Florals,Stripes and Everything Nice

22 May 2010

Wow, was today was beautiful! The first very, very
warm day of the Summer and I loved it. Of course
without my allergies it is a whole new world, Aladdin
style, haha! Anyways... this skirt may look quite
familiar, and it is because I wore it in a previous
post as a dress. I have now cut and hemmed it and
transformed it into a skirt. One of my favorite hobbies
is transforming garments and making them my own.

Oh and I have also come to the conclusion that
more than half of my wardrobe is stripes, florals.
So here is a combination of my two favorite

Hope everyone is having a lovely, lovely weekend. :)

wearing: thrifted skirt, wetseal top


1. Alexandra Gabriella Audrey said...

lovely outfit! <3

2. aldonza zúñiga said...

i love the stripes with the flowers mix¡¡¡
one kiss

3. Tanvi said...

Love this mix. Have been wearing it myself! Looks fab on you! :)

4. Anonymous said...

Love the combination of floral and stripes! Great outfit.
What photoshop filter do you use on your photos? If any? I love the light leak & colours!

5. Diane said...

Love this pattern mix! The back of that top is gorgeous...makes me think I should actually step into Wet Seal once in a while.

6. Dylana Suarez said...

The skirt turned out great! Florals and stripes is an awesome pair!


7. Lexie said...

i cant believe that top is from wet seal! what a find!

8. doublysweet said...

just beautiful

9. Megan said...

I love that back to that top! I'm also really liking how you mixed patterns!

10. Itziar said...

I love the shirt!!
And your blog.


11. Cristina said...

Me gusta mucho la camiseta. besos

12. Camilla said...

This is just magical.


13. Mon Cheri said...

wow you look amazing- but nothing new there then ;)
love the skirt, great pics as per usual <3


14. Stacy said...

stripes and florals have actually been doing the rounds haha.
they look amazing together!
love the bows at the back of that top :)

15. Style-Pursuit said...

I want your skirt!!! :o)


16. Raquel said...

I am too obsessed with stripes and florals, so why not to join them?

17. kate maggie said...

I love how you altered this! You look amazing, as always. I love the detail on this shirt. :) And I love your hair!! Eeep so jealous. Hope you have a great weekend pretty. x

18. Georgia said...

What a successful transformation! If only I could do this without it looking like a child cut up their mothers clothes.. I'm learning
It would be mine
And lovely back detail, so many bows!

19. www.janetteria.com said...

Lovely top!

20. Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love this. Can you make a tutorial explaining how to make a skirt like this? :)

21. Mila said...

Oh I love everything floral.Beautiful!

22. Jade Andersen said...

i love this floral/stripes combo! :) these pictures are beautiful.

Love Sid xx


23. Hafsa said...

you have such cute style! and i can't believe you got that skirt from a thrift shop, i can never find good stuff like that there.

24. Hafsa said...

oh & i just read your previous post and saw that you speak farsi?

same here :)

25. michelle_ said...

the details at the back of your dress is truly pretty !

hope you're enjoying the weekend !

win a pair of the tights in your choice of color !
click here for more details !

26. Helen said...

i love pattern clashing, you pull it off so well!

27. veronika, tick tock vintage. said...

the back of that top is gorgeous.

28. Chelsea Finn said...

your outfit is amazing! you have such grea style! i love the back of the top!

<3chelsea elizabeth

29. Unknown said...

oh I love the back of that top!!


30. Cara said...

I love the bow detail on your top! And the skirt looks great


x x x x

31. Manja said...

That outfit is adorable! I love the back of your shirt :)

32. hannah, heart city said...

beautiful! that shirt is amazing. happy summer!!

33. HoneyBunny said...

You look stunning! Love the outfit:)

34. Phyllis said...

lovely outfit - and so very you =)

35. Mademoiselle Ruta said...

I love florals. And my closet is similarly filled with them.

What a pretty top. The back is amazing.

36. shoeless simone said...

Absolutely love the back of this shirt and how you paired it with the florals!

-Shoeless Simone

37. Jessica said...

Great look!! The mixture of the patterns work well together. I love the photos showing off the back view of the shirt!

38. ninit said...

Great outfit!
Regards from Indonesia,

Strawberry Giggles

39. Venn said...

i alwys love them both. stripes n floral! they go great with eachh otherrr!!

secret of life

40. The Poptart Bandit said...

That top is amazing! Now I must try to find one for myself... mwa ha <3

41. allthatshewants said...

love the mixing!

42. MELISSA Z. said...

I've just discovered your blog and I love it so much! Love your style and your pics! <3


43. Be Mode! le blog said...

i like this top ! xoxo


44. L e D. said...

gorgeous outfit!


45. Danielle @ Story of Style said...

I love this outfit and the way you mixed the two patterns. Honestly, that skirt is amazing! You did a great job transforming it. Awesome blog, I am now a follower!


46. missDTM said...

i really love this combo-it's so beautiful!

47. missDTM said...

i really love this combo-it's so beautiful!

48. Victoria said...

i love the bow detail on the teeshirt; and flower skirt is amazing. ur outfit is perfect and u r really beautiful ! :) and i love the combinaison of this pattern ! really pretty-

i post summer outfit too in my blog, and it's sooo good to see the sun !

49. Becky said...

I LOVE this outfit! The patterns look so cute together.

50. selim köroglu said...

thx for the coment i like ur blog and i follow u hope u follow my blog


51. Photographs by Anne said...

thanks for your sweet comment ! I love love love these pictures, what a lovely look !

52. Anonymous said...

Great work! Love the outfit! Especially the top.

53. Danielle said...

I like to transform things too, it allows me to be able to buy things that I wouldn't have bought.

54. Carol said...

Flowers+navy!! I love it.


55. Sarah said...

such a beautiful outfit! I love how you mixed florals with the stripes and bows! Lovely! xx

56. t a l i s h a said...

the stripey top is gorgeous.. love the sweet details on the back

57. Kat said...

I have the same top, what good taste you have! :p I love the floral skirt, you did a good job on it.

New Zealand style

58. Anonymous said...

This dress is beautiful. I love the contrasting prints. The back is really interesting as well.

59. cuteseas said...

that shirt is way to cute! lovely outfit



60. Anonymous said...

J'adore cette tenue ! L'imprimé de la jupe est TOP !

61. Seriale-modeuse said...

This is the cutest floral skirt I've ever seen !

62. indigotangerine said...

Ah that shirt is just WONDERFUL! The stripes and the bows and the open back make a winning combination.

63. Tessa and Joosje said...

I just came across your blog, it's wonderful! love all your outfits

64. Jessica said...

I really love this outfit - and these photos! Pretty!

65. angelina said...

im in love with youre hair!


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