Beauty // Paul Mitchell Curls Confession

04 September 2012

Taming these wild waves atop my head can often be a challenge for me, especially in the New York humidity. With the frizzy nature of my hair, it is practically impossible to get the effect I want without some product. With that being said, I was super excited about  Paul Mitchell's campaign, rightfully named Curls Confession. The brand will be launching these new products for us wavy/curly-headed gals. So far I have tried the products pictured  above,  and am particularly obsessed with the leave-in treatment, which is guaranteed to knock out that annoying frizz and the Twirl Around, which keeps the curls defined throughout the day. 

What is most exciting about this campaign though is that Paul Mitchell is giving readers the opportunity to win free products through their Facebook page. By sharing your curls confessions on their page with the hash-tag #CurlsConfession , you might just be able to try out the products too! Head to the Facebook page here

Beauty is something I have never really been a focus of mine on this blog, however it is something I would love to get into. Every few weeks I plan on focusing on beauty products I love. What are your favorite hair products, curly or straight? 

Follow Flashes of Style 

Hair products c/o Paul Mitchell


1. Live-Style20 said...

sweet ;]

new post!

2. Rory said...

I'm a curly girl for sure (takes too long to straighten my hair!). I swear by Curl Confidence which is made by Ouidad. It works WONDERS! :)

3. anto said...

I'm a wavy haired girl and I ha so much trouble dealing with frizz so this sounds like a great product!

4. Unknown said...

i love Paul Mitchell's products!
they smell good too!:D


5. Unknown said...

I have supper curly and frizzy hair so I use Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny Serum, It smells amazing and tames frizz!

Jessica's Wonderland

6. Marie said...

Nice hair!

7. The Style Storm said...

Beautiful hair! Love your blog!

8. Unknown said...

Your bow collection is to die for!

9. Aubrey and Melissa said...

You always have stunning hair, it's nice to know your secret:)

10. . said...

I would kill to have curls!
Gorgeous pics :)
The Lovelorn

11. Something Real Serious said...

nice outfit. so pretty

12. Nop said...

i have curly hair, but i think that product will make my hair looks much better :p

13. FashionFlirt said...

So lovely! xoxo


14. Niki said...

i love your hair! i have wavy hair but my waves are a little tighter and usually the bottom layers come out nice and wavy but the top layers are just a mess of frizz. i might have to try out these products!
~niki <3

15. Andria R. said...

I love all your little bows. Your hair looks nice.



Indie Punk Goddess

16. Bad Joan said...

Gorgeous curls!

Bad Joan

17. Evi said...

Love your hair!!! So pretty!

Evi xoxo

The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

18. maggie said...

I love your curls, it makes me so jealous of them!
I have super straight hair, so I don't need product... just a comb.

xx maggie

19. apa essay format said...

Well other than your curls...your looks are also very attractive indeed...coming to the product I must say that it is looking quite useful in many regard..thanks

20. Unknown said...

Beautiful hair i like it thanks for sharing with me
premature ejaculation treatment

21. cl0thesminded said...

Love it!

22. private salon said...

Very beautiful hair,i love it!!

23. jadegown said...

I got the bridal shop lisburn reviews in a size Large,The fabric is soft too.

24. You won't believe this Senior Living Seattle residence said...

I was given a sample of Paul Mitchell curls and really liked the Beachy Texture Cream Gel. I'm glad Amazon had it. It's shipped fast. I notice if I use a little too much it clumps my hair together but a little bit goes a long way. I was using only mousse or gel but this is so worth the price. The bottle lasts a long time too.

25. anna said...

what a great blog it reminds me of Sad Status

26. James Adamson said...

It was a really amazing to read blog post. I am motivated a lot reading to that. banbury kneader


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