Flower Child

29 May 2014

Oh East Village, how I love your charm...

I spotted this cute little floral spot a few blocks away from my apartment and i absolutely had to snap a few photos. I love the color arrangement + the fence. One day I hope to have my own home and garden in my backyard and constantly surround myself by nature.

For now though, little bits like this in New York City will gladly do. Anyway, hope you all are having a fantastic day!



wearing: thrifted dress; NaNa boots; bag c/o Rib & hull; hat- Seeing Stars 


1. ModeAmen said...

Love this! Your photos, and outfits are always inspiring. You are truly a doll.


2. Holl JC said...

Your dress really is just so pretty, gorgeous Bonnie x


3. Cheyenne said...

This dress really suits you very well :)


4. chantilly said...

You always find the most perfect backgrounds :) Love that dress!


5. Veronika Novotny said...

You look absolutely stunning, love that dress & I'm SO obsessed with wearing my booties, well, with everything! Yours are fab!! xoxo

6. Kacie Cone said...

Obsessed with that dress, you look way too cute!


7. Carmen Varner said...

That hat is spot on! :] // itsCarmen.com ☼

8. Angelic Sinova said...

I just love your blog and style so much <3

9. Unknown said...

So pretty :)

sharon @ shasummerwine.

10. Natali said...

Looking beautiful! Such a great dress :)


11. cara menyembuhkan penyakit kanker testis said...

Infonya sangat bermanfaat dan membantu sekali. Terima kasih. .....

12. obat infeksi usus tradisional said...

seluruh isi beritanya sangat menarik sekali.
terimakasih banyak nih.

13. Unknown said...

Your locations are always so beautiful! Really pretty dress xx

14. Yonosoyunaitgirl said...

Nice dress! XX

15. Unknown said...

This outfit is so beautiful!

Shannon xo

16. Marieke Stegemann / wort-welt said...

Lovely print <3

17. Live-Style20 said...

great look ;))


new post


18. Nikki Williams said...

that dress is gorgeous!! can't believe it was a thrifted find.



19. Holly Read said...

Pretty dress! Love the pics x


20. Unknown said...

are you gain weight? but you're a doll!!


21. Unknown said...

I adore EVERYTHING about this <3
I recently did a flower child photoshoot too!
You are darling xoxo

22. El Fabricator said...

Very very pretty dress and it's great with the hat :)


23. Panty Buns said...

The juxtaposition your lovely floral dress next to all those real life flowers is gorgeous! Yes, it's bean a beautiful Spring day! Have a lovely weekend!


24. cara menyembuhkan penyakit kanker serviks said...

terima kasih banyak atas informasinya, sangat bermanfaat
salam blogger

25. obat zakar besar sebelah tradisional said...

informasinya mantap gan sangat bermanfaat thanks...

26. Diva Zhu said...

I've been your reader since 3 years ago and I still read your blog till now. You're such an inspiration :)

27. Obat penyakit kista coklat herbal said...

Beautiful girls ;)

28. Ciri ciri penyakit keputihan dan pengobatannya said...

Very beautiful hhe :D

29. Anonymous said...

I really love your dress. :) Irene Wibowo

30. Isabelle said...

Bonnie, you get it right every time! I've always loved the city, but your blog and instagram have convinced me to live there when I'm older and probably attend NYU. You look lovely as usual!

xo, Isabelle


31. cara menyembuhkan penyakit kanker ovarium said...

terima kasih banyak karena sudah berbagi informasi yang menarik dan bagus untuk di simak ..

32. cara menyembuhkan penyakit kanker otak said...

terimakasih atas informasinya semoga bermanfaat bagi semua pembaca :)

33. Obat penyakit gondok secara herbal said...

nice picture

34. Ciri ciri penyakit infeksi saluran kemih said...

You look very beautiful girls :)

35. Moriah said...

Love the outfit! Great for spring and summer!

36. Unknown said...

Love your blog, http://kon2re.blogspot.com/

37. Unknown said...

Pretty print!
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