Just Give Me A Comfy Sweater

27 December 2011

After all of the holiday madness, all I wanted to do the day after Christmas was put
on a cozy comfy sweater. I love the crazy texture of this one and of course the
blush pink color. It's difficult to tell in these photos but I paired it with this black
velvet top... I am really obsessed with anything velvet right now. Anyways
I wore this simple look for a relaxing lunch with some good friends and followed
by a quick trip to the mall where we shortly realized that the day after Christmas
is just as, if not more, insane as the weeks leading up the holiday. Seriously I
really really hate shopping in crowds!

Well I hope you all are having a lovely week so far.


Follow Flashes of Style

wearing: 'Anjelica velvet' top c/o Lulu's; sweater c/o Chicwish; Cheap Monday

denim c/o Calico; bag c/o VJ-style; shoes- Dr. Martens via Urban Outfitters


Tessa said...

you look great, like always Bonnie! :)

Lina said...

beautiful <3
the bag *__*

Marijn said...

You look stunning! I love your facial expression on the first pic.


Jenna Hughes said...

my favorite color! it looks so cozy and i love those shoes! are they doc martens?


Balancing Lisa said...

beautiful sweater and I love that necklace! so darling!


Anete Lasmane said...

lovely sweater :)


Roos' notes | Roos said...

I love this outfit! You look beautiful.


Natali said...

Love your satchel and cozy cardigan!



Love the colour of your sweater! I'm obsessed with everything that it velvet too! xx

Liza said...

Such a perfect outfit! Your cardigan looks super comfy and the color is lovely with your skin. The bright red satchel is nicely paired.


Sydney said...

i hate shopping in crowds too :(


Unknown said...

I love this bag! :)

The Flightless Gal said...

That cardigan is delightful! I have something similar, but it's just plain grey :)


The Fancy Teacup said...

Such a chic sweater! Shopping after Christmas is always insane. x


Unknown said...

look cute even in simple outfit! always love the mix of red and dusty pink you did :)

Unknown said...

i totally agree with you!! it was boxing day yesterday and the bargain hunters were just crazy!! so nice to just relax at home in a comfy chunky sweater and shop online instead! :P

Joanna S. said...

as always - I love everything about your outfit ! :)

sweet harvest moon said...

Cozy sweaters are the best!

Temporary:Secretary said...

Such a cute necklace. hope you had a fab christmas! x

Anonymous said...

this sweater looks so cozy!
lovely outfit :)
I Shop, Therefore I Am

Liv and Isabelle said...

I love your sweater! All the colors in this look are so great.


Lush Allure said...

Love the cardigan :)xx

Nicole @ Giraffelegs said...

ughhh. A comfy sweater sounds amaze. I am currently wear an uber cute, yet slightly stifling pencil skirt for work..boo.

Make sure to check out my giveaway! http://www.giraffelegs.com/2011/12/peapack-mitten-giveaway/

joy said...

The velvet top with your cardigan looks so cozy and cute! I love your outfit :)

Kitsune-kun said...

what a darling little necklace!:)

lisa signorini said...

love the velvet too!!!
You look so cool!!!


Pearl said...

i love your hair - and your comfy look - isn't everyone in need of some stretchy pants and a big comfy sweater on Christmas :)

Beautiful bag too!!


Yajaira said...

love your make up


Andrea Antoniou said...

love ur shoes :)

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

The sweater is beautiful! <3 I love the bow necklace you've been sporting recently too!

Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog

Rebecca said...

Love your bag :)

Marzipan said...

You are so beautiful! Love your shoes, bag and sweater :)

Unknown said...

love your necklace!


Dark Blue Stripes said...

Looks like a very comfy sweater. That bow necklace is simply adorable.


Dark Blue Stripes

Amanda said...

You always look so cozy! This color looks great on you.


Night at Vogue said...

I hope you had an amazing Christmas and thank you for your comment!

Inês Brito said...

so pretty! your cardigan seems so cozy and i love your necklace ♥

Unknown said...

oh your bag bonnie <3


Leeloo said...

cozy sweater and red bag, what else to wish for?

Emma said...

love that necklace

Rand T said...

lovee your shoes xx

Chloe said...

Comfy sweaters are the best!

C x

Adureh said...

That red bag, I NEED it in my life!


Blog Desde el Trópico said...

The sweater is lovely, and You look great in those colors!


Anonymous said...

What a pretty sweater! Love that shade of pink.


Unknown said...

i love the velvet and texture combo! and cute necklace!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Closet Fashionista said...

Mmm yes, I love comfy sweaters! I traded in a blazer for FOUR awesome new sweaters at TJ Maxx, haha.

Bonnie said...

I really, really, really love the ease and comfort of this outfit. It's so adorable, and the color of your bag pops like whoa.

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Indy said...

