Hairspiration part 2!

07 August 2010

Hairspiration Part-two! aka- I want to grow my
hair longer.


1. Cara said...

I love the second picture. Booootiful hair!

2. Tanvi said...

Second image is the best! I WANT!!!!

3. Rio said...

Ahh I want to grow my hair longer too! These shots just made me want it to happen now haha! :)

4. Anonymous said...

The second one with the braids is so pretty! I want my hair to be really long as well, it feels like it's taking forever to grow. :(

Sincerely, Sarah Margeurite

5. Closet Fashionista said...

Love these!!

6. Bea said...

I agree. I used to have a 'hair inspiration' folder on my laptop so I could look at pictures whenever I was tempted to cut my hair short. The first photo is awesome!

B from A plus B

7. Lydia said...

I love all of these pics! but i absolutely love the second one! i have long hair so i might just have to attempt it!

8. Dylana Suarez said...

I want to grow my hair longer for fall, too!

9. Violet E. said...

love it

10. Isabel said...

I love how wavy your hair is already! Mine is pin-straight with lots of layers to thin in down and I find it hard to do anything interesting with it. And I can't french braid for the life of me, so that's out. Haha.

11. Unknown said...

oh I love that braid worked all arund the head... how do they do that??


12. KANI said...

wow at the braid!

13. Anonymous said...

wow ! amazing pictures :)

14. Lauren said...

Oh my god I love it! I'm so mad I cut my hair, now it won't grow out.

15. Unknown said...

amazing post! i wish i had that hair :)

16. Polina said...

I'm with you there - I want my hair to be longer too but it's taking so long to get it to the length I want! Doesn't help that my hair is thin! But, time will help.. :)

17. mens designer t shirts said...

Amazing shots! Thanks for putting them up!


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