Under the Texas Sun

25 May 2011

Well, this is probably going to be the last of nature-y photos you will be seeing
on this blog for a while! I may throw in a few photos from home that I have yet
to put up yet, but get ready for a city scene back drop from now on! Before I left
Texas, I wanted to get in a few photos with the beautiful wild flowers. They are
seriously everywhere this year. I love that the city lets them grow as they please.
As for this Chicwish dress, let me just tell you, I feel like a little fairy princess in it!
And who wouldn't want that? I paired it with some ankle boots to toughen it up just
a tad since it is so over-the-top girly, and I think I liked the turn out. The tiers
and tiny pleats pleats seriously won my heart.

Gotta keep this post short and sweet because it is my last day in Texas!! I arrive
in Philly bright and early tomorrow so expect a blog update in a few days
from the city.

Have a wonderful day!


Follow Flashes of Style

wearing: dress c/o Chicwish; platforms- 6x6 No. G; hat- cooperative; bag & belt- thrifted


1. Cláudia Paulino said...

Your blog is very beautiful!
The photographs are full of enchantment!

2. Andrea said...

wow this dress is so adorable :) you look beautiful!

3. Holly said...

love the tiered dress! it's so dreamy :)

4. Anonymous said...

beautiful dress
I live in Houston but i do love to take a nice drive a little out of the city to see all the wild flowers xx

5. Petra said...

You look awesome in this dress !
I love white on you :)

6. Michelle Loreto said...

The pleats in that dress are completely divine - and white looks amazing against your skin! Gorgeous outfit, I love those shoes, too.

x Michelle | thefeatherden.net

7. Frannie Pantz said...

I would feel like a fairy princess in this dress too! The tiers are gorgeous as are your photos. Happy traveling!

8. The Fancy Teacup said...

Such a dreamy dress! Totally obessesed with the tiered detail, and you look extraordinary in it. It's like a perfect confection. Have a great last day in Dallas, and safe travels to Philly!

much love.

9. HoneyBunny said...

You look so pretty! Love the dress<3

10. LittleMissLee said...

stunning as always - that dress is to die for, you look absolutely gorgeous!



11. out of order said...

mm those tiers are so lovely! You look great, I love the styling.

You are such an inspiration, I can't wait to see your Philly life!!


12. Courtney Denton said...

Both your bag and boots balance out the delicateness of the dress really well. I hope you'll enjoy it in Philadelphia, you'll probably have better luck finding flowery background in one of the parks.


13. GretchTM said...

That dress is beautiful!!! You look lovely.

14. Alina Smysl said...

Such a beautiful dress!

15. Anonymous said...

one word: GORGEOUS!!

16. YinGSaran said...

look beautiful
love your dress

17. sweet harvest moon said...

Beautiful dress!
Enjoy your last day!


18. Nicoletta said...

Hey, I've been absent for a while so I didn't know about your trip in Philly! Is it going to be long or just temporary? I guess I'll miss the nature-y background of your photos anyway!
Ps: of course I love that dress.
I'll wait for your updates :D

19. ponynamedlucifer said...

You look like a big beautiful lily. Gorgeous dress!

20. Miranda said...

Good luck in Philly! :)

21. P. said...

For sure you were a fairy princess in another life! This dress is so cute, and I really love your hat too...
Kisses from Paris ;)

22. Anonymous said...

i lke ur hat and bag <3
so cute!!


23. Pieter said...

Amazing dress! :D

24. Unknown said...

That dress screams summer, in the best possible way! you look great. <3 EverRubyzgirl.blogspot.com

25. Kuleigh said...

You look beautiful in the dress! Have fun in Philadelphia and good luck with your internship! Can't wait to see your pics from there.

26. turn that frown upside down said...

I gasped when I saw that dress! Its gorgeous.

Good luck in Philly! And I hope you have tons of fun.

turn that frown upside down

27. Christina said...

That dress looks amazing on you!

