cuff DIY

17 March 2009

Say hello to my new cuff! It used to actually be bangles, but I used fishing line to link them all together to make a cuff. I can see myself pairing it with the most girly of things, especially summery floral dresses.

Bracelet from f21


1. Joyti said...

What a great looks fabulous!

2. Anonymous said...

it's amazing! i really like it!:) i've seen that you like Alexa Chung, me too! it's my fav!

3. elsa said...

I liiiike! You might just have inspired me ;) Alexa Chung is amazing!

4. Yuka said...

it looks rad! where did u get the studded bracelet? ive been looking for one everywhere with no luck!

5. FASHintuitION said...

Great idea!
BJS *keep it stylish*

6. Amelia said...

I really like it. The squiggly bracelets look cool.

7. Anonymous said...

Love it!!! Such a good idea...I might be tempted to try out a jewelry DIY...we'll see how it goes...

8. Seeker said...

What a great idea, love it


9. Baśka said...

i love DIY jewelry and especially when it looks like your cuff! :D

10. Winnie said...

The cuff is great!

11. lly jyn said...

omg, i love! :)

12. Victoria said...

Cool bracelet !!

13. Unknown said...

i just LOVE this beautifull rock&roll bracelets.
so fly!

much love !

14. Ayesha said...

whooa thanks! that is such a great idea!

15. cuteseas said...

very cute great idea!

16. HoneyBunny said...

I love it!!! Amazing:))

17. Noshabelle said...

I just love it! Great!

18. Anonymous said...

want the same !!!


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