Staying Organized with OneNote

26 February 2014

Back to the city means immediately time to get back to work! In lieu of my return from my travels, I thought I would it would be quite fitting to share with you my favorite way to stay organized... Microsoft OneNote app. I was recently introduced to this little wonder by the folks at Refinery 29 and can definitely say I am hooked. During my travels I used OneNote to draft upcoming blog posts and stay up to date with upcoming events in NYC. Staying organized has been one of my goals for 2014, so this app is a great tool to keep up my resolution. If you're looking for a way to make life a bit easier, I definitely suggest you check out the app!

Anyway,  I am back from Tulum and getting back into the city groove. Stay tuned for a few photos of my travels!

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photos by me


1. Kacie Cone said...

This images are so pretty! I'll have to check out the app!

2. Anonymous said...

ah, awesome! i'll have to try it out!


3. Unknown said...

Definitely need to try this! It's perfect for students!


4. Leeds said...

ill have to check that app out! thanks for the rec!

at this volume

5. Kaylie said...

I always love the idea of using electronic to-do or organising apps. But in reality, I just don't work well with them. I think there's just something about the process of writing things down that help me think about them a little more clearly. I always find I remember better, too.

Apps and websites seem like such a faff when I really think about them. All the tags, and the date inputs, and blaaaah. I write it in my diary, on the right date and done. Simple as that.

Apologies for the rant, I didn't intend to. But as always, I adore the style you have. You're lovely piece of inspiration. :)

6. pengobatan herbal infeksi ginjal said...

izin simak ya admin buat artikelnya

7. pengobatan herbal infeksi tumor rahim said...

informasinya boleh banget nih.
terimakasih ya atas informasinya ..

8. Vivian said...

Thanks for sharing Bonnie! Lovely shots~



9. pengobatan herbal kanker kolon said...

mantap surantap terimakasih atas segala yang telah kau berikan ,..

10. Unknown said...

Such pretty photos - I'm definitely interested in anything that makes life easier too! I'll check it out.

xoxo, Kenzie

11. BIANCAROSA C said...

lovely photographs!

Biancarosa // xoxo


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