Outfit // Fall is in the air

11 September 2012

Well it is almost that time of year again where my favorite sweaters get to come out and play and you will rarely see me without a coffee or tea of some sort in hand. It is my favorite season of them all and I couldn't be more excited to be spending this one in New York City. I can't wait to see the transformation of the city into the colder months of the year. I have a feeling it is going to be a very magical place!  I also want to take a moment to remember 9/11. Eleven years ago today, the city was a completely different place. Sometimes when I am walking around the city my mind wanders to those who were here on that day and affected by the attacks. I always remember those firefighters and heroes who lost their lives in name of protecting our beautiful city and I'll never forget the families who lost love ones in the buildings and planes. Always remember, never forget.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Follow Flashes of Style 

wearing: sweater c/o Romwe; denim- Free People; bag c/o LuLu's; Jett boots c/o Modern Vice x Natalie and Dylana Suarez


1. Anete Lasmane said...

Very cute outfit. I adore your pants :)


2. Marlen said...

i love how soft and pink this outfit is- and great hat! and every time i read about 9/11 today i get goosebumps; it's almost weird how everything's normal today :/

3. Natali said...

Very beautiful jeans and boots!


4. Petite and Hungry said...

love your sweater!


5. Jan said...

Oh my gosh, you look so cute!!!

Never forget!

I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you're interested :)

6. Stephanie said...

floral pants and edgy boots!! amazing, you look stunning. i'm in love with your boots, wish they weren't so pricey.

7. Tonya said...

This is definitely one of my favorite looks ever! I love the colors, and the edginess with the boots. LOVE those pants especially...it's all just too cute!

8. Camilla said...

LOVE the jeans

xo Camilla

Into The Fold

ps check out the giveaway on my blog!

9. Marie said...

Just perfect!


10. Akilah -Smoothiefreak- said...

I really love that bag. I instinctively would have gone with something darker, but I really love how it ties the whole outfit together!


11. Closet Fashionista said...

Such a cute look! I can't wait to wear sweaters and jeans! Fall/Winter is my favorite time of year too :)

12. Adele said...

agree! although i'm not anywhere near NY, (i'm from Philippines, btw)

loving the modern vice boots by the Suarez sisters. <3


13. Roos' notes | Roos said...

Adorable outfit, and I always love the atmosphere of your pictures!


14. Unknown said...

I am in love with your denim!

♡ candace from [ aphrodite blue ]

15. Lisa said...

i love your style !!!

16. Lois said...

Great outfit, as always :)


17. Alessia said...

You look amazing! so cute anf comfy outfit!

- Alice


18. cuteredbow said...

Great outfit !!! Love the nude pink color !!!


19. ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

lovely outfit!love the hat!


20. Kate said...

Love this outfit! The monochrome is very sweet.

The bag and pants are my favorite!


21. Marti said...

So cute and lovely look! :)


22. Becky said...

What a gorgeous colour palette!


23. Gaby Doris said...

so cute! y beautiful!


24. el_martina said...

your shoes are amazing!!!

25. Andrea said...

this outfit is beautiful..i love all the pieces!

26. Inês Brito said...

Adorable! Love your pants ♡

27. claire said...

i love your jeans, so cute! xxx

28. Jovana said...

I find it hard to express my love for this outfit with words! Everything about it is just perfect. I miss knits so bad, can't wait for weather to get a bit colder! :)


29. Unknown said...

Love your trousers!

-Victor xx


30. Josephine Pearl said...

Oh these jeans are so pretty, love the collar too.

Jo. xx

31. Christina said...

im simply amazed by your style

32. Cristi said...

The outfit it’s perfect! Love it!

33. dom.the.mom said...

You look so cute. Love you're still rocking pastel florals into the Fall season.

34. Kaylyn said...

Those boots are to die for! I keep seeing similar styles of that ankle boot everywhere and I'm dying to get my hands on a pair. On another note, I'm totally in love with your bag. Of course you can pull of pastels in the fall!

Style Infatuation

35. Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Yay to sweater season! Can't wait to hide behind big, chunky sweaters.
Mom Fitness Journal | Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

36. Krissy ~ style san san said...

love this outfit!
so prettily pink in floral hehe!
Krissy xoxo

37. The Blue Curtain said...

sweater season!! cant wait!!!!! <3

38. Lizzie said...

Sooo excited for the upcoming sweater season. This one is so very lovely! I adore this pants as well :)



39. Anonymous said...

Your pants are the loveliest ♥

40. Anonymous said...

Your pants are the loveliest ♥

41. Rien Bautista said...

I love your outfit! I'm excited to see your fall outfits too. Love your blog Bonnie!

42. Jennifer said...

Lovely look! I can't wait for cooler weather :)

xo Jennifer


43. ba san said...
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44. Jenny said...

Bonnie, I love this outfit. I love the light colors and floral pants combo. I'm jealous how you can wear fall clothes right now because I live in the west coast and it's still really hot like triple digits :( which sucks because I'm ready to retire my summer wardrobe and pull out my fall essentials. lol. I hope you're doing well over there and I hope NYFW was great! :)


45. ambika anand said...

such a sad memory :( its so strange to be here in NYC now, and to think it happened 11 years ago..crazy

welcome to NYC, and fall is my favorite season in the city too!! so beautiful :) you should try the chai at ost cafe in e. village... sooo good!

46. Unknown said...

Aaa this sweater is completely calling my name!

47. Theresa said...

I adore this outfit!!! The pants, sweater, boots...everything!! perfect!!! :D


48. Jamie Rose said...

I really love your awesome ankle boots and how you've paired them with those floral jeans. Such a cool combination!

49. Anonymous said...

Those are amazing boots! And I am jealous of your cool weather. It's still so hot where I am. Those floral jeans are amazing and I love the color of your sweater! <3


50. Xenia said...

Amazing shades of pink!

From www.xeanafashion.com

51. Evi said...

Great outfit! So pretty and cute! Love your bag!

Evi xoxo

The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

52. Safira Putri said...

Fortunately have the sama trousers as yours !

53. jennifer said...

really cute outfit - i love the hat x

54. M. (Faded M Style) said...

Beautiful sweater and bag! xo
Best, M.

55. Unknown said...

Beautiful as always! In love with those floral skinnies. And those shoes scream Bonnie. Love you Miss you! Check out my first post! (thats right I gots a blog!!!)

56. sweet harvest moon said...

Yay for fall!

57. Unknown said...

Can't wait to see what surprises you have for us on your fall outfits too! :) I love this match a lot, the pink sweater just suits you so well :)

Stay beautiful!


58. iris said...

I feel the same on 11M... we will never forget!
love your pics and boots especially! love autumn too.

59. ahoymichelle said...

I absolutely love those Modern Vice boots!


60. Maria Chloe said...

I love the soft shades of pink!(:

61. Anonymous said...

Cute outfit. So you! :)

'The Wind of Inspiration' blog

62. Charlotte Blogueuse said...

So lovely outfit, I love all the colors.
Kiss from Paris
Trip in my dressing

63. Cassandra Too said...

Omg! This is such a cute outfit! I like the prints of the pants and your sweater is so cute! :D:D

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