Coney Island queen

27 May 2014

Oh Coney Island, how I love you so...

I have a bit of an obsession with Coney Island. Ever since I moved to New York City, I always make (multiple) summer visits to the place. There is something about it that I just love. It's so nostalgic... makes me wish I could visit Coney in the 20's when the amusement park originated. Anyway, the other day a group of friends and I piled into a van for a day of adventure at the island. It was so much fun, and here are a few snaps I took on my phone to document it all.

Perfect start to my summer. I hope you all are having a great day!




1. Anonymous said...

Coney Island has been an amusement park since way before the 1970s....

2. Carmen Varner said...

Very cute photos! I'd love to visit New York/Coney Island one day soon. :] // ☼

3. Rory said...

AHHH you look gorgeous and all that food looks soooo good. Seems like memorial day was good to you! :)

4. Panty Buns said...

It's been decades since I've been to Coney Island. It looks great. I was too much of a chicken to ride the Cyclone back then. Do they still have it there? I love your gingham mini-dress in the first photo. I also love the way your hair looks, your hairband and and the vintage style pretty yellow ruffles in the third photo.

5. Run With Fashion said...

You are so cute, I absolutely love the vintage vibe pictures! ♥ Love the new layout of your blog as well. :) ♥

6. mane untame said...

The vintage/americana vibes of this post is just so perfect for the summertime. I wish I was at a fair right now or a boardwalk or something!


7. c said...

this looks like so much fun! i haven't been to coney island in ages, hopefully i'll make a trip to nyc soon again!
xo, cheyenne

8. Unknown said...

Love this look! Reminds me of Lana del Rey in a way!

9. Holl JC said...

Looks like you've had a wonderful time Bonnie, I adore your dress from the first picture x

10. Unknown said...

I love your gingham dress! nice photos too :)

11. SweetCandyDreamer said...

Cute pics :-) xx

12. Marieke Stegemann / wort-welt said...

This pictures are nice :))
Love this post !

13. cara menyembuhkan penyakit kelenjar getah bening said...

Keren Banget Gan Informasinya sukses selalu Terimakasih ....

14. obat infeksi rahim tradisional said...

kami tunggu info dan berita menarik lainnya !!!

15. Michelle Lee said...


16. (Retro) Sonja said...

Awwh wow, beautiful photos! Lovely atmosphere! :)

17. Jae said...

Oh! It's Coney Island from Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven!

18. Henna X. said...

Oh it looks lovely, I wish I could visit there too!

19. Nikki Williams said...

looks like the perfect day!!


20. Temporary:Secretary said...

The food looks SO good! x

21. Vivian said...

You look so cute! Love the gingham print on you~



22. Holly Read said...

This looks like something from Grease! Looks like such a beautiful place, you look lovely!
Summer x


23. Cheyenne said...

Cute photos!

24. Jamie Morton said...

Lovely pictures and great atmosphere!
Domestic cleaning Wimbledon

25. cara menyembuhkan penyakit kelenjar gondok said...

banyak informasi yang didapat di sini.... semoga sukses selalu dan update informasinya....

26. Ciri ciri penyakit dan pengobatannya said...

thanks a lot gan

27. Ciri ciri penyakit nefritis dan pengobatannya said...

i like your post

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30. Unknown said...

OMG those photos are amazing. It looks like a really fun day. This also makes me want it to be summer so I can go on adventures already.

31. Sabina said...

Aw you were in the neighborhood I grew up in on the day I was there, too, visiting my mom. We strolled the boardwalk but it was so crowded that day I'm not surprised I didn't run into you. Glad you enjoyed it though. Beautiful pics.

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