Postcards from Tulum

24 February 2014

Hello from Tulum! This city has welcomed us with open arms and has been completely phenomenal. I cannot wait to share more of my adventures with you, but for now time is ticking... only two more full days in Tulum and I want to soak up every single moment of it.

Hope you all are having a fantastic Monday!

wearing: Maxi dress c/o Free People; hat c/o Otte; boots - Dolce Vita


1. The Dress Rules said...

What a wonderful pics darling! This dress is amazing! Kisses
Chiara & Silvia

2. ohsorosie said...

These photos are just so beautiful. I cannot wait to feel some good old sunshine on my skin soon!
Rosie x
Every Word Handwritten

3. Natali said...

Free People never seem to do any bad dresses! This is such a gorgeous piece!

4. Kacie Cone said...

Gorgeous, that dress is perfect on you!

5. (Retro) Sonja said...

Lovely photos! Enjoy your last two days and I can't wait to hear all about it!



6. Vivian said...

You look so cute! Very boho chic~



7. Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

Beautiful dress, have a lovely time there!!

8. Anonymous said...

Fabulous light in your pictures!

9. Unknown said...

That dress looks absolutely gorgeous, hun! x

10. Gabbie said...

that dress is perfection! free people is my weakness.

11. Unknown said...

It looks so peaceful and warm there! Enjoy it before coming back to the City! It's still freezing here!

xo, Yujin

12. Panty Buns said...

Your Free People dress is beautiful. I love the embroider, lace and tailoring. It looks very light and airy. Enjoy your stay in Tulum!

13. obat gagal jantung tradisional said...

terima kasih banyak untuk informasi yang telah diberikan senang bisa berkunjung dan salam sejahtera !!!

14. obat gagal jantung tradisional said...

selamat dan sukses untuk website anda, tentu kami sangat beruntung bisa berkunjung kesini.

15. Sienna Ana Belic said...

xoxo Sienna

16. Michelle Lee said...

amazing photos!

17. BIANCAROSA C said...

beautiful photos. I'm so jealous of your holiday!

Biancarosa // xoxo

18. Unknown said...

ummmm I'm jealous! looks magical. and your outfit is perfect!

Lady à la Mode

19. Nikki Williams said...

that dress is gorgeous!! love the embroidery!


20. Jennifer said...

I adore this look, hun! It seems like you are having so much fun!

xo Jennifer

21. pengobatan herbal ginjal bengkak said...

maanfaat dari artikel ini sungguh luar biasa sekali.. terimakasih atas penerangan dan informasinya

22. obat lemah jantung tradisional said...

postingan yang sangat bermanfaat dan informatif ..

23. Tonya said...

You're the cutest! That dress is a dream! Perfect for your sunny vacation <3

24. pengobatan herbal bisul di payudara said...

wah., mantap nih informasinya terimakasih ya.

25. Mary Andrikus said...

I'm in love with that dress!

26. Laura Jones said...

ohh, that dress is a dream! and hope you continue to have a wonderful time:-) xx

27. Desirae said...

All of these posts from Mexico have such a free spirit vibe to them!

28. Becky Hutner said...
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29. Becky Hutner said...

KILLER dress. always wanted to visit tulum x

30. Gina said...

Love this dress! I'm dying to go to Tulum!




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