going to do seems like so much fun! you look great on the rooftop hihi =)

Diary of a Young Designer said...

SO many trips up ahead! Hope you have a great time! Love the outfit!!


Miss Head Over Heels said...

You look fantastic! i love how you paired the dress with the lace top. super nice!

Elektrik said...

your dress is just amazing !

Unknown said...

Love your style!
Follow you.


miriam said...

i so love your lace top!

glad you get to go traveling a bit too despite a hectic school schedule.

Victoria said...

that dress is so cool, seriously. and u look great in it !

Susu Paris Chic said...

Hello from Paris!

I browsed thru your blog and I like your eclectic, rock-chic style.

Yasmin said...

love this look, the dress and the lace top are so gorgeous together!

She Got Style said...

I like your dress and also your pics.

Kat said...

Love the flare shape of that dress :)

New Zealand style

everybodyfallingdown said...

i want this dress !!! Ö

mens casual jacket said...

This is such a gorgeous outfit! Really liking your skirt!

Anonymous said...

Can't you ever get tights without ladders in them? You look like you've been falling down drunk.

Anonymous said...

you are such a slut. i feel bad for your boyfriend. hope he sees this and knows your a dumb drunk slut.

Guiltyhyena said...

Love lace ..Lovely view of the backdrop

@ The Guilty Hyena †
@ The Guilty Hyena †


Unknown said...

I love it! great idea, I'll also put a lace top under a black dress.
I also love the pensant necklace, shame u dont show it closer!


Alexandra said...

love this outfit!!!!!!!!!!!


TFP said...

Lovely dress!! You look gorgeous!!

paulinabelle said...

hey bonnie, you look lovely! ive just tagged you on my blog, check it out! :]

Brown and Cappuccino said...

amazing dress ;)

kiss from Portugal***


Anonymous said...

beautiful outfit, i'm sold on most things involving lace :) x

Lilas said...

beautiful outfit!!!

fadetoblack said...

OH just found your blog and love it!!!

sick pictures!!


Anonymous said...

im just shocked and disgusted that all you all care about are CLOTHES. its too bad that while youre consumed by your own greed in material possessions, wasting thousands of dollars, millions of people around the world cant even feed themselves. do you have a heart? do you ever feel like the greedy, materialistic piece of shit you are?

Pinkarol said...

I wish I could be in London right now !

Damsels said...

all of that sounds so exciting you are lucky you have this great opportunity to travel

superniko. said...

this outfit is so chic and so elegant :D
i am following you ;]]]]


Vinda Sonata said...

i adore your lace dress and overall black look. what a perfect look for a night out. hope you're having a great holiday!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow love this dress!, the lace is brilliant! you are gorgeous girlie!

The Girl With a Feather said...

Wow this is perfect- your outfit, the location, everything! Have a great trip. It sounds like loads of fun!

Lauren said...

im so jealous of your jetsetting life! love the lace top as well

elsa said...

i love the llace top.. nice blog!

TheMinx said...

This is a great outfit, you look amazing! And have fun with everything you have planned, it all sounds amazing.

Little Bo Peeep said...

Oh woww this outfit is fantastic! I really liked how you paired with the lace top <3 I think it's lovely :)

Eleanor said...

Black is never goes wrong. love your dress with the detail . and you so cute <3

Alexandra said...

i love your lace dress! i bought one similar to this in Pull & Bear...

Masha said...

aaah i'm dreaming of visiting London so much!
you look perfect, no comments)

yahoo my comment is #100.

iris said...

have fun! :)

Gorgeous Clara said...

love love love your blog...all your outfits are so inspiring...

looking forward to see more of your pics!!!!

JINX said...

lov'n this glad i've found it...

Dith said...

love d location. looks like NY.

Lovely blog!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

ugly. what is the reason youre just a dumb blogger wasting your time with this????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Noshabelle said...


Megan said...

Love the lace, have a good time in Belgium! I've been there before, lots of pretty scenery :)

Kt D said...

EW what's up with the Evil Anon? Gross. Get a life.

B: I can't believe this dress is from f21! I love the shape. And the lace underneath is awesome, I'm always wearing either lace or mesh long sleeves under sleeveless dresses :)

ps that sweater from the last post is UH-mazing. Totally not grandma haha!


Angie said...

Hello! I've just discovered your blogg and I'm very happy because your style is amaizing, I specially love all your tighs :), I want them.

Huges from Spain

Andrea said...

Thanx =)

Your Outfit is amazing..i love lace =)

Courtney O. said...

wow this is an amazing outfit. i've been looking for a way to wear a lace top and havent really seen one i like until now. well done! love the dress.

Joycelyn Annette said...

I am embarrassed for this anonymous person. They act like they are so above drama and clothes and here they are, trolling your account. What about the starving children, anonymous? Doesn't look like you've done anything for them today. All you've done is be a little bitch, use improper grammar and talk like a whiny high schooler. Don't point fingers if one can be pointed just as easily to you. Sorry, but I'm getting tired of the trollers. I had to say something.

Pam said...

This dress is so beautiful and delicate, although its forever21 lol


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