Room So Far

06 August 2010

Wowee, has moving been a chore! After doing much work on
my room, I decided to show you all my progress so far.
I am not quite finished, and wish to put more things on the
wall. Anyways- here is a peek into my world! So far atleast.

wearing:f21 lace top, urban black skinny jeans


1. Closet Fashionista said...

Oooh looking great so far! Love how you put your clothes, I wish I had enough room to do that...when my sister moves out I can...though I may end up moving out before her and I'm 2 years younger XD
LOVE the knick knacks on the bookshelf!

2. Isabel said...

I love it! It's so delicately decorated. I love how you hang your jewelry and you alarm clock. Also, your purses and your shoes, haha. :D

3. ella said...

I love your room, it looks fantastic! The color of the walls is great :)

4. Andrea said...

very lovely :)

5. Amanda said...

Aw, your room looks great Bonnie! I love the wardrobe rack and the cute little owl :] Great job lady

6. Anonymous said...

I really love the clothes on the rack! And your bed frame is gorgeous! I really wish I had more space in my room to do pretty things like this. Very nice!

Sincerely, Sarah Margeurite

7. kate maggie said...

Your room is just absolutely perfect Bonnie. I love it! Ah, you have the best clothes ever and the best collection of shoes too! x Such a lovely girl you are.

8. eleanor said...

Oh my goodness, you have such lovely taste! What a beautiful room (and a beautiful wardrobe)!

I love all your little owls, and the branch you hang your necklaces off, your lights and your eclectic vases! So, so pretty.


9. laetitia said...

cute room, mine is a total mess!

10. FashionHippieLoves said...

amazing closet!
Love it!


11. Haven said...

Gorgeous, I LOVE that rack!!!

12. rachel said...

it's beautiful, you've put it all together so well and i love it x

13. Bea said...

I've always wanted a simple and minimal clothes hanger like that. It really looks so organized and simple. Plus, I like to stare at beautiful clothes all the time and it would certainly be an excuse to do so.

Good job so far, Bonnie!

B from A plus B

14. Style and coffee said...

WOW! your bedroom looks so great!
I love your closet

15. Violet E. said...

i like it :)

16. chrysso said...

great post - thanks for sharing. ck :) x

17. Style-Pursuit said...

I love the vintage touch to it! You've really done some great job here! :o)


18. Camilla said...

I love your room!


19. Mila said...

Love love love it!!!

20. Wynne Prasetyo said...

i love your new room, look so comfortable. and your collection of shoes amuses me.

21. Amelia is... said...

So lovely!

22. Unknown said...

oh I love the shoes lined up under the rail, your bed and the flowers on the window!


23. Maha M. said...

your room looks super cute.. i'm gonna be moving soon and cant wait to design my new space.

btw i LOVE that blue owl looking thing.. LOVEEE!!!

Meho xx

24. Chloe Marie said...

Room is looking great so far. Love the rail with the shoes and the owl!

25. Casey Lewis said...

Ahhhhhhh your room is beautiful! I just moved too, and yours is so inspiring!

26. maggeygrace said...

I love your bedroom!! So, so cute. And your closet is so impressive. Every single piece is classy and easily versatile with everything else in your closet! You have a mighty fine shoe collection :)

27. jess said...

Your room is really pretty. I love the owl.

28. Anonymous said...

I love the clothes hanging up like that. Super cute, nice, clean but almost museum like because there is bunches to look at, a good thing. :)

29. Ale.Sanmed said...

I love your room!
so cool!

30. simonesays said...

SO much love right here.

31. Natalie said...

Wow, I wish my room could look like that! Yours is certainly coming along splendidly. Love it :D

32. daisy kate said...

we have many a similar item in our closets! great taste huh :)

I love your new room, it looks so airy and beautiful, as do you :) Beautiful, not airy, of course.

Please take a look at my brand new blog, Fashion Stereotype I've followed your blog for ages now and would really appreciate any feedback or advice you may have :) Thank you!

33. Shelby said...

I love it! I am envious of all your chain purses! They are beautiful!

34. Dylana Suarez said...

Your room looks so dainty and pretty! I absolutely love it!

35. xiang yun said...

Your room is great :D love your bed frame too!!

36. Tanvi said...

Love everything about your room. Moving is a pain but I am glad you are so well settled.

37. Carissa said...

you're doing pretty good with your room. should really do the same with my own room. anyway, I really love your blog <3 you're sooo lovely.

38. said...


Please don't forget to enter for my actually giveaway.

39. Mikhaila said...

I'm in love with what you've done so far! The owls are adorable :)

40. Raquel said...

even unfinished it looks fantastic! congratulations!

41. Winnie said...

Wow Bonnie, your room looks awesome! That bed is sooo pretty.

42. Anonymous said...

How cute your room&closet!!!!

43. Hannah said...

Sooooo jealous! Sucks being a backpacker and not being able to decorate to this extent!

44. Helen said...

ah your room looks amazing! i love the bed.

45. Manja said...

Your room is so pretty! I have tons of stuff hanging on my wall, too. It became more and more in the past 2 years, haha

46. evelyn said...

ahh your room is so pretty Bonnie! definitely my style too :D with the owl, alarm clock, books, that map vase! flowers in pretty vases...-sigh- i been wanting a clothes rack.. do u know a place i could possibly find one? or shall i say...where did u buy yours? :]

47. Jane See said...

Your room is so pretty! I love how you used a stand for your clothes instead of putting them inside a closet :) So much fun to look at, like it was a store and not just a room :)

48. Winter said...

Is that a panda behind you? I have the same!! ahah. Nice room anyway. I love your outfits. And if you're still looking for some new music, you should listen to this
it is a wonderful song by a lithuanian artist

49. Marina said...

I love your room, it looks fantastic! all is great!!


50. KANI said...

the patterns on your clothes are so beautiful!!! so many florals :) also love the alarm clock - i have one similar, but i don't use it anymore as that alarm ring.. really makes me deaf

51. Anthea said...

Nicely done so far! This is definitely inspiring me to sort my room out!

Embracing Style

52. missDTM said...

i loooooooooooove how you're decorating your room!!!

53. Lexie said...

i loooove your room! my favorite touch is the garment rack -- you of all people should display your gorgeous clothes!

54. Elle said...

Totally have that bed. Such a gorgeous room. :)

55. tordytea said...

Love your room! And I was compelled to comment on this post because I spotted my favourite book sitting on your shelf, Kafka on the Shore. Amazing book, love Murakami's writing.


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