Staple Piece

02 June 2014

You can really never go wrong with an overalls dress...

I am so obsessed with overall dresses. Such an easy breezy piece to throw on in the summer. Plus the versatility is just perfect. So many options to pair underneath it... and ideal for wearing over bikinis at the beach!

Anyway, I hope all is going well. It's Monday and things have been quite busy for me lately.



overalls- thrifted; sweater c/o Papa Loves; flats- Tory Burch


1. ModeAmen said...

Love this. The color combo is simply amazing! Everyone definitely needs that one fav. Piece in their closet.

Fellow blogger,
Priscilla ivette

2. Natali said...

Super cute! Love your unique girly and vintage-y style :)

3. Nikki Williams said...

those overalls are so cute!! love this!


4. Unknown said...

those overalls are the cutest!

5. Vivian said...

Lovely headband on you, Bonnie~



6. Sienna Ana Belic said...

xoxo Sienna

7. Angelic Sinova said...

Lovely outfit <3

8. Carmen Varner said...

Your loafers are my favorite! Adorable. :] // ☼

9. Unknown said...

Perfect darling! You're too sweet xoxo
I bet you've got a secret darkside somewhere in that adorable smile haha

10. Sampada said...

Love this look, Bonnie! You're right -- an overall dress does seem like a perfect summer staple. It's just so easy!

11. BERTHA NATASHA said...

you look adorable!


12. obat kanker tulang tradisional said...

thnks atas info yang telah diberikan pasti bermanfaat banget dan berguna banget bagi ssaya thnks banget yah gan

13. obat herbal alzheimer said...

kunjungan sore gan.. ijin membaca artikel nya gan hihi :)

14. Sabina said...

Love the pearly sweater. And PS I still can't believe anyone said anything to you about your weight. You look great and snippy comments of that nature just reek of jealousy.

15. Kacie Cone said...

Very cute, you look awesome!

16. cara menyembuhkan penyakit kanker darah said...

senang berkunjung ke website anda, terimakasih atas informasinya.
semoga bermanfaat ...

17. obat radang selaput otak tradisional said...

info yang sangat menarik, terus berkarya, karena karya akan bermanfaat untuk diri sendiri & juga orang lain .

18. Unknown said...

Cute outfit! You are so charming.
Greetings from London!
Post tenancy cleaners Camden

19. Anonymous said...

Where do you thrift in the city??

20. Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Snow White. Too cute! :)


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