If you look up "velvet dress" (or anything velvet) on ebay, soooo many amazing things come up and most for merely pennies!

Diana said...

i love this look! that bag is gorgeous xo


Gail and Rhoda said...

So pretty! Love the bag. ~ Rhoda

Anonymous said...

Cute comfy look! The bow pendant is lovely, I always do my shopping way early, I just can't shop with rivers of people around!

Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

sarisndk said...

love the bag..:*

Julie said...

Love your bag.

.Candy. said...

Love the bow necklace and that comfy sweater! Nothing beats comfort on a cold day!


Dylana Suarez said...

The sweater is so so lovely!



Marie said...

Cute! I love your bow necklace.


Mery of the style said...

Hello, I love your look is so cute..

M.ery said...

your shoes so... weird. I don't like them. I think it's not yor fantastic outfit but I hope you will suprise me in the next post! :)

FashionFlirt said...

Such a lovely outfit, looks so comfy and cool! <3


kisses, Jasmin

Maddie Claire Beau said...

I love your red satchel. great how you've made velvet more casual by putting it with a knit.



I adore your satchel!

with love,
your opinion is VERY important for me!http://chocarome.blogspot.com/

Peerfectlly said...

Love your blog :):)

FASHIONISMYWAY by Cristina L said...

You've got amazing hair ;)


Vida Glam said...

i JUST love the bag!!! you look great!!!! Follow my blog!!!



Zane said...

wonderful and comfy, love it

Unknown said...

Nothing like a cozy sweater to help ourselves feel relaxed after some serious craziness! Yours looks especially soft and is one of my favorite colors <3

Jhomaira Agüero said...

nice outfit! love your jeans!


(Giveaway posted today)

Merti said...

Bonnie, you are my favourite blogger ever. I love your style, your hair and photos. You should never stop blogging becouse you are the best !

Style Footprints said...

Thanks so much for your comment. As you probably guessed I'm newish to this but loving it. I had a look at your blog and am going to follow you as you have great style.

Thanks again.


This Charming Style said...

Gorgeous cardigan, and I love your shoes! xx

Ksu said...

You look great!Great blog! I am very honored, you passed by! xx K

Gawgus things... said...

This is such a great look! Love the cardi and bag :)

Emma xxx

The life after said...

This outfit is so lovely. The colour of the cardigan is amazing with your dark hair. Really super cute! Thanks for your comment by the way!

The Life After

Anonymous said...

Thank you! <3
You're looking lovely :)


jenn~the stylish housewife said...

i agree...hate shopping with the crowds! i am kinda looking forward to everything slowing down again! you look adorable. happy new year doll!

xoxo, jenn
the stylish housewife

Anonymous said...

Love that pop of red against the neutrals! Gorgeous!

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I hope you had a nice holiday :)


Disturbed Style said...

Great outift! I love it :)

MechanicalGirl said...

you are such a beautiful woman!

thanks for visiting

Julia said...

you look very beautiful :)
and i love it how the bag goes with the rest of the outfit!

xx Julia


Lulu said...

Love this look!

canvasofculture said...

this is stunning! wow. really love your blog:)


Anonymous said...

your necklace is adorable! i'm always crave a cozy sweater like yours around the holidays and you've worn it so stylishly! hope you had a great christmas, Bonnie!


Jade said...

Lusting after that satchel! And that square ring is amazing xx

Ms.Fashionista said...

So chic! Love velvet, perfect for the weather. I was at the mall today and it was way too cray!



Secondhand Stella said...

Love the sweater! It looks comfy and super cute :)

ftashion said...

Thank you so much for dropping by our blog, we love your style so much! :) Love your bag and your ribbon necklace is just soooo cute!

Ash :o)

Annalise said...

You look seriously great! I hate shopping in crowds too but I work in a mall so sometimes just leaving work is like trying to get through a human maze. Your hair is getting so long. I love it!

Klaudia said...

Great outfit! Love the shoes & bag especially :)

Jessamyn Read said...

That sweater is to die for! I love it xx


Wauww lovely!!!!! the whole outfit, especially the colour of the sweater

x from the Netherlands

Summer-Raye said...

That is definitely a cozy sweater, so pretty

Unknown said...

wauw you have a great style!!

and nice blog girl
pls look also at mine and become a friend too :)

XO, Carmen

Magda said...

bag and sweater are great :)

Mihaela said...

just give me the comfy sweater

my blog♥mfashionfreak

brunatreme said...

Pretty!! I love your bag! xxx

Colleen said...

Thank you for your lovely comment! The design on your blog is really great :)

Ravenna Moreira said...



Anonymous said...

Cute outfit!

Thank you for your nice comment :)


Jewel said...

Love the bag ♥
They have great things on VJ-style!

Happy fashionable 2012!

Love Sarah

Anonymous said...

I love the color of that sweater!

xo Jennifer


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