Party, Party

17 March 2009

It's time to go out! I think Alexa will be my inspiration.

Photo cred: tfs


1. Unknown said...

alexas style is wonderful!

2. Joyti said...

She is so pretty and her style is so enviable...

3. Amelia said...

I love the white dresses. They're so soft and summer-y.

4. WERONIKA said...

i love her look! this dress is stunning ;)

5. Diana said...

She is totally ready for Spring!

6. Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

oh these are great photos!
i love the photoshoots!
well, nice blog here.
please do come visit mine.
you are invited, sugar.

7. Anonymous said...

i love alexa, she has a great style

8. Anonymous said...

i love alexa, she has a great style

9. Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

i adore alexa, her style & her personality!

ps i've given you an award :)


10. agnes said...

Alexa is always my best source of style inspiration :)

11. Orange Juice said...

ohh thanks ^^ Alexa is perfect!!! muakkkkkkkkssss

12. Anouk said...

pixie and alexa. as classy as trendy.

13. Seeker said...

Love the white dress.
Have a good party ;)


14. Syed said...

She is so amazingly stylish! And have fuuuuunn!!

15. Baśka said...

looks perfect and inspiring!

16. Annie said...

love love love loving the combination of multiple necklaces with soft white dresses, it's the perfect springy-but-not-too-soft look.

17. lly jyn said...

I loved this outfit on her! :)

18. Ayesha said...

Thanks so much :D i'm still on the hunt for the perfect white dress!

19. HoneyBunny said...

oh she is my inspiration:)))

20. Noshabelle said...

Alexa is wonderful and such an inspiration!!

21. . said...

the girl on the left, her dress is DIVINE AND THAT VIVIENNE WESTWOOD BAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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