28. Unknown said...

Aww this dress is beautiful! A dream in white! I love how you accessorized it! You do look like a fairy princess :)

29. eat.sleep.wear. said...

the ruffles on this dress are unreal!! LOVE!! And cant wait for u to be in Philly! xo, Kim www.eatsleepwear.com

30. Closet Fashionista said...

LOVE that dress! Sooo pretty! and I love how you added the tougher shoes !!
Have a good last day in Texas and enjoy your ride to Philly! :D (If you ever go to NYC on a weekend...which I assume you will, we'll have to meet up since I'm in CT and its only a short train ride away :D)

31. Anonymous said...

Beautiful dress! I'll sure miss the nature pictures but pretty sure you'll show us gorgeous shoots!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

32. New York Don't Leave Me said...

This dress is GORGEOUS!!! You look so pretty! xo

33. April's Attic said...

you pulled this off so well!
gorgeous :)


34. Natalie said...

Gorgeous photos! Enjoy your last day in Texas, and enjoy Philly. :)

35. SoFashionistica said...

Love the dress and the fact that you softened it up by pairing it with boots really makes the outfit!

36. Unknown said...

OMG I love this dress! Im checking out the chicwish site b/c this would be perfect for my bachelorette party or honeymoon! Beautiful Bonnie! Good luck with your move to Philly. :)

37. Rachel said...

Beautiful dress, I love the flowy fabric!

38. Anonymous said...

That's a lovely summery dress, can't wait for nicer weather here to wear things like this and my summery hats.

39. Katherine said...

This post is making me miss Texas so much! Los Angeles just doesn't compare to Austin. The wildflowers are so gorgeous, and so is your dress to match!

40. Laura Mullins said...

i love this dress on you so so much!! i like... want one. haha. can't wait to see philly pics! (:

41. Lowri said...

wow this dress is so unusual, I love it!



42. christie said...

OH WOW. BEAUTIFUL! You look just darling in that ruffle number! xx


43. K said...

You look so summery, it's great.

Safe trip!

K xx

44. herecomesthesun said...

The dress reminds me of something Lauren Conrad would wear. Looks great on you xx

45. Cara said...

Gorgeous dress!
xo Cara

46. Anonymous said...

safe travels lovely! I can't wait to hear about your philly adventures xo

47. Anonymous said...

Good luck in Philly Bonnie! I am also moving away this year so I am looking forwad to seeing how you get on. I love your style, keep blogging :) xxx

48. Shelby said...

im so excited to follow along on your adventure!

49. Kellie said...

Good luck in Philly! Can't wait to see all of your city pictures! And that dress is gorgeous, I love all the cute little frills!

50. Dylana Suarez said...

The dress is so beautiful!



51. Meesh said...

Looking forward to seeing how the city backdrop suits your style.

52. soph // and other things said...

that dress is a stunner!

53. Hannah said...

You are SO beautiful :) That tiered dress looks so nice on you... and I love how you balanced out all that girly loveliness with those boots. :) The hat's real cute too!

Aww! You've been in Texas? I'm from Dallas :) It gets incredibly hot here, doesn't it? Hope you had a nice stay here though :) I look forward to your next blog post!

54. Gian Aryanti said...

your dress is super cute :)


55. Jessica said...

Oh that dress is so darling on you! Have a safe trip to Philly and I can't wait to see all your adventures there while you're here on the east coast this summer! xoxo

56. FashionHippieLoves said...

omg I love love love this dress!!!


57. Unknown said...

love love love that straw hat and that dress is amazing


58. Miss Kait said...

You always look like a porcelain doll! Gorgeous!

59. Unknown said...

Good luck and have fun moving Bonnie! This dress is adorable! Travel safely :)

Meanz (Koi Story)

60. maryse said...

elle est superbe cette robe !

61. Anonymous said...

Oh, what a wonderful dress!

