Outfit // Back in NYC

03 September 2012

I'm back in New York City! I had an amazing time away on vacation, but dang it feels good to be back. And of course I made it back just in time for the NYFW madness to begin. I plan on having a daily diary covering all the shows and happenings around the city to keep you all who are not in the city up to date. It's an exciting time and definitely something you can experience from anywhere. Anyways, if it isn't apparent I am a bit obsessed with overalls right now. Once I find a look I love it tends to be repeated, but hey I can't help what feels natural!

Anyways, hope you all are having a lovely Monday! 

Follow Flashes of Style 

wearing: tee- Urban Outfitters; overalls c/o Romwe; hat- ASOS; bag c/o Botkier; loafers- Vintage


1. Natali said...

Great hat and bag! You look so pretty and girly :)


2. Marti said...

So cute and lovely look! :))

3. Jessica said...

Love the red overall with the stripes! Such a cute look! I also loved the denim overall jumper in your last outfit post. I've been looking for one and now that I think of it I think my mom has a couple that she no longer wears so I'll need to place them in my closet now. Enjoy NYFW! I wish I could join in on the fun! xoxo

4. ahoymichelle said...

Love your overalls!


5. Kajko said...

Love it!!! x

6. Unknown said...

style look!
I like this combination!

7. Carolyn said...


<3 Rubiiee

8. Unknown said...

You look so cute in overalls. I just look like a fool wearing them but you pull them off! Love the outfit.

Jessica's Wonderland

9. Unknown said...

lovin the color of these overalls on you! so so cute!


10. Elizabeth Daisy. said...

Love the shades and red dungarees darling!

Eda ♥

Candyfloss Curls, Cupcakes & Couture

Follow me on twitter ♥

11. Unknown said...

loving the red overalls!!

Meghan, The Flight of Fancy

12. Panty Buns said...

I hope you're having a fabulous Monday too! I noticed you coordinated the colour of your lipstick with the cute overalls.

I also loved your previous post "Inspiration: Sweater Weather" There were some lovely patterns and colours of sweaters pictured there and I loved the skirt in second photo.

13. Theresa said...

Very cute!! I love the red. (: Wonderful photos~


14. Estella said...

cute outfit!!

15. Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Isn't it so comforting to come back to the home you love? Cute romper. Love the red on you.
Mom Fitness Journal | Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

16. Collections said...

I love overalls as well. Those red ones are great. Can't wait to read your NYFW diary.


17. Fransiska said...

You look so cute in overalls, and also cute loafers xx

18. 010 said...

i really love your outfit


19. BERTHA NATASHA said...

Loving your red overalls so much!
Cute as always Bonnie!


20. Eryn said...

Too cute!!


21. Dylana Suarez said...




22. KristiMcMurry said...

I'm excited to read your fashion week updates!

23. Cai said...

You are gorgeous. Love this outfit!

24. Jan said...

You look super cute! :D

I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you're interested :)

25. FashionFlirt said...

Love the look, so cute! XX



26. Jamie Rose said...

These red overalls are so incredibly cute on you! I just love the floppy black hat paired with them too.

27. aiken said...

you looked soo cute with those overalls!! :))

28. Anete Lasmane said...

Wow, gorgeous photos. You look very cute :)


29. Unknown said...

You look adorable! I used to wear outfits like that back when I was 7-8. Love the bag!


30. Unknown said...

love the whole red and strips look!
so fresh!

xoxo, sundaesins.blogspot.com

31. Anonymous said...

welcome back bonnie <3<3


32. Xenia said...

Awesome! Cool photo with two sunglasses!

From www.xeanafashion.com

33. Something Real Serious said...

nice outfit indeed


34. Kim West said...

I love that hat! It makes the outfit so funky!

35. Anna Wesołowska said...

Very nice look ;]

36. jennifer said...

gorgeous pictures! love the overalls, they're too cute x

37. Jing Pei said...

This outfit is just so so so adorable!

38. Jenny said...

Hi Bonnie! I love overalls on you. I feel like overalls are hard to pull off sometimes but you look really cute in them. I especially like the strip shirt underneath the red. Haha it kind of reminds me of the riddle "what's black and white with red all over?" you know that newspaper one? :P Take care and I love seeing your little adventures in New York!

39. Anonymous said...

i know that every girl say you that you're so pretty, but it's true. you're georgous, love you so much ! :)

40. Anonymous said...

LOOOOVE the red jumpsuit :)
Anyway, you have such a remarkable blog. What do you think of following each other?
WhiteCloset Fashion Blog

41. PersonalStyle said...

Hello beautiful. I did not know your blog. It's great I like is very stylish and you are very pretty :) You have a new follower. I invite you to know my blog. I hope your visit;) A big hug PersonalStyle.

42. Anonymous said...

love the hair!

Hybid Hunter | Hybid Hunter

43. The little world of fashion said...


44. Lisa said...

you look is so pretty !
love the hair !

45. steampunk dresses said...

Cute outfit!Absolutely chic and stunning!You look amazing on that!Love the glasses!


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