62. www.janetteria.com said...

Pretty dress!

63. Sher said...

Oh, you look like such a sweet lil princess:)

Enter the Shabby Apple Giveaway on my blog:)

64. Jerry said...

you're a goddess in my eyes especially with that dress...

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65. Unknown said...

nice dress. lovely inspiration in the post before. Sadly I couldnt comment on that separately from this one :)
Love Lois xxx


66. Unknown said...

so excited for the soon to come city posts!!!! love that tiered dress its beautiful!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

67. Teddi said...

gorgeous! i live in texas & let me tell u, it's starting to get too hot to take photos outside. so by leaving now, you're not missing much. ;)

68. Sarina said...

Nice Blog and lovely pictures <3
Greets, Sarina


69. Mae Lu said...

Nothing more perfect than a beautiful girl in a ruffly white dress and summer hat.


Mae Lu @ thereafterish.!

70. Boheme.Fille said...

What an wonderful dress! very chic!

71. Ethic said...

Love this romantic look!!!
That maxi dress looks amazing!!


72. genevieve said...

These pictures are extraordinarily beautiful; I think I could stare at the last one all day. Loving the ruffles and the perfect lightness of the fabric

73. erica marie said...

I love the tiers on this dress...so romantic. Hope you had a great time in Texas :)

74. Aricka said...

LOVE this dress on you. Thanks for the comment! Hope your summer is fantastic.

75. amber lynn said...

thanks so much for stopping by my blog! this dress is so pretty!! you look lovely :)

76. Sandy said...

This dress is absolutely gorgeous! So sweet and so girlish! You look adroable in this outfit!

Wanna check out my giveaway? I am offering two amazing prizes!

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77. Tea for Two said...

What a pretty dress! You look lovely! Thank you for the comment too. (:

<3 Kristina


78. Amelia said...

you read through this, you're going to be in philly! that's so exciting, i'm from MD but philly isn't far. i'd love to meet up sometime this summer! what do you think?

79. Unknown said...

Aww you look amazing!!

80. Annalise said...

You LOOK like a fairy princess in this dress! A kick ass fairy princess with those killer boots. :D Have fun in Philly, I've never been there but would love to visit. I've never been to Texas either actually but your pictures make me want to go there too. I'm glad I found your blog, it's so pretty.

81. Christine B said...

thanks for visiting/commenting on my blog, I adore your style! :) thats dress looks pretty on you,I love the details of the ruffles :)


82. Claire said...

that dress is honestly AH-MAY-ZING! It's so lovely, the pleats and all the great details. I also love the way you styled it with the edgy boots and the belt and hat. Very very cute!


83. Down This Road said...

so beautiful! love love that bag!


84. Unknown said...

love the dress! and good luck in the city

Follow my blog with bloglovin

85. Agata said...

Wonderful dress.


86. Megan said...

Wow, you are gorgeous! Thanks for stopping past my blog!

87. Grace said...

This blog is truly awesome as your outfits. Love it soooo much. Have a great day. And off course I'm following you : )


88. Divina Joy said...

Lovely dress!

89. Opposite lipstick said...

love it! beautiful dress


90. Mihaela said...

Beautiful dress!

I have new post on my blog and I need your opinion :]

91. Cindy S. - FashionsBeauty said...

Really pretty dress! Soft and comfy
Thanks for visiting btw xoxo


92. amalie said...

stunning! i love your dress and hat xx

93. Chelsea said...

You have such beautiful style! Amazing dress and it contrasts beautifully against the green background =).

94. Leah said...

Wow, that dress is stunning!

xo L.

95. The new Fashion Stylist said...

lovely pictures!
I love your blog :D


96. Anonymous said...

gorgeous dress x) I love it!!!

97. Amelia said...

just read through** sorry that didn't make sense with the typo. haha the point was i'd love to meet up!

98. Damsels said...

i think over the top girly looks good on you


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